Copyright © Czech Botanical Society

Abstracts of volume 72, no. 2–4, 2000

Holub J. (2000): The Black List of taxa disappeared from the floras of the Czech and Slovak Republics. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 167- 186. [In Czech]
A Black List of taxa disappeared from the flora of the Czech and Slovak Republics has been compiled, originally having been prepared for the Red Data Book of the two countries. The disappeared flora is classified into extinct taxa, missing taxa, unclear cases and cases requiring a detailed study; characteristics of these categories are given. An appendix to these categories includes necessary transfers from the disappeared flora to the presently existing flora (new findings, corrections of earlier erroneous classification). Lists of taxa are given for the two countries according to the accepted classification. The discussion includes results of comparison of disappeared floras of the two republics, and some comparison with several neighbouring countries. The greatest loss refers to segetal flora, Submediterranean element, and to flora of lowlands and hill-countries. The main reasons of disappearing of taxa are mentioned. In comparison with the Slovak Republic, the flora of the Czech Republic has suffered from a more substantial loss, both in terms of the number of disappeared taxa and of the rate of the process of biodiversity impoverishment. Greater loss refers to plants reaching boundaries of their distribution area in the area studied or having there isolated localities or a part of their discontinuous distribution.

Holub J. & Procházka F. (2000): Red List of vascular plants of the Czech Republic – 2000. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 187- 230.
After more than 20 years since the publication of the first version of the list of extinct, endemic and endangered taxa of vascular plants of the Czech Republic, a new version is presented to the botanical and nature conservation public. This version includes much new data on the flora of the Czech Republic which has been accumulated since 1979. A number of taxa are included which were not considered in the previous version (i. e. newly described species, and taxa known from other territories but only discovered in the Czech Republic in the last two decades). The threat classification of some taxa been has changed on the basis of much more detailed knowledge of their present distribution.

Weber H. E. (2000): On the research of genus Rubus in the Czech Republic. - Preslia, Praha 72: 231-239.
Proper research into the Rubus-Flora of the Czech Republic started in 1984 by the late J. Holub and was carried out until his death in 1999. Previous attemps, e. g. by J. Hruby, S. & S. T. Kupscok, and H. Sabransky, had produced mostly false results with a big amount of worthless taxa. This paper deals briefly with the batological merits of J. Holub who rised the knowledge about the genus Rubus in the Czech Republic to a high level. His last discovery was the occurrence of the nordic Rubus wahlbergii Arrh. in the Silesian part of Moravia. A photograph of a relevant specimen is presented. Moreover Rubus josholubii H. E. Weber, dedicated to the memory of Josef Holub, is described as a new species and illustrated by photographs of its holotype. It is distributed reaches from western Bohemia, where it has been only known from its type locality, to central and eastern Bohemia to the Polish border. Distribution map is presented.

Strid A. (2000): New taxa described in Grisebach's Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae (1843–46). - Preslia, Praha 72: 241-321.
An account is given of August Grisebach’s journey through northwestern Asia Minor (“Bithynia”) and the interior of the Balkan Peninsula (“Rumelia”) in 1839. Extensive collections were made in what is now north-west Turkey, northern Greece, the Republic of Makedonija, Kosovo and northern Albania. More than 300 new taxa were described in the Spicilegium, based primarily on Grisebach's own collections, but also on material gathered by others (Frivaldszky, Friedrichsthal, Pestalozza and others). These taxa are typified as far as possible, and notes on taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution are provided in most cases.

Khalaf M. K. & Stace C. A. (2000): Breeding systems and relationships of the Cerastium tomentosum group. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 323-344.
A programme of artificial hybridization, involving seven species of the Cerastium tomentosum group at four levels of ploidy from tetraploid to 16-ploid, produced viable F1 seed in 22 (49 %) of the 45 combinations. Eleven (24 %) of these gave rise to mature F1 plants, of which three were fertile. Greatest success was with the octoploid × tetraploid and octoploid × octoploid crosses, of which 50 % gave mature plants, including all three fertile F1 combinations. Of the latter C. tomentosum × C. grandiflorum is octoploid, but C. tomentosum × C. biebersteinii and × C. gibraltaricum are hexaploids (2n = 54), a chromosome number not known in any wild plants of this group but evidently one capable of producing viable gametes despite apparently irregular meioses. Hybrids between the C. tomentosum group and species of the C. alpinum, C. arvense, C. banaticum and C. latifolium groups were equally successful in producing viable F1 seed and mature F1 plants. The octoploid C. tomentosum × C. arvense hybrid was fertile, again despite irregular meiosis, but later generations can probably develop a perfectly regular meiosis as occurs in wild hybrids between these species that occur in south-eastern England (where C. tomentosum has become naturalised). In nature the species studied rarely hybridise due to geographical isolation. Most plants are self-compatible but strongly protandrous, and many exhibit varying degrees of male sterility. It is suggested that the five above ‘groups’ should be recognised as a single undivided taxon (subsection Cerastium).

Štech M. (2000): Seasonal variation in Melampyrum nemorosum. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 345-368.
Variation of Melampyrum nemorosum was studied. Eleven morphological characters usually described as seasonal and considered to be significant for infraspecific division of the species were measured. It was found that some of the characters change markedly during the flowering period in the same population. The number of internodes has been believed to be the most important character, although it is one of the most variable. The present study does not support the traditional distinction of three seasonal taxa in M. nemorosum, as only two population groups could have been distinguished. The early-flowering populations occur in meadows and flower in May and in the first half of June. The late-flowering populations occur predominantly in forests and shrubs and flower from the beginning of June until September. These two groups differ primarily in the total number and length of internodes. Differences in the number of branches and that of flowering branches are frequent but less constant across different biotopes. No differences in the number of intercalary internodes between the both populations groups were found. Seasonal types of M. nemorosum can be taxonomically treated at the level of variety. The variety nemorosum should be reserved for late populations of the species. The epitype of the name of this variety is established, because the lectotype of M. nemorosum is a fragmentary plant which is impossible to determine with certainty. For nomenclatural reasons, the early populations are described in the present papers as a new var. praecox.

Speta F. (2000): Ornithogalum sphaerolobum and related species. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 369-398. [In German]
Ornithogalum sphaerolobum Zahar. which is characterized by imbricate bulb leaves, epigeal cotyledon, capsules with little protruding costae, with style only (1-) 1.5-2 (-3.3) mm long, chromosome number 2n = 22 and SAT-zones intercalary, was recorded in Turkey for the first time. This new locality is not far from the “locus classicus” on the Greek island Kastellorizo. Suspiciously similar plants from diverse localities with short style were found to be a distinct new species, i. e. O. anamurense Speta, also with epigeal cotyledon, chromosome number 2n = 22, but with terminal SAT-zones characterized by concrescent bulb leaves. O. munzurense Speta has chromosome number 2n = 26 and imbricate bulb leaves. Both species occur in Asia Minor. O. collinum Guss. subsp. rhodium Speta with imbricate bulb leaves, hypogeal cotyledon, chromosome number 2n = 18 and interkalar SAT-zones grows on the island of Rhodos. O. immaculatum Speta occurs on the Ionean Islands and the adjacent Greek mainland. It is characterized by imbricate bulb leaves, a hypogeal cotyledon, chromosome number 2n = 14 and terminal SAT-zones. It can be easily distinguished from O. gussonei Ten. because it lacks the brown point at the connective. The different juvenile stadia which develop to an imbricate adult bulb are demonstrated by using O. immaculatum as an example. The first inflorescence is developed as early as in the 3rd or 4th year.

Danihelka J., Chytrý M., Grulich V. & Tichý L. (2000): Stipa eriocaulis – an overlooked species of the Czech flora. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 399-410. [In Czech]
Stipa eriocaulis Borb. is reported for the first time as a long overlooked native species of the Czech flora. It occurs on the south-facing slope of Svatý kopeček, a hill near the town of Mikulov, in the SE part of the Czech Republic, near the Austrian border (Pálava Biosphere Reserve). It is a dominant species of a limestone dry grassland (Festucion valesiacae) occurring in this site. A field survey in a wider area and a search in local herbaria suggested that this is probably the only site in the Czech Republic where S. eriocaulis occurs. The new record is situated at the northern distribution limit of this sub-mediterranean species. The nearest records are known from sites in W Slovakia and E Austria, more than 40 km far from the reported locality. Stipa eriocaulis is a member of the series Pulcherrimae within the section Stipa, and local botanists used to misidentify it as S. pulcherrima or S. joannis. Characters discriminating these species include hair pattern on the lemma, fruit size, awn length, and leaf roughness.

Trávníček B. (2000): Taxa of the genus Pseudolysimachion (Scrophulariaceae) in the Czech Republic. I. Identification key to the species. Geographical distribution of species of sect. Longifolia. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 411-439.
Taxa of the genus Pseudolysimachion (W. D. J. Koch) Opiz (Scrophulariaceae) occurring in the Czech Republic are reported. Remarks on classification are made and identification key to the Czech representatives of the genus is provided. Distribution maps and lists of localities of the species belonging to the sect. Longifolia (Yamazaki) Trávníček (P. maritimum (L.) Á. et D. Löve and P. spurium (L.) Rauschert) are presented. Variation of both species is briefly discussed.

Landolt E. (2000): Some results of a floristic inventory within the city of Zürich (1984–1998). - Preslia, Praha, 72: 441-455.
Floristic survey of the city of Zürich carried out from 1984 to 1998 covered an area of 122 km2. To assess possible floristic changes in the last 150 years, the results were compared with literature data from 1839 and herbaria. On the whole, the flora of Zürich includes nearly 2000 species. Of those, 1210 are either indigenous or introduced and subsequently naturalized. About 1/4 of the established species occur in more than a half of squares of 1 km2 grid, whereas 1/3 was found in less than 6 % of the squares. Average species number per square was 451, ranging from 294 to 607. Of the 1210 presently established species, 58 % are indigenous (native), 19 % archaeophytes, and 23 % neophytes. Within the developed parts of the city, neophytes form about a half of all species. The group of extinct species includes 60 % of indigenous species, 38 % of archaeophytes and 2 % of neophytes. At present, archaeophytes seem to be particularly threatened. Comparison with literature and herbaria revealed that 26 % of all species are at present as frequent as in 1839, 32 % increased their frequency or became newly naturalized, but 42 % decreased in frequency or became extinct. Extinct species amount to 188, newly introduced ones to 294. Compared to the newly established species, the extinct ones have higher indicator values for nutrient content and temperature, and lower values for continentality. These differences indicate that the environment has changed within the last 160 years towards higher soil nutrient content, higher temperatures, and milder winters.

Kaplan Z. (2000): Linear-leaved species of Potamogeton in the Czech Republic: I. Introduction and key to determination. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 457-467. [In Czech]
A revision of linear-leaved species of the genus Potamogeton in the Czech Republic is given. On the basis of field investigation, cultivation experiments and herbarium studies, 8 taxa have been recognized as distinct species. Prevailing clonal reproduction, autogamy, easy dispersal on long distances, and especially extensive phenotypic plasticity are taken for the principal sources of taxonomic difficulties. Description and explanation of special morphologic terms, comments on infrageneric classification, and instructions for collecting and drying of specimens are provided. This first part of a series of papers on linear-leaved species includes also key to determination.

Stevanović V. & Kit Tan (2000): On the distribution of Viola kosaninii (Degen) Hayek (Violaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula. - Preslia, Praha 72: 469-474.
The distribution of Viola L. sect. Delphiniopsis W. Becker in the Balkan Peninsula is described and discussed, with emphasis on the recent discovery of V. kosaninii (Degen) Hayek in northern Greece which represents the southernmost limit of its range. An extensive list of material of this species is provided.

Valachovič M. & Kochjarová J. (1999): Cochlearia pyrenaica – a new species in the Western Carpathians. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 475-493. [In Slovak]
All autochtonous populations of Cochlearia L. (Brassicaceae) in the Western Carpathians were until recently considered as an endemic species Cochlearia tatrae Borbás. The present study of Slovak populations revealed that diploids (2n = 12) belong to Cochlearia pyrenaica DC., a new taxon for the Slovak flora. Determination key and morphological description of both species are given. Cratoneuro-Cochlearietum pyrenaicae (Oberd. 1957) Th. Müller 1961, a new association for the Western Carpathians, was recorded. Management for preservation of the two existing populations is proposed.

Sádlo J. (2000): The origin of grassland vegetation of fen peats in the Czech Republic: succession versus coenogenesis. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 496-506.
Current interpretations based on palynological data consider the vegetation of fen peats (calciphilous mires) young and human-made because of its development from deforested alder woodlands. However, this oppinion can be accepted only when succession of the majority of stands is considered. Regarding the coenogenesis of plant communities (i.e. the historical development of vegetation units), this vegetation in the Czech Republic is a relic from the early Holocene. Palaeochoric (e. g. endemic) taxa which are crucial for fen peat communities survived from this period through a system of open refugial patches. These small plots resistent to woodland invasion are documented by using examples from the recent landscape.

Mandák B. & Procházka F. (2000): Historical and present distribution of the Goodyera repens in the Czech Republic. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 507-518.
A new locality of a critically threatened species Goodyera repens (Orchidaceae) was found in the south-western Bohemia. At present, there are only two localities in the Czech Republic (the other one in central Moravia) where the occurrence of this species was confirmed by the present authors. Both localities currently harbour only small populations not exceeding 0.5 m2. Goodyera repens should be considered a threatened species and is amongst the rarest orchids of the Czech flora. Historical research yielded 109 localities reported from the territory of the Czech Republic. In majority of these, the occurrence was short-term and those in which the species persisted for more than 50 years has been rarely reported. The longest occurrence was probably at a locality near the Orlické hory Mts where the species grew for 86 years. Ecology of Goodyera repens as well as protection and management of its existing localities are discussed.

Lippert W. & Tietz S. (2000): Contribution to the knowledge of the group Leontodon hispidus L. – Leontodon hispidus L. subsp. dubius (Hoppe) Pawlowska. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 519-528. [In German]
Leontodon hispidus subsp. dubius is a taxon which has been wrongly interpreted for a long time. However, it can be defined very well according to its morphology, ecology and distribution. The description, list of synonyms and type specimens known so far are given in the paper. The subspecific rank of the taxon is discussed.

Hendrych R. (2000): On the finding of Himantoglossum hircinum in Bohemia. - Preslia, Praha, 72: 529-535. [In Czech]
More than a century since the original report on the ocurrence of H. hircinum, the author of the present paper precised the location, time of the collection and the name of the finder, and discovered the herbarium specimen of the species, so far almost unknown. The importance of the report is stressed by the fact that it concerns the only locality of this species in the whole territory of Bohemia, where H. hircinum was found only once.


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