Česká literatura 50 (2002), No. 1. |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Pavol Winczer
The Opportunities and Dangers of a Comparativist Approach to Czech Literature.
Barbara Storchová
Woman in Erben's Kytice.
Pavel Janoušek
Nezval's Depeše na kolečkách: Manifesto of the Avant-garde Conception of Drama.
Zuzana Stolz-Hladká
The Medium of Language: Reflections and Realization in the Work of Richard Weiner.
Thomas G. Winner
Prague Structuralism in the Anglophone and Francophone Worlds: Neglect and Misunderstanding.
Raoul Eshelman
Neruda's "Hastrman" and the Economy of the Lesser Quarter: An Attempt at an Unsentimental Reading.
Jaroslav Kolár
Two Books by Jan Mukařovský in the Strukturalistická knihovna Series.
František Valouch
Literary Studies as One's Lot and One's Choice.
Zuzana Urválková
A Conference in České Budějovice on the "Universal" and the "National" in Literature and Art.
- wie
Five Contributions on Contemporary Literature.
Jan Wiendl
A Colloquium on Czech Avant-garde Art, 1918-39.
Jiří Holý
The Balagan Magazine.
Mukařovský and Dewey (mičer).
Macura and the Tartu School of Semiotics (mičer).
Jaroslava Janáčková
In Memory of the Late Milena Honzíková.
New Acquisitions of the Institute of Czech Literature Library, Prague, 2001.
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