Abstracts of volume 73, no. 2, 2001
Danihelka J. (2001): On Achillea setacea in the
Czech Republic, along with taxonomic remarks. Preslia, Praha, 73: 97-
A taxonomic account of Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit. from the
Central European perspective is given. The names A. setacea, A.
setacea subsp. dolopica Freyn et Sint., Achillea setacea var.
brevifolia Rochel, and A. fililoba Freyn are typified, the last
one being excluded from the synonymy of A. setacea. The intraspecific
variation observed need not to be expressed in taxonomic terms. The
distribution maps of A. setacea in the Czech Republic are presented,
based on examination of more than 775 herbarium specimens from almost all
public Czech herbaria. Phytosociological affinity and interspecific relations
of the species were studied using 205 relevés extracted from the Czech national
vegetation database. Ecological requirements of A. setacea and regional
distribution pattern are discussed on the background of its distribution in
neighbouring countries and from a more general phytogeographical point of
Kalina T., Walne P. L. & Houk V. (2001): Floristic
notes on plankton algae of Norris Lake (Tennessee, USA). - Preslia, Praha, 73:
Centric diatoms, silica- scaled chrysophytes and a desmid, Gonatozygon
monotaenium, are the dominant components of the plankton algal community
developed in autumn, 1998, in the Norris Lake (Tennessee, USA). This is the
first and preliminary contribution to the Norris Lake phytoplankton.
Kaplan Z. (2001): Linear-leaved species of
Potamogeton in the Czech Republic: II. P. compressus and P.
acutifolius. Preslia, Praha, 73: 127-139.
A revision of linear-leaved species of the genus Potamogeton in the
Czech Republic is given. Two species, P. compressus and P.
acutifolius, are dealt with in this paper. Species descriptions, relevant
synonyms, illustrations, a list of specimens examined and distribution maps are
provided. P. compressus, always an extremely rare taxon in the Czech
Republic, is now extinct. P. acutifolius, now strongly endangered in its
occurrence, has main centres of its distribution in pond areas in SW and E
Hendrych R. (2001): Osmunda regalis in Bohemia:
errors and facts. - Preslia, Praha, 73: 141-152.
More than a century since the first report on the fern O. regalis
for the Czech flora in 1867, the circumstances of the find are elucidated and
the exact locality is specified. It was situated in rather isolated position in
the Lužické hory Mts at the north Bohemian periphery and, as declared by the
finder himself, it disappeared shortly after the discovery. The other reported
locality from the Krušné hory Mts is erroneous and the species never grew
Mandák B. & Prach K. (2001): Cycloloma
atriplicifolia – a new alien species in Hungary. - Preslia, Praha,
73: 153-160.
A new alien species Cycloloma atriplicifolia (Chenopodiaceae)
was found to occur in sandy sites in the Orgovány area in the Kiskunság
National Park, central Hungary. It is the first record of this species for the
country. The species is native to North America; in Europe, it has been
reported to be naturalized in several other areas with unstabilized sandy
substrate (France, Italy and Slovakia), i.e. in the same habitats where it
preferably occurs in its native range. Moreover, C. atriplicifolia was
found in some other localities across Europe, but they exhibited only an
ephemeral character. It also occurs in Australia and South America. A brief
species description, taxonomical and nomenclatorical problems, ecology, and
habitat preferences are briefly described and discussed. We expect, according
to the characteristics that it shows in its area of primary distribution, that
the species can potentially invade extensive sandy areas across Europe. Thus,
the species requires the attention of botanists and plant ecologists.
Moravcová L., Jarolímová V. & Zákravský P. (2001):
Morphological differences and chromosome numbers in Puccinellia distans
and P. limosa populations from Central Europe. - Preslia, Praha, 73: 161-
Twenty five populations of Puccinellia from Czech Republic (Bohemia
and Moravia), Slovakia and Hungary were examined to verify the exact
distribution of P. distans and P. limosa in south Moravia and
south Slovakia. Determination of the studied species was based on morphometric
analysis (PCA and discriminant analysis). Chromosome numbers were counted in
each population. Morphometric analysis divided Puccinellia populations
into two groups. Populations from Bohemia and Moravia correspond to P.
distans while those from Slovakia and Hungary correspond to P.
limosa. Exterior palea length and anther length are the best characters for
calculation of a simple discriminant function to distinguish between the
investigated species. The distribution pattern found corresponds well to the
results of the determination of older herbarium material from the studied
localities. Two ploidy levels were ascertained in the studied populations, i.e.
(i) all plants of P. distans and those of P. limosa from Slovakia
and western part of Hungary were hexaploids (2n = 42), while (ii) P.
limosa from the eastern part of Hungary were tetraploids (2n = 28).
Morphological differences between both cytotypes of P. limosa were
Duchoslav M. (2001): Allium oleraceum and
Allium vineale in the Czech Republic: distribution and habitat
differentiation. - Preslia, Praha, 73: 173-184.
The distribution and habitat differentiation of Allium oleraceum L.
and Allium vineale L. in the Czech Republic based on herbarium material
is reported. Both species are documented from rather large number of localities
all over the Czech Republic and do not show apparently different large-scale
pattern of distribution. The altitudinal range of both species in the Czech
Republic is very similar. Both species are concentrated from the colline to
submontane belts (200-600 m) but rarely occur also in the montane belt,
especially A. oleraceum. Both species occur in a wide range of habitats
ranging from rocks and arable fields to forests. Nevertheless, their relative
frequencies within respective habitats significantly differ. A.
oleraceum frequently occurs in forests (especially in oak-hornbeam forests)
and forest edges, on rocks, at field margins, on sunny slopes and in steppe
communities. On the other hand, A. vineale is common in arable fields
(namely in the past), field margins, roadsides, ditch banks and meadows, but
rare on rocks, in forests and scrub. Distribution and habitat differentiation
of both species in the Czech Republic is compared with data from other parts of
their distribution area. The species’ habitat differentiation is briefly
discussed from the point of view of plant traits.
Sutorý K. (2001): Onopordum ×
beckianum John – the corect name for the hybrid of Onopordum
acanthium and O. illyricum. - Preslia, Praha, 73: 185-187.
The omitted name Onopordum × beckianum John 1907 is
lectotypified. This name has priority over the younger name Onopordum
× spinosissimum González Sierra G. et al. 1992.
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