Abstracts of volume 73, no. 4, 2001
Kočí M. (2001): Subalpine tall-forb vegetation
(Mulgedio-Aconitetea) in the Czech Republic: syntaxonomical revision. -
Preslia, Praha, 73: 289-331.
Phytosociological synthesis of the subalpine tall-forb vegetation of the
Czech Republic was performed using the Braun-Blanquet approach. Analysis of ca
800 relevés collected from the published literature and newly recorded in the
field was carried out. Sixteen associations are distinguished, their species
composition is documented in a synoptic table and brief comments on their
ecology and distribution are given. These associations are assigned to the
orders Calamagrostietalia villosae (alliances Calamagrostion
villosae and Calamagrostion arundinaceae), Alnetalia viridis
(alliance Salicion silesiacae), and Adenostyletalia (alliances
Adenostylion and Dryopterido-Athyrion distentifolii).
Kaplan Z. (2001): Potamogeton
×fluitans (P. natans × P. lucens) in the Czech
Republic. I. Morphology and anatomy. - Preslia, Praha, 73: 333-340.
Potamogeton ×fluitans Roth (P. natans L. ×
P. lucens L.) was discovered in NE Bohemia as a new taxon for the Czech
Republic. In the site, the hybrid grew together with both its parents. The
revision of herbarium specimens proved that all previous records of “P.
fluitans” from the Czech Republic were erroneous. Morphological and
anatomical characters of the hybrid are described, together with those of its
parents and other morphologically similar taxa. P.
×fluitans differs from P. natans especially in having
submerged leaves with a distinct lamina and petioles of floating leaves without
a flexible section at the junction with the lamina. From P. lucens, it
is distinguished by the capability of developing floating leaves and by long,
narrowly oblong submerged leaves. While stem anatomical pattern of P.
×fluitans is intermediate between those of its parents, it is
easily distinguishable from that of morphologically the most similar P.
nodosus Poir. The hybrid is sterile and no trace of developed fruits has
been found among the Czech material.
Mráz P. (2001): Hieracium
rohacsense, endemic of the West Carpathians – notes on the taxonomy, chorology
and ecology. - Preslia, Praha, 73: 341-358.
Taxonomic revision of the Hieracium rohacsense group in the
Carpathians revealed that H. rohacsense Kit. is the only representative
of this group occurring in the territory of the West Carpathians. The species
is endemic to the high mountain ranges of the West Carpathians. A detailed
account of distribution is given, with notes on the taxonomy, ecology and
phytosociology of the species. Morphological differences from similar taxa co-
occurring in the localities of the species are listed.
Anagnostidis K. (2001):
Nomenclatural changes in cyanoprokaryotic order Oscillatoriales. - Preslia,
Praha, 73: 359-375.
The taxonomic criteria in Cyanoprokaryotes (cyanophytes = cyanobacteria)
were changed considerably in last decades, respecting numerous new data
derived mainly from modern electron-microscopic, ecological and molecular
studies. The substantial revision of the cyanobacterial system was therefore
necessary, and all names of revised taxa should be corrected in agreement
with nomenclatural rules before the edition of all new monographs and manuals
concerning this important group. The content of the present article is
the correct and valid publication of nomenclatural transfers of specific
and generic names for the second volume of Cyanoprokaryotes in the frame
of the Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa (19/2, order Oscillatoriales),
which is now prepared for press. The paper (including Appendix 1 by J.
Komárek) contains 208 nomenclatural combinations, 17 new species, and description
of 2 new genera of oscillatorialean cyanobacteria, as a result of a modern
revision of the whole order. The species are arranged according to the
recent phenotype system of cyanoprokaryotes (Cyanobacteria).
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