Section Juncotypus
Studies in Juncus L. (Juncaceae)
John Hodgon
project is being undertaken as a fulltime PhD at the University of New
Australia under the supervision of A/Prof. Jeremy Bruhl and A/Prof.
Karen Wilson
of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney.
Two subgenera and ten sections are currently recognised within Juncus (Kirschner et al. 1999). Section Juncotypus (previously subgenus Genuini; Kirschner et al. 1999) has about 70 species found mainly in cool temperate zones of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres with a few species found at high altitude in the tropics. There are about 40 currently recognised species in Australia (Wilson et al. 1994). Putative hybrids between species within the section are common (Wilson et al. 1994; Edgar 1964). Several species complexes exist within the section, e.g. J. polyanthemus, although the limits of these complexes have yet to be tested.
date no detailed systematic study, based on molecular and/or
non-molecular data,
has been undertaken to determine the phenetic and/or phylogenetic
among taxa in Juncus section Juncotypus.
The status and origin of
reported hybrids between species of section Juncotypus
has also not yet
been determined. Diffuse centromeres have been reported in the genus Luzula
but it has not been established if they occur in other genera of
Juncaceae (Greilhuber
project will involve field studies, assessment of characters previously
investigation and development of novel characters, automated databasing
techniques, and phenetic and cladistic analyses. Data sources to be
include floral, fruit and vegetative morphology, anatomy, palynology,
embryology, cytology, and molecular data (ISSR and gene sequences).
aims of the project are to investigate and determine:
Albrecht, D. E. (1994). Juncaceae. In 'Flora of Victoria'. Vol. 2. (Eds. N. G. Walsh &T. J. Entwisle) pp. 197-238. (Inkata Press: Melbourne.)
Buchenau, A. (1906). Juncaceae. In Das Pflanzenreich. IV, 36 (Heft 25). (Ed. A. Engler) pp 1-284.
E. (1964). The leafless species of Juncus in New
Zealand. New Zealand
Journal of Botany 2, 177-204.
Greilhuber J (1995) Chromosomes of the monocotyledons. In 'Monocotyledons: Systematics and Evolution'. (Eds PJ Rudall, PJ Cribb, DF Cutler and CJ Humphries). (Royal Botanic Gardens: Kew)
J., Novara, L. J., Novikov, V. S., Snogerup, S., and Kaplan, Z. (1999).
division of the genus Juncus (Juncaceae). Folia
Geobotanica 34, 377-390.
Wilson, K. L., Johnson, L. A. S., and Bankoff, P. (1993). Juncus. In 'Flora of New South Wales'. Vol. 4. (Ed. G. Harden.) pp. 266-289. (UNSW Press: Kensington.)