Abstracts of volume 77, 2005
Trávníček B. & Zázvorka J. (2005): Taxonomy of
Rubus ser. Discolores in the Czech Republic and adjacent regions.
– Preslia 77: 1–88.
The current state of the taxonomy of Rubus ser. Discolores in
the Czech Republic is summarized. Since 1995, when the group was treated in the
Flora of the Czech Republic (Holub 1995), six new species have been recognized,
some of which are also known from adjacent areas. They are described in the
present study: R. austroslovacus Trávníček, R. flos-amygdalae
Trávníček et Holub, R. guttiferus Trávníček et Holub, R.
parthenocissus Trávníček et Holub, R. pericrispatus Holub et
Trávníček and R. portae-moravicae Holub et Trávníček. The first five
belong to the group of triploid species close to R. montanus Lej. and
R. grabowskii Weihe, whilst R. portae-moravicae is related to
R. praecox Bertol. Two additional species, originally recognized under
provisional names, were found to be identical to species described earlier:
R. perperus H. E. Weber and R. phyllostachys P. J. Mueller; the
latter is also found in Slovakia. At present, 17 indigenous species, one
naturalized alien (R. armeniacus Focke) and one rare garden escape
(R. ulmifolius Schott) of the ser. Discolores are known to occur
in the Czech Republic. Distribution data and a key for the identification of
all the species are presented.
Botta-Dukát Z., Chytrý M., Hájková P. & Havlová M.
(2005): Vegetation of lowland wet meadows along a climatic continentality
gradient in Central Europe. – Preslia 77: 89–111.
Central European lowland wet meadows are habitats of great conservation
interest, however, their phytosociological status has been to a large extent
dependent on specific phytosociological traditions in different countries. In
order to bridge the gaps between different national schemes of vegetation
classification, a statistical analysis of variation in species composition of
these meadows in the Czech Republic, E Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and NE
Croatia was performed, using a data set of 387 geographically stratified
vegetation relevés sampled at altitudes < 350 m. Principal coordinates
analysiswas used to identify and partial out the noise component in the
variation in this data set. The relevés were classified by cluster analysis. A
new method for identifying the optimal number of clusters was developed, based
on species fidelity to particular clusters. This method suggested the optimum
level of classification with three clusters and secondary optimum levels with
five and nine clusters. Classification based on three clusters separated the
traditional phytosociological alliances of Calthion palustris and
Molinion caeruleae, both with a suboceanic phytogeographical affinity,
and a group of flooded meadows of large river alluvia, with a continental
affinity. The latter group included the traditional alliances of Agrostion
albae, Alopecurion pratensis, Cnidion venosi, Deschampsion
cespitosae and Veronico longifoliae-Lysimachion vulgaris; however,
the internal heterogeneity of this group did not reflect putative boundaries
between these alliances as proposed in the phytosociological literature.
Therefore we suggest to unite these alliances in a single alliance
Deschampsion cespitosae Horvatić 1930 (the oldest valid name).
Classification with nine clusters was interpreted at the level of broad
phytosociological associations. Particular clusters were characterized by
statistically defined groups of diagnostic species and related to macroclimatic
Pokorný P. (2005): Role of man in the development of
Holocene vegetation in Central Bohemia. – Preslia 77: 113–128.
In the subcontinental, semiarid lowland region of Central Bohemia (Czech
Republic), continuous human impact acting together with diverse natural
environmental conditions resulted in the present extraordinarily complex
pattern of vegetation. Three radiocarbon-dated pollen diagrams for the area
indicate that this complexity results from past vegetation development. During
prehistory, places suitable for settlement (with respect to climate, geology,
hydrology, etc.) were colonized and transformed first. This resulted in a
diachrony in vegetation development due to human activity starting in the first
half of the Holocene. This caused an increase in diversity in the region as
plant species persisting from previous periods, along with those associated
with different agricultural practices, increased. Local abiotic factors
affected not only the chronology of human impact but also its specific effects
on the ecosystem. Anthropogenic pressure may have had different effects under
different conditions. Human population pressure was the mediator between the
abiotic diversity and selectively transformed vegetation suitable for the
respective habitats. Differences in the chronology of human impact, mixed oak
woodland degradation, and the chronology of beech, silver fir and hornbeam
expansion are documented for the different ecological zones of the study area.
These differences shed light on the mechanisms resulting in some of the
important changes in Holocene vegetation. In the absence of man, the decline in
mixed oak woodlands, typical of the Middle Holocene in Central Bohemia, would
have been probably much slower and less extensive. Unlike in the uplands and
mountains, the expansion in the area of beech, silver fir and hornbeam would
have been insignificant. The present vegetation resulted to a large extent from
management during High Middle Ages. There is almost no continuity in vegetation
from the late prehistory to the present.
Řepka R. & Danihelka J. (2005): Typification of
the name Carex muricata var. lamprocarpa Wallr. and its
nomenclatural consequences. – Preslia 77: 129–136.
The name Carex muricata subsp. lamprocarpa
“Čelak.” (1879) is frequently used in floras for C. pairae
F. W. Schultz when it is treated as a subspecies of C. muricata L.
However, the combination C. muricata var. lamprocarpa was
published by Wallroth in 1822. The corresponding specimen in Wallroth’s
collection in PR, studied by L. Čelakovský and designated here as a lectotype,
is C. muricata as it has the characteristic shiny utricles. So the
combination C. muricata subsp. pairae (F. W. Schultz) Čelak.
(1870) has to be used.
Ruprecht E. (2005): Secondary succession in old-fields
in the Transylvanian Lowland (Romania). – Preslia 77: 145–157.
The main trends in spontaneous regeneration were studied in old-fields in
the Transylvanian Lowland (Câmpia Transilvaniei) over a period of 40 years
using the chronosequence method. Succession proceeds to grassland, because the
establishment of woody vegetation is hindered by grazing and mowing of the old-
fields and by the scarcity of woodlands in the vicinity. Community properties
and population-level changes were recorded at different stages of succession
and compared with semi-natural grassland in the surrounding landscape. Due to
favourable soil conditions and temperate climate, vegetation cover develops
quickly after the fields are abandoned. Annuals dominated only in the first
year. After two years the fast growing clonal grass, Elymus repens,
became dominant. After approximately 12 years, Elymus was replaced by
Festuca rupicola, which is more resistant to stress and disturbance. In
the later stages of succession various species, some typical of surrounding
grassland, attained high cover values. A steady increase in species diversity,
measured by the Shannon index, and richness was recorded at both the field
(1.0–2.5 ha) and plot (4 × 4 m) scales. Species richness increased rapidly in
early and middle stages and stabilized after the 14th year. Specific features
of the succession in the old-fields in the Transylvanian Lowland can be
attributed to the continued grazing and mowing of the fields after they are
abandoned. This increases species richness because it arrests succession at a
stage when species diversity is high. The management directs regeneration
towards secondary grassland rather than species poor woodland.
Marhold K., Jongepierová I., Krahulcová A. &
Kučera J. (2005): Morphological and karyological differentiation of
Gymnadenia densiflora and G. conopsea in the Czech Republic and
Slovakia. – Preslia 77: 159–176.
Gymnadenia densiflora was recently either misinterpreted or not
accepted as a distinct taxon by several authors. To resolve its taxonomic
position and differentiation from the related G. conopsea, a detailed
study of the morphology, chromosome numbers and distribution of these two taxa
in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and neighbouring areas was carried out.
Chromosome counts showed an invariable diploid chromosome number (2n = 40) for
G. densiflora, while G. conopsea is diploid, tetraploid and
rarely also pentaploid (2n = 40, 80, 100). Results of morphometric analyses
(principal component analysis, cluster analysis, classificatory and canonical
discriminant analysis) confirmed a good morphological separation between G.
densiflora and G. conopsea. Characters such as the width of the
second lowermost leaf, height of the plant, number of flowers in the
inflorescence, number of leaves, and the ratio of height of the plant and
distance from the stem base to the base of the uppermost sheathed leaf
contributed most to this separation. Our study supports the recognition of
G. densiflora as a distinct species.
Rotreklová O., Krahulcová A., Mráz P., Mrázová V.,
Mártonfiová L., Peckert T. & Šingliarová B. (2005): Chromosome numbers and
breeding systems of some European species of Hieracium subgen.
Pilosella. – Preslia 77: 177–195.
Chromosome numbers (ploidy levels) were recorded in the following 25 taxa
of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: H. arvicola Nägeli et
Peter (2n = 45), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36, 45), H. bauhini
Besser (2n = 36, 45), H. bifurcum M. Bieb. (2n = 45), H.
brachiatum Bertol. ex DC. (2n = 36, 45), H. caespitosum Dumort. (2n
= 36), H. cymosum L. (2n ~ 4x), H. densiflorum Tausch (2n = 36, ~
4x), H. echioides Lumn. (2n = 18, 45), H. fallacinum F. W.
Schultz (2n = 36, 45), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, ~ 4x,
45,), H. glomeratum Froel. in DC. (2n = 45), H. iseranum Uechtr.
(2n = 36), H. kalksburgense Wiesb. (2n ~ 5x), H. lactucella
Wallr. (2n = 18), H. macranthum (Ten.) Ten. (2n = 18), H.
onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n = 18), H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, 45,
54), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H.
pilosellinum F. W. Schultz (2n = 36, 45), H. piloselloides Vill. (2n
= 27, 36, ~ 4x, 45, ~ 5x), H. pistoriense Nägeli et Peter (2n = 27),
H. rothianum Wallr. (2n ~ 3x), H. schultesii F. W. Schultz (2n =
36, 45, ~ 5x), H. zizianum Tausch (2n = 27, 36, 54), and one hybrid,
H. onegense × H. pilosella (2n = 36). Besides chromosome counts
in root-tip meristems, flow cytometry was used to determine the DNA ploidy
level in 83 samples of 9 species. The presence of a long marker chromosome was
confirmed in tetraploid H. caespitosum and H. iseranum, in
pentaploid H. glomeratum, and in both tetraploid and pentaploid H.
floribundum. The documented mode of reproduction is sexual (H.
densiflorum, H. echioides, H. piloselloides) and apomictic
(H. brachiatum, H. floribundum, H. pilosellinum, H.
piloselloides, H. rothianum, H. zizianum). Hieracium
bifurcum and H. pistoriense are sterile. The chromosome number
and/or mode of reproduction of H. bifurcum (almost sterile pentaploid),
H. pilosellinum (apomictic pentaploid), H. piloselloides
(apomictic triploid), H. pistoriense (sterile triploid), H.
rothianum (apomictic triploid) and H. zizianum (apomictic triploid)
are presented here for the first time. The sexual reproduction recorded in the
pentaploid H. echioides is the second recorded case of this mode of
reproduction in a pentaploid cytotype of Hieracium subgenus
Pilosella. A previously unknown occurrence of H. pistoriense
(H. macranthum – H. bauhini) in Slovakia is reported.
Vašut R. J., Štěpánek J. & Kirschner J. (2005):
Two new apomictic Taraxacum microspecies of the section Erythrosperma
from Central Europe. – Preslia 77: 197–210.
Two new species, Taraxacum maricum and Taraxacum cristatum,
of the section Erythrosperma from Central Europe are described in this
paper. These species are similar to western European taxa, T. maricum to
T. proximum, and T. cristatum is morphologically close to T.
scanicum. Both new taxa are triploid apomictic microspecies. Specific
characteristics, information on distribution and ecology and comparison with
similar species are presented. Pictures and distribution maps of the new
species are also included.
Komárek J. (2005): Studies on the cyanophytes
(Cyanobacteria, Cyanoprokaryota) of Cuba 11. Freshwater
Anabaena species. – Preslia 77: 211–234.
Nineteen traditional Anabaena morphospecies were found in freshwater
habitats in Cuba. Their taxonomic identification is discussed and variation in
natural populations described. Seven species are known only from tropical
countries (A. ambigua, A. fuellebornii, A. iyengarii,
A. oblonga, A. orientalis, A. recta, A. volzii),
four from tropical America (A. manguinii, A. portoricensis, A.
torques-reginae, A. unispora), one was originally described from
southern Africa (A. austro-africana) and one from central Asia (A.
turkestanica). Two taxa are recognized as new species (A. hatueyi,
A. jeejiae) and two remain unidentified (Anabaena spp.) because
of a shortage of material. Only two species, A. cf. reniformis
and A. cf. bornetiana, may occur also in the temperate zone
(Europe or North America) and as special morphotypes in Cuba.
Roleček J. (2005): Vegetation types of dry-mesic oak
forests in Slovakia. – Preslia 77: 241–261.
Typology of dry-mesic oak forest vegetation of Slovakia is presented. Seven
vegetation types were distinguished based on a Braun-Blanquetian relevé data
analysis using a TWINSPAN classification algorithm. The identified vegetation
types are related to seven syntaxa traditionally used by Central European
phytosociologists: dry-mesic oak forest on sandy soils – Carici
fritschii-Quercetum roboris, dry-mesic oak forest on heavy soils –
Potentillo albae-Quercetum, dry-mesic oak forest on basic rocky
substrates – Corno-Quercetum, dry-mesic oak forest on acidic
substrates – Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum, dry oak forest on
loess – Quercetum pubescenti-roboris, dry-mesic oak forest on
loess – Convallario-Quercetum roboris, dry-mesic forest of
Turkey oak – Quercetum petraeae-cerris. Detrended correspondence analysis
was used to visualize the similarity of vegetation types. Some aspects of dry-mesic
oak forest ecology, distribution and dynamics in Slovakia are discussed; their
general retreat due to mesophilous tree species expansion is stressed.
Kirschner J. & Štěpánek J. (2005): Dandelions in
Central Asia: Taraxacum sect. Suavia. – Preslia 77:
On the basis of the authors collections and cultivated material from
Asia, a recently described group of dandelions, Taraxacum sect.
Suavia, is revised. In addition to three species described previously
(T. haneltii, T. sumneviczii and T. formosissimum), six
new species from Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan are recognized. Three of them, T.
suave, T. stupendum and T. margaritarium, possess most of the
features characterizing the section Suavia, one, T. suasorium, is
regarded as intermediate between sections Suavia and Leucantha, whilst the
remaining two, T. nobile and T. venustius, exhibit some
characters of another related section (T. sect. Stenoloba). The
members of the section Suavia are agamospermous. Detailed descriptions,
drawings and an identification key are given.
Jarolímová V. (2005): Experimental hybridization of
species in the genus Rorippa. – Preslia 77: 277–296.
Experimentally produced interspecific hybrids between four Central European
species of Rorippa (Brassicaceae), which are wide-spread in the
Czech and Slovak Republics (allogamic R. amphibia, R. austriaca,
R. sylvestris and autogamic R. palustris), were studied. The
hybrid between the allogamic tetraploid species R. amphibia and R.
sylvestris can produce hybrid swarms when they occur sympatrically with the
parental species. The most plausible mode of formation of the tetraploid hybrid
swarms introgressed by diploid R. austrica in nature was confirmed: The
chromosome numbers of the offspring resulted from the controlled pollination of
the triploid experimental hybrid R. austriaca × R. sylvestris
mostly tended to the tetraploid level. Even healthy tetraploid plants, with
high quality pollen, developed in the second generation after open pollination
of the experimental triploid R. amphibia × R. austriaca. Plants
with nearly tetraploid or tetraploid chromosome numbers and sufficiently
fertile pollen gave rise to fully fertile tetraploid hybrid swarms, even
without the presence of tetraploid R. austriaca. Failure of most
experimental crosses of the autogamous tetraploid R. palustris with
allogamous species (totally sterile F1 acquired only in combination R.
austriaca × R. palustris) indicated that this species is unlikely to
have participated in the formation of hybrid swarms in nature.
Krahulec F., Kaplan Z. & Novák J. (2005):
Tragopogon porrifolius × T. pratensis: the present state of an
old hybrid population in Central Bohemia, the Czech Republic. – Preslia
77: 297–306.
A population of a hybrid between Tragopogon porrifolius and T.
pratensis (T. ×mirabilis), which occurs in SW part of the
town of Roudnice nad Labem, N part of Central Bohemia, was analysed with
respect to its morphology, fertility, life history, ploidy level and DNA
content. Both parental species vary relatively little morphologically; they are
biennials (monocarpic perennials) and diploids. T. pratensis is a native
species in the Czech Republic, T. porrifolius was cultivated there in
the past. The hybrid plants are extremely morphologically variable, with
variation ranges of some characters overlapping those of the parental species
(e.g. ligules are often longer than involucral bracts, peduncles are often
lanate). Only diploids were found within the hybrid population; however, they
have substantially lower DNA content than both parents (18% lower than T.
pratensis, 42% lower than T. porrifolius). The plants of the
Roudnice hybrid population are polycarpic perennials in contrast to the
monocarpic perennial (mostly biennial) parents. The distribution is described
in detail; it shows that the hybrid plants are spreading and at present even
occur outside the town. The long-persisting population of fertile diploid
hybrid plants in Roudnice nad Labem is an alternative evolutionary pathway to
that of the allotetraploid Tragopogon species known from North America.
Peckert T., Chrtek J. jun. & Plačková I. (2005):
Genetic variation in agamospermous populations of Hieracium echioides
in southern Slovakia and northern Hungary (Danube Basin). – Preslia
77: 307–315.
Six populations of Hieracium echioides subsp. echioides var.
tauscheri from the Danube Basin between Bratislava and Budapest
(locations: Balinka, Čenkov, Devín, Dorog, Győr, Pilis) were analysed using
allozyme and karyological analysis. Five allozyme systems (EST, LAP, 6PGDH,
PGM, and SKDH) were used to analyse the genetic structure of the examined
populations. Analyses revealed low genetic variation both within- and among
populations. Four multilocus allozyme phenotypes were detected; three
populations (Čenkov, Devín and Győr) possessed phenotype I exclusively, while
phenotype II was found only in the Balinka and Dorog populations. Two different
phenotypes were found in the population of Pilis (phenotypes III and IV).
However, due to the complex banding patterns generated for EST, allelic
interpretationwas not possible, and the Balinka and Dorog populations appeared
to possess different phenotypes. All populations proved to be tetraploid (2n =
36) and agamospermous. The geographic distribution pattern of the analysed
populations (one allozyme phenotype at several isolated localities) may reflect
a more common occurrence of the taxon in the past. Landscape changes, caused by
changes in human management of the country, may have resulted in a loss of
suitable localities, mainly open sandy habitats. These changes may have caused
the reduction and fragmentation of H. *tauscheri habitat.
Kochjarová J. (2005): Scilla bifolia group in
the Western Carpathians and adjacent part of the Pannonian lowland: annotated
chromosome counts. – Preslia 77: 317–326.
The chromosome numbers of 95 populations of taxa belonging to the Scilla
bifolia group growing in the territory of Western Carpathians, and adjacent
part of the Pannonian lowland (Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic
– Moravia) are presented. Scilla kladnii Schur (41 populations)
and S. vindobonensis Speta (18 populations) have only the chromosome
number 2n = 18. Both these diploid taxa seem to be karyologically uniform
throughout their distribution. For S. drunensis (Speta) Speta subsp.
drunensis (2 populations), and S. drunensis subsp.
buekkensis (Speta) Kereszty (15 populations) the chromosome number 2n =
36 was found. For S. spetana Kereszty (2 populations), the chromosome
number 2n = 54 was confirmed for Hungary and Austria. For two groups of
populations of S. drunensis s.l. from Slovakia (14 populations in total)
the chromosome number is 2n = 36, which is new information for the Western
Carpathians. Apart from tetraploids, hexaploid populations with 2n = 54 were
confirmed for three localities in Slovakia and Czech Republic (Moravia). All
results are compared with earlier published data.
Chytrý M., Pyšek P., Tichý L., Knollová I. &
Danihelka J. (2005): Invasions by alien plants in the Czech Republic: a
quantitative assessment across habitats. – Preslia 77: 339–354.
Occurrence of alien plant species in all the major habitats in the Czech
Republicwas analysed using a data set of 20,468 vegetation plots, classified
into 32 habitats according to the EUNIS classification. The plots contain on
average 9.0% archaeophytes and 2.3% neophytes; for neophytes, this proportion
is much smaller than 26.8% reported for the total flora of the country. Most
neophytes are found in a few habitats: only 5.6% of them were recorded in more
than ten habitats. By contrast, archaeophytes, and especially native species,
tend to occur in a broader range of habitats. Highest numbers of aliens were
found on arable land, in annual synantropic vegetation, trampled habitats and
anthropogenic tall-forb stands. These habitats contain on average 22–56%
archaeophytes and 4.4–9.6% neophytes. Neophytes are also common in artificial
broadleaved forestry plantations; they also tend to make up a high percentage
of the cover in wet tall-forb stands, but are represented by fewer species
there. Entirely or nearly free of aliens are plots located in raised bogs,
alpine grasslands, alpine and subalpine scrub and natural coniferous woodlands.
Correlations between the number of archaeophytes or neophytes and the number of
native species, calculated with habitat mean values, were non-significant, but
there was a positive correlation between the numbers of archaeophytes and
neophytes. The ratio of archaeophytes to neophytes was high in semi-natural dry
and mesic grasslands and low in disturbed habitats with woody vegetation, such
as artificial broadleaved forestry plantations, forest clearings and riverine
willow stands. When individual plots were compared separately within habitats,
the relationships between the number of archaeophytes, neophytes and native
species were mostly positive. This result does not support the hypothesis that
species-rich communities are less invasible, at least at the scale of
vegetation plots, i.e.
100–102 m2.
Kanz B., Dürhammer O. & Printzen C. (2005):
Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Bavarian Forest. – Preslia 77:
A checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi reported from the German
part of the Bohemian Forest Range (the Bavarian Forest) is presented together
with the literature sources. The area covered by the checklist is region 37
circumscribed by Grummann (1963). The list comprises 867 species currently
accepted as occurring within the area. A further 44 species have been reported
from the area, but their occurrence is regarded as doubtful. Seventy-seven
mostly infraspecific taxa from 19th century literature sources could not be
assigned to any currently accepted name and are listed separately. An
overlooked, historical record of Pyxine sorediata (Ach.) Mont. is
reported as the first and only German record of this species. A linear increase
in the number of reported species, with no sign of saturation in recent years,
indicates that the lichen flora of the region is still incompletely known. The
biogeographic composition of the lichen flora broadly reflects the climatic
conditions within the study area. A significantly higher proportion of northern
elements among terricolous lichens could indicate a high proportion of glacial
relict species within this group. Because of the incomplete floristic inventory
and limited distributional data for lichens in general, these conclusions
should be viewed with caution.
Navrátilová J. & Navrátil J. (2005):
Vegetation gradients in fishpond mires in relation to seasonal fluctuations
in environmental factors. – Preslia 77: 405–418.
The composition of the vegetation of fishpond mires in the Třeboň Basin
(Czech Republic) was studied in relation to temporal fluctuations in certain
environmental factors. The water-table depth, water pH and electrical
conductivity at 49 permanent plots were measured at approximately threeweek
intervals from March to October 2003. Minimum, maximum, mean, median and
variation in the above-mentioned environmental factors were correlated with
vegetation composition. The most important environmental factors explaining the
variation in vegetation were mean pH and maximum water-table level. Median
conductivity increased with increase in waterlogging and eutrophication. Some
seasonal trends in the dynamics of these parameters were observed. The lowest
conductivity was in spring, increased continuously throughout summer and peaked
in autumn. In contrast, water level decreased in summer, when
evapotranspiration was greatest, and rose in autumn after heavy rainfall. The
pH increased from March to June, then was stable and decreased at the end of
summer. Seasonal trends were generally identical in all vegetation types. The
fluctuations in the environmental factors were so considerable that they may
influence the reliability of vegetation environmental analyses.
Kaplan Z. (2005): Potamogeton schweinfurthii A.
Benn., a new species for Europe. – Preslia 77: 419–431.
The occurrence in the Mediterranean part of Europe of the African species
Potamogeton schweinfurthii is recorded for the first time. So far, this
native but overlooked species has been found on five major Mediterranean
islands: Corsica, Sardinia, Malta, Kefallinía (Ionian Islands, Greece) and
Crete. The species is most similar and presumably closely related to the mainly
Eurasian P. lucens, with which it has been partly confused. The
nomenclature and a description of P. schweinfurthii are provided, and
its taxonomy and how it differs from similar taxa discussed. All known
localities are listed, together with voucher specimens preserved in the major
European herbaria. A distribution map of P. schweinfurthii in the
Mediterranean region is presented.
Žíla V. & Weber H. E. (2005): A new species of
Rubus from Bavaria, Bohemia and Austria. – Preslia 77:
Rubus perpedatus Žíla et H. E. Weber (sect. Rubus ser.
Radula Focke) is described as a new species. It differs from R.
radula Weihe in having distinctly pedate leaves, terminal leaflets with an
emarginate base, longer pedicels with longer stalked glands and with many more
prickles. It is distributed in the Bavarian Forest, the Bohemian Forest and in
Upper Austria. An illustration, a list of herbarium specimens and a map showing
the distribution of this new species are provided.
Neustupa J. & Hodač L. (2005): Changes in shape of
the coenobial cells of an experimental strain of Pediastrum duplex var.
duplex (Chlorophyta) reared at different pHs. – Preslia 77:
The changes in shape of the marginal coenobial cells in an experimentally
cultured population of Pediastrum duplex Meyen var. duplex were
investigated. The methods of landmark-based geometric morphometrics, including
sliding landmarks registration, were used. The populations were cultured at 11
different pH levels and the changes in shape related to pH were studied using
multivariate regression. The results of relative warps analysis revealed that
morphological trends are related to both size and pH. The potential application
of the results of this geometric morphometrical analysis of Pediastrum
for biomonitoring and palaeoecological studies are discussed.
Nováková S. (2005): Pseudocarteria corcontica,
a new quadriflagellate species (Volvocales). – Preslia 77:
A new species Pseudocarteria corcontica is described from small,
acidic and oligotrophic water bodies in the Krkonoše Mts (Czech Republic). The
cells are 17–27 × 22–35 µm in size, ellipsoidal or obovate
and with a low truncate papilla. The thick cell wall is sometimes separated
from the protoplast at the posterior end of the cell. The chloroplast is
indistinctly asteroid with an ellipsoidal or half-ellipsoidal pyrenoid located
below the centre of the cell. Numerous contractile vacuoles are not scattered
as in other Pseudocarteria species, but mostly concentrated in the upper
third of the cell and form circle beneath the cell wall. A small elliptical
stigma is located in the anterior part of the cell. Cells divide in immobile
sporangia (up to 38 µm in diameter) producing 2 or 4 daughter cells.
Sexual reproduction is isogamic.
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