Archív orientální 67 (1999), No. 2 |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Gerfrid G. W. MÜLLER
Ein Massenprozess in Nuzi? Zur Bedeutung von tuppi tahsilti.
Outlines of a classification of vidyadhara.s. /231-240/
Reclaiming the Gods: A Neo-Traditional Protest Movement in Manipur.
Zbigniew SLUPSKI
Glosses on the Reading of the long-Motif Texts in Pu Songlings
Liaozhai zhiyi. /249-256/
Frog and Toad Symbols in Zhuang Folklore (Southern China).
Karin REITER, Die Metalle im Alten Orient unter besonderer Berücksichtigung altbabylonischer Quellen. (Lukáš Pecha) /290-292/
Takamitsu MURAOKA, Classical Syriac. A Basic Grammar with a Chrestomathy. (Stanislav Segert) /292-294/
Johannes J. G. JANSEN, The Dual Nature of Islamic Fundamentalism. (Luboš Kropáček) /294-295/
Richard GRAMLICH, Der eine Gott. Grundzüge der Mystik des islamischen Monotheismus. (Luboš Kropáček) /295-296/
Karel van der TOORN (ed.), The Image and the Book. Iconic Cults, Aniconism, and the Rise of Book Religion in Israel and the Ancient Near East. (Klára Břeňová) /297-298/
Marie-Claude DUPRÉ, Etienne FÉAU, Batéké. Peintures et Sculpteurs dAfrique Centrale. (Jana Jiroušková) /298-299/
Daniel HSIEH, The Evolution of Jueju Verse. (Olga Lomová) /299-300/
David S. G. GOODMAN (ed.), Chinas Provinces in Reform. Class, Community and Political Culture. (Ľubica Obuchová) /300-303/
Maria GALIKOWSKI, Art and Politics in China 19491984. (Ľubica Obuchová) /303-305/
Timothy BROOK, B. Michael FROLIC (eds.), Civil Society in China. (Ľubica Obuchová) /305-306/
Robert Ford CAMPANY, Strange Writing. Anomaly Accounts in Early Medieval China. (Helena Heroldová) /306-308/
Edith SHILLUE, Earth and Water Encounters in Viet Nam. (Petra Müllerová) /308-310/
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