Archív orientální 65 (1997), No. 4 |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Three Decades of Turkish Presence in Sweden. /331-342/
Conflicting Interpretations of the Sources of Indian Nationalism.
Christopher LORD
On the Chinese Language and its System of Writing. /353-364/
Ambivalent Attitudes to Nationalism in the Pre-War Fiction of Lao
She. /365-385/
Stanislav SEGERT
The Elephantine Papyri in English. /396-398/
Miroslav BÁRTA
A Family of Funerary Priests from G 6000 Cemetery. /389-395/
John F. NUNN, Ancient Egyptian Medicine. (Jaromír Krejčí) /400-401/
Dieter MAUE (hrsg.), Alttürkische Handschriften, I. (Petr Štěpánek) /401-402/
Peter B. GOLDEN, An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples. (Petr Štěpánek) /402-403/
S. Peter COWE, Catalogue of the Armenian Manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library. (Petr Štěpánek) /403-404/
Reza MIRCHI, První česko-perzský slovník. (Jiří Bečka) /404/
William RADICE, Bengali. (Hana Preinhaelterová) /404-407/
Colin MACKERRAS, Chinas Minority Cultures. (Vladimír Liščák)
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