Slovanský přehled XCII (2006), No. 2 |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Problémy vnitřního vývoje a mezinárodního postavení Rakousko-Uherska (19141916/197) [Basic problems of the domestic development and international situation of Austria-Hungary (19141916/ 1917)]..
The Austrian expansive plans were aiming primarily at the Balkan area affecting the interests of Russia which was approaching the South-Eastern Europe as an area of its own penetration employing the role of the patron of the Orthodox Christendom. Moscow was protecting mainly the Serbs against Austria-Hungary. The plans of the two powers were conflicting also in Poland, Galicia and Ukraine. Instead of their resolution the problems of the Austro-Hungarian Slavs became complicated during the war. The annexations of large territories in the Balkans, Poland, Galicia, and Ukraine resulted in the increased number of the Slavic population threatening the German and Hungarian domination and bringing the possibility of reconstruction of the monarchy into the trialist German-Hungarian-Slavonic state (something like the Austro-Hungary-Slavia). At the same time the conflicts between Berlin and Vienna over the division of territorial annexations were sharpening and Austria-Hungary was becoming less popular among the Entente powers because of its continuing cooperation with Germany. The revolution in Russia and the US entrance into the war changed the situation in the East and the West as well and Germany with Austria-Hungary had to accommodate to it.
K otázce vývozu Zbrojovky Brno a Škody Plzeň do Číny v meziválečném období [Exporting activities of Zbrojovka Brno and Škoda Plzeň in China in the interwar period]..
The exports of Zbrojovka Brno and Škoda Plzeň to China in the interwar period were showing affinities and diffrences as well. Both enterprises were developing their first contacts to Northern China and then, gradually and because of the dramatic development in Manchuria, also to Central and Southern China. Hence the Chinese business of the two enterprises was passing through similar cycles. The first expansion appeared in the second half of the 1920s and culminated in 1930 followed in the first half of the 1930s by stagnation and decrease related to the driving events in Northern China and coming Great Depression. In the mid of the 1930s the situation changed and new boom came in the Chinese business culminating in 1937. The start of the Japanese invasion to Central and Southern China in 1937 resulted in the quick decline of the business in the case of Škoda Plzeň while the Zbrojovka factory was evacuating the area more slowly because of its ability to exploit the development of military situation to extensive arms deals. The arms supplies to China finally collapsed only after the establishment of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia in 1939. Regardless of the swinging situation in the area the Chinese business was playing an important role in the arms supplies of the two enterprises, although its quantification is impossible because the available statistical materials are not exact and do not include all kinds of supplies to China.
In some cases there were visible differences between the two enterprises, mainly in the commodity structure of the arms export. Zbrojovka was dominantly exporting the arms while Škoda Plzeň, unsuccessful in this sort of export, had to rely on non-military staff. On the other side when compared to Zbrojovka the Škoda factory was much better in the bargaining because of its prewar experience with the business in China. In some cases the two enterprises were cooperating and dividing their profits in the Chinese market while in some others they were competing.
Polsko a československá politická emigrace v roce 1939 [Poland and the Czechoslovak Political Emigration in 1939]..
In the period between the occupation of the Czech lands in March 1939 and the fall of Poland in September 1939 the communists were playing the main role in the Czechoslovak political representation in Poland. From the very beginning they were close to the office of the British viceconsul in Katowice as well as to the British aid activities for the refugees functioning first under the head of the British Committee for Refugees form Czechoslovakia and then as the Czech Refugee Trust Fund. These ties were providing the communists with a chance to interfere with the registration of the refugees within the aid assistance and influence the following fates of the refugees including the possibility of existential elimination. Only the registration was giving the refugees a chance to gain the support to get to the West. Because of their activities the communists clashed with the Czechoslovak authorities in Poland, mainly with the office of the consul in Cracow. The whole conflict ended with the establishment of Czechoslovak military group isolated from the political influence of the communists.
Marijana Nikolova STAMOVA
Albánská menšina v Makedonii: specifické vlastnosti, aspekty a problémy (19441974) [The Albanian Minority in Macedonia: Its Specific Features, Aspects and Problems (19441974)]..
The paper deals with the development of Albanian minority in Macedonia in the period between liberation in 1944 and the last federal Yugoslav constitution in 1974. The author analyzes the approaches of the Macedonian and Yugoslav elites to this problem which contributed to destabilization of the federation in the general context of the communist nationality policy in the three postwar decades.
Slobodan SELINIĆ
Jugoslávská kultura v Československu 1945-1950 [Yugoslav Culture in Czechoslovakia 19451950]..
During the first postwar years the Yugoslav culture in Czechoslovakia was serving as an instrument contributing to the deepening of mutual knowledge of the two nations as well as to the propaganda of the new Yugoslav regime in Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovak public was offered an opportunity to become more familiar with the Yugoslav culture through exhibitions, concerts, movies, folk ensembles performances, readings of the books written by Yugoslav writers etc. There were appearances having a deep impact on the Czechoslovaks like the performances by musicians like Antonín Janigr, Ivo Maček, Oskar Danon, Krešimir Baranovič or folk ensembles like Jože Vlahovič, Ivo Lola Ribar and the Choir Ensemble of the Radio Beograd, exhibition The Art of the Nations of Yugoslavia in the 1920th centuries, movies focusing on the war experience and also the Yugoslav participation on the XI. General Congress of the Sokol. The propaganda of Yugoslav culture was also supported by the attendance of the known personalities of Czechoslovak culture and science (Lumír Čivrný, Lev Šimák, Karel Konrád, Julius Dolanský) and politicians (Zdeněk Nejedlý, Václav Kopecký, Vladimír Clementis); there were other instruments like the intense distribution of books, visual arts, brochures, flags, exhibitions showing the progressing recovery and reconstruction of the post-war Yugoslavia, emerging cult of Josip Broz Tito, celebration of the Yugoslav National Day (November 29), activities of the Yugoslav Book Union and the Union of the Friends of Yugoslavia. All these activities culminated in 1945/1947, however, under the impact of the Soviet-Yugoslav split started to fade in the second half of 1948 and disappeared in 1949. In this second period the Yugoslav culture became visible mainly because of the incidents like those in the Union of Friends of Tito´s Yugoslavia, conflicts with the Yugoslav participants of the Sokol Congress in June 1948 and the closure of the Yugoslav Book organization in November 1949.
Siegfried TORNOW
Was ist Osteuropa? Handbuch zur osteuropäischen Text- und Sozialgeschichte von der Spätantike bis zum Nationalstaat.. (Lubomíra Havlíková)
Pour une Grande Histoire des Balkans des origines aux Guerres Balkaniques: Unité culturelle et particularismes, identités culturelles et dialogues interculturels. I. Espaces Peuples Langues.. (Lubomíra Havlíková)
Kladsko. Proměny středoevropského regionu. Historický atlas.. (Pavel Krafl)
Tallinn Riga Kaunas: Ihr Ausbau zu modernen Hauptsädten 19201940.. (Luboš Švec)
Украïнський портрет на тлi Праги. Украïнське мистецьке середовище в мiжвоэннiй ЧехоСловаччинi.. (Mikuláš Nevrlý)
Konec říše Habsburků. Střední Evropa v politice a vztazích Německa a Rakousko-Uherska (1867/711918).. (Jan Hájek)
Michal ROMAN
Akademik Mikuláš Nevrlý laureát medzinárodnej ceny [Academician Mikuláš Nevrlý The International Prize Winner]..
Aleš SKŘIVAN ml.
Konference Německo-ruské vztahy. Politické, ekonomické a kulturní aspekty od raného novověku do 20. století [The Conference The German-Russian Contacts, Political, Economical, and Cultural Aspects from the Early Moder Era to the 20th Century]..
Marceli KOSMAN
Slavista, medievalista, polyhistor (O Gerardovi Labudovi k jeho 90. narozeninám) [Slavist, Mediavelist, Polyhistorian (On Gerard Labuda to His Ninetieth Birthday)]..
Jazyk, etnicita a Lužičtí Srbové [Language, Ethnicity, and the Sorbs]..
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