Abstracts of volume 75, 2003
Chytrý M. & Rafajová M. (2003): Czech National
Phytosociological Database: basic statistics of the available vegetation-plot
data. – Preslia 75: 1–15.
The vegetation relevés stored electronically in the Czech National
Phytosociological Database are reviewed. The database was established in 1996,
with the central database located in the Department of Botany, Masaryk
University, Brno (www.sci.muni.cz/botany/database.htm).
On 15 November 2002 this central database contained 54,310 relevés from the
Czech Republic, collected by 332 authors between 1922–2002. Ca. 54% of
the relevés were taken from published papers or monographs, 21% from theses and
the rest from various unpublished reports and field-books. These relevés
include 1,259,008 records of individual plant species. Territorial coverage of
the country by the reléves is irregular as the areas with attractive natural or
semi-natural vegetation are more intensively sampled, with gaps in coverage of
less attractive or poorly accessible areas. Most relevés are of broad-leaved
deciduous forests (Querco-Fagetea), meadows (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea), dry grasslands (Festuco-Brometea), and marsh
grasslands (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea). The quality of the data is
discussed, such as researcher bias, preferential selection of sampling sites,
spatial autocorrelation and missing values for some data elements.
Petřík P. (2003): Cyperus eragrostis – a new
alien species for the Czech flora and history of its invasion of Europe. –
Preslia 75: 17–28.
Cyperus eragrostis Lam. was first recorded in the Czech Republic in
an empty water reservoir at Jablonec nad Nisou (N Bohemia) in 1999. In this
study, herbarium specimens of C. eragrostis in large herbaria in the
Czech Republic were revised and the invasion of Europe by this species was
reviewed. A brief description of C. eragrostis is given, distribution
map of the temporal course of its invasion is presented and the species’
ecology in Europe characterized. Accompanying vegetation and results of the
analyses of soil from the site are described. How the plant reached this
locality remains unknown. The occurrence was only ephemeral as the only tussock
was destroyed when the water reservoir was refilled.
Havlíček P., Fröhner S. E. & Procházka F. (2003):
Critical notes on Alchemilla species in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava
Mts). – Preslia 75: 29–37. [In German]
Three new species of the genus Alchemilla are reported from the
Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mts). A. glabricaulis occurs in the Czech
Republik and Germany and represents a new species in Central Europe. Both A.
baltica and A. cymatophylla occur only in the Czech part of the
Bohemian Forest. Overview of taxa so far reported from the region is given.
Hendrych R. (2003): On the occurrence of Ligularia
sibirica in Bohemia. – Preslia 75: 39–69. [In Czech]
Traditionally, only two native localities of Ligularia sibirica have
been reported from the Czech Republic. In the present paper, a correction is
made as to the founder of the locality between Jestřebí and Staré Splavy near
Doksy (50°36'23" N, 14°36'54" E) which was discovered by J. Ch. Neumann in 1814
the latest, i.e. earlier than thought. The species has been retreating from this
locality because of changes in environmental conditions, with the decrease of
groundwater level after amelioration in 1928 being the most important factor.
However, the species is not yet endangered in the locality. The second locality
is between Bělá pod Bezdězem and Bakov nad Jizerou (50°29'45" N, 14°54'39" E)
and it was not discovered by anybody of those reported up to now but by
V. J. Sekera; the discovery was not made in 1854 but as early as in 1843. This
locality consists of several populations and its size has increased during the
last 100 years. Bohemian localities, which are rather distant from the
continuous distribution of the species, originated in the early postglacial
period (Praeboreal) and represent remnants of former more extensive
distribution in this region. The cultivation of the species and its secondary
occurrence are rare and mostly unimportant events.
Lososová Z. (2003): Estimating past distribution of
vanishing weed vegetation in South Moravia. – Preslia 75:
The weed communities have changed dramatically in the 20th century. Because
no weed vegetation relevés were recorded for South Moravia early in this
century, changes in potential distribution of the most endangered vegetation
type, the association Caucalido daucoidis-Conringietum orientalis, are
evaluated using records of its diagnostic species. The diagnostic species group
of this association was specified by the statistical calculation of fidelity.
It includes Scandix pecten-veneris, Caucalis platycarpos,
Bupleurum rotundifolium, Thymelaea passerina, Nigella
arvensis, and Ajuga chamaepitys. The coincidence distribution maps
of these diagnostic species were prepared. The resulting maps show that the
potential distribution of Caucalido-Conringietum is the South Moravian
region of thermophilous flora and possibly the adjacent regions of mesophilous
flora. The incidence of this plant association in the area declined remarkably
in the second half of the 20th century, but in the 1990s its diagnostic species
appeared again at several sites.
Dvořáková M. (2003): Some information on the taxonomy
and chorology of Minuartia kabylica. – Preslia 75: 81–84. [In
Minuaria kabylica (Pomel) Dvořáková, a species of the section
Polymechana Mattf., is defined in terms of taxonomy and chorology. The
taxa Minuartia verna subsp. kabylica (Pomel) Maire et Weiller (=
Alsine kabylica Pomel) from Northern Africa, and M. grandiflora
(C. Presl) Dvořáková from Sicily are taxonomically identical. The distribution
of M. kabylica is limited to the Atlas mountain system in Northern
Africa and to the mountains of northern Sicily. The seed coat of M.
kabylica is documented by an SEM photograph.
Stružková D., Schweingruber F. H. & Steiner Y.
(2003): Pith characteristics distinguishing Vaccinium myrtillus from
Vaccinium vitis-idaea. – Preslia 75: 85–91.
Transverse sections of the stems of Vaccinium myrtillus revealed
that the pith is oval, round or drop shaped. In contrast, in V. vitis-
idaea it is usually radially angular (triangular, tetragonal etc.). This
difference can be used to distinguish the vegetative remains of these plants in
peat sediments.
Krahulcová A. (2003): Chromosome numbers in selected
monocotyledons (Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia). – Preslia
75: 97–113.
The annotated chromosome numbers of 25 species from 6 families of
monocotyledons, most of them (14) belonging to Poaceae family, are
presented here. The data, except three chromosome counts (Allium
oleraceum from Hungary and Calamagrostis villosa from Slovakia), are
all based on plants collected in the Czech Republic. The karyological data of
21 species represents new information. While the majority of species presented
here originated from one or two localities each, the species Calamagrostis
villosa has been studied more extensively: all plants, collected altogether
at 13 localities (mountain and lower altitudes), are characterized by an
invariable decaploid level (2n = 70). The record of triploid Allium
oleraceum is only the second reference to this rare ploidy level in this
species. All original karyological data are compared with literature references
to particular species, preferentially from Europe.
Danihelka J. (2003): Achillea asplenifolia in
Moravia (Czech Republic), with taxonomic remarks. – Preslia 75:
115–135. [In German]
Achillea asplenifolia Vent. is one of three central European diploid
species (together with A. setacea Waldst. et Kit. and A.
roseoalba Ehrend.) of the A. millefolium group. Its taxonomic and
phytogeographic account from the central European perspective is given mainly
on the basis of herbarium and field studies. The synonymy of A.
asplenifolia includes A. millefolium var. crustata Rochel and
A. scabra Host; both names are typified here. No variation deserving
taxonomic recognition was observed. From the taxonomic point of view, A.
asplenifolia is a clearly delimited species. It grows in the Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, and Romania. From the
phytogeographic point of view, it can be classified as a Pannonian geoelement
with overlaps to Transylvania and to the marginal parts of the eastern
Mediterranean. Within the Czech Republic, its distribution range includes only
the warmest and driest part of southern Moravia, with the northernmost site
situated near the town of Vyškov. In southern Moravia, A. asplenifolia
was confined to extrazonal habitats, mainly to islands of halophilous
vegetation such as moist saline meadows (formerly used as pastures) and lowland
fens rich in mineral nutrients, but most of the sites were destroyed. Out of
six or seven localities preserved up to present, only two host vital
Øllgaard H. (2003): New species of Taraxacum, sect. Ruderalia, found in
Central and Northern Europe. – Preslia 75:
Examples of Taraxacum species (sect. Ruderalia) that have a well-known main distribution area
and, a few rather isolated, obviously introduced occurrences, are given. The lack of a long tradition
of specific knowledge and collection of Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia specimens have impeded our understanding
of the origin of the present distributions. Some views are presented. Taraxacum
ancistratum, T. crassum, T. deltoidifrons, T. infuscatum, T. jugiferum, and T. lundense, all belonging
to Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia, are described as new species. Three or four of these species were first
found as introductions far away from their supposed main distribution area.
Kaplan Z. (2003): Linear-leaved species of
Potamogeton in the Czech Republic V. P. pectinatus. –
Preslia 75: 165–181. [In Czech]
The last part of a revision of linear-leaved species of the genus
Potamogeton in the Czech Republic focuses on P. pectinatus. This
species is the only member of subgenus Coleogeton occurring in this
country. Species description, relevant synonyms, illustrations, a list of
specimens examined and a distribution map are provided. P. pectinatus is
widespread in the Czech Republic; it is the most common Potamogeton
species particularly in runningwaters. P. pectinatus still quite often
grows in most lowland rivers and their basins.
Kubát K. & Jehlík V. (2003): Persicaria
pensylvanica in the Czech Republic. – Preslia 75:
183–188. [In German]
Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Persicaria pensylvanica in the
Czech Republic are reviewed. In the Czech Republic, P. pensylvanica is
an alien plant which immigrated along the Elbe river. Majority of Czech
localities of the species have an ephemeral character but in two localities in
the town of Litoměřice, the occurrence is more permanent.
Kučera J. & Váňa J. (2003): Check- and Red List of
bryophytes of the Czech Republic (2003). – Preslia 75:
The second version of the checklist and Red List of bryophytes of the Czech
Republic is provided. Generally accepted infraspecific taxa have been
incorporated into the checklist for the first time. With respect to the Red
List, IUCN criteria version 3.1 has been adopted for evaluation of taxa, and
the criteria used for listing in the respective categories are listed under
each red-listed taxon. Taxa without recent localities and those where
extinction has not been proven are listed as a subset of DD taxa. Little known
and rare non-threatened taxa with incomplete knowledge of distribution which
are worthy of further investigation are listed on the so-called attention list.
In total, 849 species plus 5 subspecies and 19 varieties have been accepted. 23
other historically reported species and one variety were evaluated as doubtful
with respect to unproven but possible occurrence in the territory, and 6 other
species with proven occurrence require taxonomic clarification. 43 taxa have
been excluded from our flora compared to the last checklist version. 48.6 % of
evaluated taxa have been listed in either of the Red List categories (EX (RE),
CR, EN, VU, LR or DD), which is comparable to other industrialized regions of
Central Europe.
Komárek J. (2003): Two Camptylonemopsis species
(cyanoprokaryotes) from “Mata Atlantica” in coastal Brazil. –
Preslia 75: 223–232.
Two new species of the genus Camptylonemopsis
(Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanobacteria), namely C. epibryos spec.
nova and C. sennae spec. nova, are described from the coastal tropical
rainy forest “Mata Atlantica” in Brazil (state Săo Paulo). The
diacritical features and the taxonomic position of the genus, particularly the
comparison with the related genera Coleodesmium, Tolypothrix and
Scytonema are discussed. The tabular review of the genus
Camptylonemopsis is presented.
Řepka R. (2003): The Carex muricata aggregate
in the Czech Republic: multivariate analysis of quantitative morphological
characters. – Preslia 75: 233–248.
Morphological variation of Carex muricata from 232 localities in the
Czech Republicwas analysed. The plants were preliminarily classified using
qualitative characters into six species: C. contigua, C.
muricata, C. pairae, C. chabertii, C. divulsa, and
C. leersiana. Of 27 quantitative characters, all were used in a
principal components analysis and 25 in a discriminant analysis. Both analyses
were done using the data for all the species and then separately for the
taxonomically complicated species pairs. In the discriminant analysis, the most
useful characters for separating particular species were selected; they
included the distance between the first and second lowermost spike of the
infructescence, infructescence length, glume length in pistillate flower,
achene length, length of perigynium beak and spike size. In the classification
discriminant analysis, with the six most important characters, 94.4% of plants
were correctly classified to the designated groups. The analysis showed that
some species pairs (C. muricata – C. pairae, C.
chabertii – C. leersiana) are only partially distinguished by
quantitative morphological characters. Some other species (C. contigua,
C. divulsa), however, are well differentiated and easily identified.
Šída O. (2003): Conyza triloba, new to Europe,
and Conyza bonariensis, new to the Czech Republic. – Preslia,
Praha, 75: 249–254.
Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist and C. triloba Decne. are
reported as new alien species to the Czech Republic and Europe, respectively.
Conyza bonariensis was collected in 1964 and 1965 in two localities in N
Bohemia; the specimens are deposited in PRA. In both cases, the plants were
introduced with cotton and occurred in areas of textile factories. Conyza
triloba was collected once at the pond in the village of Černivsko in S
Bohemia in 1971; the specimen is deposited in PR. The mode of introduction is
Kučera J., Hradílek Z., Buryová B. & Hájek P.
(2003): Hypnum sauteri and Lescuraea patens, two additions to the
moss flora of the Czech Republic. – Preslia 75: 255–262.
Hypnum sauteri and Lescuraea patens are reported new and
Hypnum recurvatum confirmed for the bryoflora of the Czech Republic. The
two Hypnum species have been discovered in the valley of Rudný potok
brook, Lescuraea patens has so far been recorded at several microsites
in the glacial cirques of Mt Kotel, Labský důl valley and Úpská jáma cirque
(all localities in the Krkonoše Mts). Full details of the localities are
described, the plants are illustrated, and their ecology, distribution and
diagnostic characters are briefly discussed.
Mihulka S., Pyšek P. & Pyšek A. (2003):
Oenothera coronifera, a new alien species for the Czech flora, and
Oenothera stricta, recorded again after nearly two centuries.
– Preslia 75: 263–270.
Two species of the North American genus Oenothera are reported as
aliens in the Czech Republic. A population of O. coronifera consisting
of ca. 30 plants at various phenological stages, from rosettes to flowering
plants, was found in 2001 at the railway station in the town of Zliv, district
of České Budějovice, S Bohemia. The species was probably introduced via the
railway and is the first record of this species for the Czech Republic. A
single plant of O. stricta, previously reported from the bank of the
Vltava river in Prague, in 1825, was found as a weed in a private garden in the
village of Vroutek, district of Louny, N Bohemia, in 2000. This is the second
record of this species from the Czech Republic in 175 years. The seed of O.
stricta was probably introduced to the site from abroad and the record
suggests that the occurrence of casual alien plants is highly unpredictable. It
is argued that botanists studying alien plants, given their special interest in
sites where these plants occur, may directly contribute to the enrichment of
checklists of national alien floras.
Hájková P. & Hájek M. (2003): Species richness and
above-ground biomass of poor and calcareous spring fens in the flysch West
Carpathians, and their relationships to water and soil chemistry. –
Preslia 75: 271–287.
Species richness and above-ground biomass of vascular plants and bryophytes
of poor acidic fens (the Sphagno recurvi-Caricion canescentis alliance),
rich Sphagnum fens (the Caricion fuscae and Sphagno
warnstorfii-Tomenthypnion alliances) and calcareous spring fens (the
Caricion davallianae alliance including tufa-forming spring fens) were
studied. The study area was in the western parts of the Outer Carpathians in
the border region of the Czech and Slovak Republics. The numbers of species
were recorded in plots ranging from 0.00196 to 16m2 and correlated with chemical factors and above-ground
biomass. The chemical properties of
springwater (mainly pH, conductivity, Ca2+,
Mg2+) were the main factors influencing the
species richness of vascular plants. Tufa-forming calcareous fen communities
(Carici flavae-Cratoneuretum) had the highest species richness of
vascular plants. In contrast, the highest species richness of bryophytes
occurred at pHneutral sites, in peat forming calcareous fen communities
(Valeriano-Caricetum flavae) and in those with Sphagnum
warnstorfii and S. teres. Bryophyte species richness of small plots
was correlated with the iron concentration in the springwater. The differences
in species richness of calcareous fens were related to the mowing regime.
Litter mass had a negative effect on the species richness of vascular plants.
Mosses responded to high amounts of litter or vascular plant biomass by a
significant decrease in biomass. Two types of Sphagnum fens: (a)
strongly dominated by Sphagnum flexuosum or S. palustre (rich in
phosphates) and (b) polydominant (poor in phosphates), were also compared. In
the former, the slope of the regression for the dependence of bryophyte species
richness on plot size was less steep.
Bureš P., Tichý L., Wang Y.-F. & Bartoš J. (2003):
Occurrence of Polypodium ×mantoniae and new localities for P.
interjectum in the Czech Republic confirmed using flow cytometry. –
Preslia 75: 293–310.
Flow cytometry measurements confirmed the occurrence of Polypodium
×mantoniae (P. interjectum × P. vulgare) at three
localities in the eastern part of the Czech Republic (Blansko and Rudice N of
Brno and Javoříčko WNW of Olomouc). Nuclear DNA contents (± Sx) were
determined for P. vulgare (2C = 29.00 ± 0.32 pg), P.
×mantoniae (2C = 37.18 ± 0.38 pg) and P. interjectum (2C =
45.24 ± 0.31 pg) using a PAS Partec GmbH flow cytometer (PI staining /
standard Vicia faba, 2C = 26.9 pg). The relative DNA content ratio was
measured in all pairs of taxa (± Sx range), i.e. P.
×mantoniae : P. vulgare = 1.340 ± 0.008; P.
interjectum : P. vulgare = 1.681 ± 0.003; P. interjectum
: P. ×mantoniae = 1.255 ± 0.008. Six new localities for
Polypodium interjectum were found in the region of Moravský Kras (=
Moravian Karst, N of Brno). From the PI/DAPI index it can be inferred that the
AT/GC ratio (or heterochromatin occurrence) is 1.05× bigger in P.
×mantoniae than in P. vulgare and 1.08× bigger in P.
interjectum than in P. vulgare. Anatomical data (number of thick-
walled cells in the anulus, spore length and stomata length) of selected
specimens and live samples from the Czech Republic were in good agreement with
the range of variation of these features published by earlier authors from
other European countries. A brief historical survey of the knowledge of P.
interjectum in the Czech Republic is included.
Vašut R. J. (2003): Taraxacum sect.
Erythrosperma in Moravia (Czech Republic): Taxonomic notes and the
distribution of previously described species. – Preslia 75:
Dandelions (Taraxacum) of the section Erythrosperma were
studied in Moravia, Czech Republic, where both sexual diploid and apomictic
polyploid species occur. Diploid species T. erythrospermum grows in the
warmest part of southern Moravia and is confined to natural dry grasslands,
whereas some apomictic species have ranges extending up to the submontane
regions and prefer ruderal habits. Altogether, 21 apomictic types were found
repeatedly but only seven were identified as previously described species:
T. arcuatum, T. danubium, T. lacistophylloides, T.
parnassicum, T. plumbeum, T. proximum and T. scanicum.
Descriptions, notes on variation and distribution in Moravia, dot maps and
pictures are given for eight species.
Stančík D. (2003):
New endemic taxa of Festuca from the Colombian Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta. – Preslia 75: 339–347.
A new endemic species, F. sanctae-martae Stančík (sect.
Festuca) and a new subspecies, F. amplissima subsp.
magdalenaensis Stančík (sect. Ruprechtia), from the Colombian
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, are described and illustrated.
Dvořáková M. (2003): Minuartia pauciflora, a
Carpathian endemic species of the M. verna group. – Preslia,
Praha, 75: 349–356. [In German]
Populations of the Minuartia verna group (sect. Polymechana
Mattf.) from the Západne, Vysoké and Belianske Tatry Mts (W Carpathians) and
from the Svidovec and Čorna Hora Mts (Ukrainian E Carpathians) are classified
as a separate species Minuartia pauciflora (Kit. ex Kanitz) Dvořáková;
the appropriate nomenclatural correction is proposed. Comments on speciation,
taxonomic relationships, chromosome counts, distribution and plant sociology
are given. A brief morphological comparison with M. rubella (Wahlenb.)
Hiern (arctic zone of Holoarctis), M. gerardii (Willd.) Hayek (Alps and
Pyrenees) and M. corcontica Dvořáková (Krkonoše Mts, N Czech Republic) is
Hendrych R. (2003): Eduard L. Pospíchal
(1838–1905) in a belated reminder. – Preslia 75:
357–361. [In Czech]
Personal data of the Czech botanist Eduard Ludvík Pospíchal (13. 6. 1838,
Litomyšl, eastern Bohemia – 24. 4. 1905, Belluno, N Italy), a secondary school
teacher of Latin and Greek, are provided and his importance is assessed. He
published floristic reports from Bohemia, Czech Republic. More importantly, he
is an author of an extensive flora of the NE Adriatic coast and its
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