Archív orientální 67 (1999), No. 1 |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Mansour El-NOUBI
The Portico of the Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos (A Description
and Analysis of its Inscriptions). /21-44/
Attallah El-KHOLY
Quelques remarques sur le Ra-setaou. /45-50/
Das Amt des šassukkum in der altbabylonischen Zeit. /51-71/
Matthew W. WATERS
ABL 268 and Tammaritu. /72-74/
Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage in India. /75-82/
The Hindi Poet Vinod Kumar Sukl. /83-94/
Atheismus im Neo-Konfuzianismus als Weiterführung der konfuzianischen
Tradition der Skepsis und Kritik gegenüber dem Glauben an Götter und Geister.
E. FRAHM, Einleitung in die Sanherib-Inschriften. (Jana Pečírková) /128-129/
Roland TEFNIN (ed.), La Peinture égyptienne ancienne. Un monde de signes a préserver. (Barbora Krumphanzlová) /129-132/
Maged NEGM, The Tomb of Simut called Kyky. (Břetislav Vachala) /132-133/, Wspanialy swiat Oceanu Indyjskiego Sulajmana Kupca, Abu Zajda as-Sirafiego i Buzurga Ibn Šahrijara. Od literatury faktu do przygody i fantastyky (IXX w.). (Jaroslav Oliverius) /133-134/
Alev TEKINAY, Günaydin, Teil 3.: Türkische Texte. Lese- und Arbeitsbuch. (Petra Sedmíková) /134-135/
Apollon DAVIDSON Irina FILATOVA, The Russians and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902. (Otakar Hulec) /135-136/
Katesa SCHLOSSER (ed.), Zulu Mythology as written and illustrated by the Zulu Prophet Laduma Madela. (Otakar Hulec) /136-137/
Jon KOWALLIS, The Lyrical Lu Xun: A Study of His Classical-Style Verse. (Olga Lomová) /137-139/
Francoise BOTTÉRO, Sémantisme et classification dans lécriture chinoise. Les systemes de classement des caracteres par clés du Shuowen jiezi au Kangxi zidian. (Lucie Borotová) /139-140/
CHEN Pingyuan, Ershi shiji Zhongguo xiaoshuo shi, 18971916. (Jana Horská) /140-142/
Jing-shen TAO, Two Sons of Heaven. Studies in Sung-Liao Relations. (Jakub Hrubý) /143-145/
[Helmut EIMER (ed.)], The Brief Catalogues to the Narthang and the
Lhasa Kanjurs. (J. K.) /145-146/ Josef Kolmaš
Books Received. /147-14/8
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