Slovanský přehled XCIII (2007), No. 3 |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Ladislav HLADKÝ Adin LJUCA
Historie česko-bosenských vztahů (od 19. století do současnosti) [A History of Czech-Bosnian Relations (From the Nineteenth Century to the Present)]..
Czech-Bosnian relations reached their highest level between 1978 and 1918 when Czechs lived together with the nationalities of Bosnia-Herzegovina under Austrian Habsburg rule. At this time, there were several thousand Czechs in Bosnia. A number of them significantly contributed to the development of Bosnian culture, education, and economics. In certain fields, Czechs residing in Bosnia were among the founders even pioneers. These included archaeologists and museum curators Karel Páč (Carl Patsch), František Fiala, Karel Malý, Václav Radimský, and Otmar Reiser; architects Karel Pařík, Josef Pospíšil; musicians František Matějovský and Bohumír Kačerovský; physicians Anna Bayerová and Bohuslava Kecková; photographers František Topič, Rudolf Bruner-Dvořák, etc.
Czechs enjoyed considerable prestige in Bosnia. This was the case not only on account of the specialists mentioned above, but also the efforts of certain Czech politicians. T.G. Masaryk is an example. Masaryk visited Bosnia-Herzegovina several times in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and, in his capacity as a member of the Austrian parliament, tried to help the Bosnian population, whose political and social situation was precarious. Thanks to the fact that Masaryk was a Slav and thanks to his neutrality in dealing with individual religious groups, Masaryk earned the trust of all Bosnian inhabitants-Bosnian Serbs, Croats, and Muslims.
In the spirit of the Masaryk tradition of engagement and neutrality, Czech diplomats, humanitarian organizations, and Czech soldiers became involved during the 19921995 Bosnian war and provided assistance to all affected people in Bosnia regardless of their religious affiliation. In recent years, the Czech Republic has also intensively participated in the post-war economic and social reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Kateřina KRÁLOVÁ
Řecko a Třetí říše [Greece and the Third Reich]..
The study Greece and the Third Reich provides a panoramic view of the Nazi occupation of Greece. It deals with governmental mechanisms of German rule, collaboration, and the economic exploitation of the Greek state. Special emphasis is placed on repression of the civilian population (Kommeno, Kalavryta) as well as the tragic fate of Greek Jews.
Národnostní otázka v 100 dnech po Stalinově smrti (březen červen 1953) [The Nationality Issue One Hundred Days after Stalins Death (March June 1953)]..
The first days after Stalins death were typical of the struggles at the top of the CPSU leadership, which ended with the removal and execution of L.P. Beria. The role of this man in the dramatic weeks following March 1953 has been a topic of discussion among historians. Some authors claim that Beria could have started far-reaching reforms of the Soviet system as well as of the Soviet Bloc, whereas others assert that he was doing this merely because he wished to stay in power. This paper elucidates some interesting aspects of the nationality issue as one of the areas where Beria attempted to achieve victory over his rivals and where he also failed.
Obraz Ruska v českém periodickém tisku v 60. a 70. letech 19. století [The Image of Russia in Czech Periodical Literature in the 1860s and 1870s]..
The author follows the changing image of Russia in the 1860s and 1870s on the basis of leading Czech dailies. She documents the unsuccessful attempt of Czech politicians to utilize the influence of Russia as a counterweight to the strengthening German influence inside the monarchy and the problematic stance of Czech representatives on the Polish-Russian conflict, which was concretely reflected in internal Austrian politics. The author also addresses differing perceptions of Slavism on the Czech and Russian sides respectively.
Bohemistika v Litvě a sborník Lietuva ir Čekija.. (Luboš Švec)
Čechoslovački diplomatski dokumenty za Makedonija 19191933. Kniga 1.. (Jana Burešová)
Nikita GARADŽA (Zost.)
???????????. Zborník.. (Zuzana Kopajová)
Sergej GLAZ´EV
B´elaja kniga. Ekonomičeskije reformy v Rossii 19912002 gg.. (Nicolas Franckx)
L´Italia e l´Europa orientale. Diplomazia culturale e propaganda 19181943.. (Ondřej Houska)
Nejnovější dějiny Ruska v souvislostech.
(Robert Service: Rusko. Experiment s jedním národem. Od roku 1991 do současnosti). (Josef Šaur)
??????? ?????????
??????????? ???????.. (Anton Sorokin)
Energie pro Evropu.. (Michal Mareš)
Uchodźcy w Polsce teoria i rzeczywistość.. (Lenka Tyrpáková)
Českí stredoškolskí profesori na Slovensku 19181938.. (Tomáš Chrobák)
Gosudarstvennaja škola. Istoričeskaja koncepcija K. D. Kavelina i B. N. Čičerina.. (Josef Šaur)
Dvě stě let pospolu, 2. díl Dějiny rusko-židovských vztahů v letech 19171995.. (Adam Koska)
Vlastní životopis.. (Petra Dofková)
Aleksandr A. ORLOV
Sojuz Peterburga i Londona. Rossijsko-britanskije otnošenija v epochu napoleonovskych vojn.. (Kristýna Jašková)
Sławomir Z. NOWINOWSKI (ed.)
Stosunki polsko-czechosłowackie 19321939 w relacjach dyplomatów II Rzeczypospolitej.. (Jiří Friedl)
Vladimír NÁLEVKA
Koncert velmocí. Mezinárodní vztahy v letech 18711914.. (Petr Prokš)
Ad honorem Josef Polišenský.. (Martin Kučera)
Ostannij molodohvardijec.. (Bohdan Zilynskyj)
Brněnské sympozium o současném Srbsku a problematice česko-srbských styků [The Brno Symposium on Contemporary Serbia and on the Problems of the Czech-Serbian Contacts]..
Vzpomínka na 100. výročí smrti Jana Gebauera [Remembering of the Centenary of Jan Gebauer´s Death]..
Socialistické země jihovýchodní Evropy v osmdesátých letech (cesta do krize) [The Socialist Countries of Southeastern Europe in the 1980s: The Road to Crisis]..
The regimes of individual Balkan countries entered the 1980s with a series of problems that had emerged in the previous decade, but were never addressed. Constantly conceived reforms had no chance of being successful because they were attempting to reform that which could not be reformed. Economic difficulties became worse, living standards deteriorated, and, following the rise of M. Gorbachev in the Soviet Union, the conservative regimes in Bulgaria and Romania lost their last degree of support just as the Yugoslav Communists lost their halo of liberals and progressives. The failure of reconstruction ultimately resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the failure of the Soviet Communists also affected the stability of the Yugoslav and Albanian regimes. Both ultimately suffered due to the general onset of nationalism. The international situation also changed considerably when the heretofore balance of the bilateral world began to change. In 1989, the authoritarian regime of T. Zhivkov in Sofia fell as did the grotesque dictatorship of N. Ceausescu in Bucharest. One year later, the overall collapse caught up with the Albanian Communists and plunged Yugoslavia into a bloody civil war. The Soviet Bloc existed only briefly after the world war. In short order, Yugoslavia was expelled, Albania withdrew, and finally even Romania began to emancipate itself. Only Zhivkovs Bulgaria remained faithful until the bitter end even when Moscow no longer supported it.
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