Wildová R., Wild J. and Herben T. 2007. Fine-scale dynamics of rhizomes
in a grassland community. Ecography 30: 264-276. pdf
(Copyright Ecography)
Herben, T., Březina, S., Skálová, H., Hadincová, V., & Krahulec, F.
2007. Variation in plant performance in a grassland: Species-specific and
neighbouring root mass effects. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 55-62. pdf
Filipová L. and Krahulec F. (2006). The transition zone between Anthoxanthum
alpinum and A. odoratum in the Krkonoše Mts. Preslia 78: 317–330,
2006 pdf
Suzuki J., Herben T., Krahulec F., Štorchová H., Hara T. 2006. Effects of
neighbourhood structure and tussock dynamics on genet demography of Festuca
rubra in a mountain meadow. Journal of Ecology 94, 66–76. pdf
(publisher's notice here).
Handlová & Münzbergová 2006 Seed banks of managed and degraded Grasslands
in the Krkonoše Mts., Czech Republic. Folia Geobotanica 41: 275–288. pdf
Skálová H. 2005. Morphological plasticity of Festuca rubra clones
from three neighbouring communities in response to red : far-red levels. Folia
Geobotanica 40: 77–90. pdf
Wildová R. 2004. Below-ground spatial pattern of rhizomes in a grassland
community and its relevance to above-ground spatial pattern. Plant Ecology
174: 319–336.pdf (Copyright
Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Herben, T. and Wagnerová, M. 2004. Effects of bryophyte removal and fertilization
on established plants in a mountain grassland: changes of a fine-scale spatial
pattern. Lindbergia 29: 33-39. pdf
(Copyright Lindbergia)
Pecháčková S., Albrechtová M., Hadincová V., Krahulec F. & Herben T.
(2003) Horizontal and vertical distribution of root absorption zones of four
common grass species in a mountain grassland. New Phytologist 161: 303-312.
pdf (Copyright New
Herben T., Hara, T. (2003) Spatial pattern formation in plant communities.
In: Sekimura T., Noji S., Ueno N., and Maini P.K. (eds.) Morphogenesis and
Pattern Formation in Biological Systems - Experiments and Models, Springer
Verlag, pp. 223-235. pdf (Copyright
Springer Verlag)
Herben T. & Huber-Sannwald E. (2001): Effect of management on species
richness in grasslands: sward-scale processes lead to large-scale patterns.
In: Multi-function grasslands, Proc. 19th General Meeting of the European
Grassland Federation, La Rochelle, pp. 635-643. pdf
Herben T., Krahulec F, Hadincová V., Pecháčková S., Wildová R. (2003). Year-to-year
variation in plant competition in a mountain grassland. J. Ecol. 91: 103-113.
Abstractpdf (publisher's notice here).
Krahulec F., Skalova H., Herben T., Hadincova V., Wildova R. & Pechackova
S. (2001): Vegetation changes following sheep grazing in abandoned mountain
meadows. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 97-102. Abstract
Herben T., Suzuki J. (2001). A simulation study of the effects of architectural
constraints and resource translocation on population structure and competition
in clonal plants. Evolutionary Ecology 15: 403-423 Abstractpdf (Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Herben T., Hara T., Hadincova V., Krahulec F., Pechackova S., Skalova H.
& Suzuki J. (2001): Neighborhood effects and genetic structure in a clonal
grass: The role of the spatial structure of the environment. Plant Species
Biology 16: 1-11. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Pechackova S. (2001): Clone-specific
response of Festuca rubra to natural variation in biomass and species
composition of neighbours. Oikos 95: 43-52. Abstract
Herben T., During H.J. & Law R. 2000. Spatio-temporal patterns in grassland
communities. In: Dieckmann U., Law R. & Metz J.H.J. (eds.) The geometry
of ecological interactions: simplifying spatial complexity, Cambridge University
Press, pp. 48-64. pdf (Copyright
Cambridge University Press)
Herben T. (2000): Correlation between richness per unit area and the species
pool cannot be used to demonstrate the species pool effect. Journal of Vegetation
Science 11: 123-126. Abstract
Herben T., During H.J. & Law R. (2000): Spatio-temporal patterns in
grassland communities. In: Dieckmann U., Law R., Metz J.A.J. (eds.) Cambridge
studies in adaptive dynamics. 1. The geometry of ecological interactions:
Simplifying spatial complexity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.
48-64. pdf
Herben T., Hadincova V., Hara T., Krahulec F., Pechackova S., Skalova H.
& Suzuki J. (2000): Genetic diversity, competitive ability and neighbourhood
structure of grassland communities. Proceedings IAVS Symposium. Opulus Press,
Uppsala, pp. 321-324. Abstract
Dieckmann U., Herben T. & Law R. (1999): Spatio-temporal processes in ecological
communities. CWI Quartely 12: 213-238. Abstract
Pechackova S., During H.J., Rydlova V. & Herben T. (1999): Species-specific
spatial pattern of below-ground plant parts in a montane grassland community.
Journal of Ecology 87: 569-582. Abstract
Skalova H., Krahulec F., During H.J., Hadincova V., Pechackova S. &
Herben T. (1999): Grassland canopy composition and spatial heterogeneity in
the light quality. Plant Ecology 143: 129-139. Abstract
Suzuki J., Herben T., Krahulec F. & Hara T. (1999): Size and spatial
pattern of Festuca rubra genets in a mountain grassland: its relevance
to genet establishment and dynamics. Journal of Ecology 87: 942-954. Abstract
Flegrova M. & Krahulec F. (1999): Anthoxanthum odoratum and
A. alpinum: Life history parameters at two different altitudes. Folia
Geobotanica 34: 19-31. Abstract
Kubinova D. & Krahulec F. (1999): Phenology of Rumex longifolius: a
key factor for the success of an invasive species? Preslia 70: 339-348. Abstract
Krahulec F., Marhold K. & Schmid B. (1999): Ecology of closely related
species: An introduction. Folia Geobotanica 34: 1-5.
Pechackova S. (1999): Root response to above-ground light quality. Diffences
between rhizomatous and non-rhizomatous clones of Festuca rubra. Plant
Ecology 141: 67-77. Abstract
Skalova H., Krahulec F., During H.J., Hadincova V., Freiova R., Herben
T. & Pechackova S. (1999): Meadows in the Krkonose Mountains: What we
know about their variability and management. In: Ehrendorfer F. Palme H. &
Schrammel G. (eds.) Changing agriculture and landscape: ecology, management
and biodiversity decline in anthropogenous mountain grassland. Proceedings
of the Euromab-Symposium, Federal Research Institute for Agriculture in Alpine
Regions, Irdning, pp. 43-47. Abstract
Skalova H. & Vosatka M. (1998): Growth response of three Festuca
rubra clones to light quality and arbuscular mycorrhiza. Folia Geobotanica
33: 159-169. Abstract
Hara T. & Herben T. (1997): Shoot growth dynamics and size-dependent
shoot fate of a clonal plant, Festuca rubra, in a mountain grassland.
Research on Population Ecology. 39: 83-93. Abstract
Herben T. & Hara T. (1997): Competition and spatial dynamics of clonal
plants. In: de Kroon H. & van Groenendael J. (eds.) The ecology and evolution
of clonal plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 331-357.
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Pechackova S. (1997): Fine-scale
species interactions of clonal plants in a mountain grassland: a removal experiment.
Oikos 78: 299-310. Abstract
Skalova H., Pechackova S., Suzuki J., Herben T., Hara T., Hadincova V. &
Krahulec F. (1997): Within population genetic differentiation in traits affecting
clonal growth: Festuca rubra in a mountain grassland. Journal of Evolutionary
Biology 10: 383-406. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V., Pechackova S. & Kovarova M. (1997):
Fine-scale spatio-temporal patterns in a mountain grassland: do species replace
each other in a regular fashion? Journal of Vegetation Science 8: 217-224.
Law R., Herben T. & Dieckmann U. (1997): Non manipulative estimates
of competition coefficients in a montane grassland community. Journal of Ecology
85: 505-517. Abstract
Herben T. & Krahulec F. (1996): Species coexistence in grasslands:
questionnaire on techniques and spatio-temporal scales. Journal of Vegetation
Science 7: 293-296. Abstract
Herben T. (1996): Permanent plots as tools for plant community ecology.
Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 195-202. Abstract
Herben T., During H.J. & Krahulec F. (1995): Spatiotemporal dynamics
in mountain grasslands: species autocorrelations in space and time. Folia
Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 30: 185-196. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Pechackova S. (1995): Climatic
variability and grassland community composition over 10 years: separating
effects on module biomass and number of modules. Functional Ecology 9: 767-773.
Herben T. (1995): Founder and dominance control: neglected concepts in the
community dynamics of clonal plants. Abstracta Botanica 1995: 3-10. Abstract
Krahulec F. (1995): Species coexistence in temperate grasslands. Folia
Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 30: 113-116.
Pechackova S. & Krahulec F. (1995): Efficient nitrogen economy: key
to the success of Polygonum bistorta in an abandoned mountain meadow.
Folia Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 30: 211-222. Abstract
Krahulec F., Goldberg D.E. & Willems J.H. (eds.) (1995): Species coexistence
in temperate grasslands. Special Features in Vegetation Science 8, Opulus
Press, Uppsala.
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V., Kovarova M. & Skalova H. (1994):
Morphological constraints of shoot demography of a clonal plant: Extra- and
intravaginal tillers of Festuca rubra. Plant Species Biology 9: 183-189.
Krahulec F. (1994): Clonal behaviour in closely related plants. Folia Geobotanica
and Phytotaxonomica 29: 277-289. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Pechackova S. (1994): Is a grassland
community composed of coexisting species with low and high spatial mobility?
Folia Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 29: 459-468. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Kovarova M. (1993): Small-scale
spatial dynamics of plant species in a grassland community over six years.
Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 171-178. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Skalova H. (1993): Small-scale
variability as a mechanism for large scale stability in mountain grasslands.
Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 163-170. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V. & Kovarova M. (1993): Vegetative
tiller allometry and biomass relations in a field population of Festuca
rubra s. s. Preslia 65: 163-169. Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincova V., Kovarova M. & Skalova H. (1993):
Tiller demography of Festuca rubra in a mountain grassland: seasonal
development, life span, and flowering. Preslia 65: 341-353. Abstract
Skalova H. & Krahulec F. (1992): The response of three Festuca rubra
clones to changes in light quality and plant density. Functional Ecology 6:
282-290. Abstract
Herben T. (1992): Coexistence and pattern diversity in communities of clonal
organisms: a model based on cellular automata. Abstracta Botanica 16: 49-54.
Herben T. & Krahulec F. (1990): Competitive hierarchies, reversals
of rank order and the de Wit approach: are they compatible? Oikos 58: 254-256.
Herben T., Krahulec F., Kovarova M. & Hadincova V. (1990): Fine scale
dynamics in a mountain grassland. In: Krahulec F., Agnew A.D.Q., Agnew S.
& Willems J.H. (eds.) Spatial processes in plants communities,. SPB Publishers,
The Hague, pp. 173-184. Abstract
Krahulec F. (1990): Nardo-Agrostion Communities in the Krkonose and West
Carpathians. Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 25: 337-347. Abstract
Krahulec F. (1985): The chorologic pattern of European Nardus-rich
communities. Vegetatio 59: 119-123. Abstract
MSc. theses
Lexa M. (2000): Influence of mulching on decomposition processes and vegetation
structure of a meadow ecosystem in the Krkonose Mts., Charles University,
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany, Prague.
Kumpost J. (1999): Phenotypic plasticity of clonal growth of selected taxa
of Festuca rubra agg., Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Department
of Botany, Prague.
Lieslerova J. (1998): Management at a mountain farm: effect on vegetation
richness. Ústav pro zivotni prostredi PrF UK.
Rabelova J. (1998): Current state of non-forested land use and its changes
in the Velka Úpa region Ústav pro zivotni prostredi PrF UK.
Abazid D. (1997): Effects of shading and seasonal vegetation development
on morphogenesis of grassland species. Dipl. pr.- Depon in: knih. kat. bot.
PrF UK Praha
Durasova M. (1996): Comparative study of Anthoxanthum odoratum and
A. alpinum, Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of
Botany, Prague.
Freiova R. (1996): Morphological variability of selected meadow species
in relation to their mobility, Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Department
of Botany, Prague.
Samcova J. (1995): Seed bank in a meadow in the Krkonose Mts., Charles
University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany, Prague.
Patkova R. (1994): Vegetation changes in meadow communities following sheep-grazing
cessation in Predni Rennerovky in the Krkonose Mts., Charles University, Faculty
of Sciences, Department of Botany, Prague.
Jancarikova K. (1993): Generative recruitment of dicot species in a meadow
in the Krkonose Mts., Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Department
of Botany, Prague.
Kettnerova S. (1991): Succession in abandoned meadows in the Krkonose Mts.:
relationships between nitrogen content, species composition and biomass production,
Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany, Prague.
Hajek A. (1989): Influence of external factors on selected characteristics
of vegetative organs of Festuca rubra and their variability in meadow
communities, Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany,
Kotrbova H. (1989): Influence of R/FR ratio on tillering rate of Festuca
rubra and Triticum sativum, Charles University, Faculty of Sciences,
Department of Plant Physiology, Prague.
PhD theses
Čamska K. (1995): Variability of some traits of red fescue (Festuca rubra
agg.) under varying environmental conditions. [ Dokt.disert.prace ] Česka
zemedelska univerzita v Praze, Praha.
Pechackova S. (1997): The dark side of the meadow: Roots and rhizomes in
a heterogeneous environment - scales, patterns and approaches. Charles University,
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany, Prague.
Skalova H. (2001): Light conditions in mountain meadows and response of
a clonal plant, Festuca rubra. Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences,
Publications in Czech
Lexa M. & Krahulec F. (2001): Vliv mulcovani na rozkladne procesy a
druhove slozeni horskych luk v Krkonosich. Opera Corcontica 36 (2000): 571-577.
Pechackova S. (1999): Louky zevnitr. Poodri 2/1: 11-12.
Bilek M., Žakova I. & Krahulec F. (1998): Louky Krkonos. Alternativa
obhospodarovani - pastva ovci. Ochrana Prirody 53/6: 167-170.
Krahulec F. (1998): Louky Krkonos: vztah variability a rizeneho usmerňovani
vyvoje. Čast I. Ochrana Prirody 53/4: 103-106.
Krahulec F. & Pechackova S. (1998): Lucni potize. Poodri 1/3: 12-13.
Kubinova D. & Krahulec F. (1998): Rozsireni druhu Rumex longifolius
D.C. v Krkonosich. Opera Corcontica 34 (1997): 79-89.
Pechackova S. & Krahulec F. (1998): Louky Krkonos: obnova luk s prevahou
rdesna hadiho korene (Polygonum bistorta). Čast II. Ochrana Prirody 53/5:
Hadincova V., Herben T., Kovarova M., Krahulec F. & Pechackova S. (1997):
Zmeny v produkci jednotlivych druhu krkonosskych luk v prubehu deseti let. Opera
Corcontica 34: 59-77. Abstract
Krahulec F. (1997): Populacne geneticke aspekty obnovy luk. In: Obnova druhove
bohatych luk. Sbornik prirodovedneho klubu v Uherskem Hradisti, Suplementum
3: 8-13 Abstract
Krahulec F. (1997): Problematika radu Nardetalia ve stredni Evrope.
Zpravy Česke Botanicke Spolecnosti 32, Materialy15: 83-88. Abstract
Krahulec F., Blazkova D., Balatova -Tulackova E., Štursa J., Pechackova
S. & Fabsicova M. (1997): Louky Krkonos: Rostlinna spolecenstva a jejich
dynamika. Opera Corcontica 33: 3-250 a Priloha.
Patkova R. & Krahulec F. (1998): Sukcese lucni vegetace v Krkonosich
po skonceni pastvy ovci. Opera Corcontica 34 (1997): 91-104.
Hadincova V., Herben T., Kovarova M., Krahulec F. & Skalova H. (1996):
Populacni biologie kostravy cervene (Festuca rubra) a jeji promenlivost
v lucnim porostu. Zpravy Česke Botanicke Spolecnosti 31, Materialy 13: 117-121.
Krahulec F. (1996): Problematika okruhu Festuca rubra. Zpravy Česke
Botanicke Spolecnosti 31, Materialy 13: 43-45. Abstract
Krahulec F., Pechackova S., Hadincova V. & Herben T. (1996): Vyzkum
montannich luk Krkonos: prehled problematiky. In: Vacek S. (ed.) Monitoring,
vyzkum a management ekosystemu na uzemi Krkonosskeho narodniho parku. Sbornik
z konference v Opocne, VÚLHM, Opocno, pp. 313-320. Abstract
Kucera T. & Kettnerova S. (1996): Urcovani sterilnich trav - lucni druhy.
Zpravy Česke Botanicke Spolecnosti 31, Materialy. 13: 25-33.
Kettnerova S., Krahulec F., Patkova R., Hadincova V. & Herben T. (1995):
Moznosti managementu opustenych luk v Krkonosich. Zpravy Česke Botanicke Spolecnosti
30, Materialy 12: 144-148.
Krahulec F. (1994): Pastva ovci v chranenych uzemich. Nas chov 9: 36.
Krahulec F., Hadincova V., Herben T. & Kettnerova S. (1994): Monitorovani
vlivu pastvy ovci na rostlinna spolecenstva: Zadni Renerovky v Krkonosskem narodnim
parku. Priroda 1: 191-196. Abstract
Krahulec F., Herben T., Hadincova V., Kettnerova S. & Kovarova M. (1994):
Sledovani trvalych ploch v lucnich porostech Krkonos: dynamika druhu behem 10
let. Priroda 1: 23-30. Abstract
Krahulec F. (1993): Vyuziti pastvy ovci v managementu lucnich ekosystemu
chranenych uzemi. Ovci noviny 4: 2-5.
MSc. Theses (Czech titles)
Lexa M. (2000): Vliv mulcova ni biomasy na rozkladne procesy a slozeni travinneho
ekosystemu v horskych loukach Krkonos. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry
Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Kumpost J. (1999): Fenotypicka plasticita klonalniho rustu u vybranych
taxonu z okruhu Festuca rubra. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry
Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Lieslerova J. (1998): Hospodareni na horske farme - vyznam pro diverzitu
vegetace. Ústav pro zivotni prostredi PrF UK.
Rabelova J. (1998): Soucasny stav a vyvoj vyuziti nelesni pudy v katastru
obce Velka Úpa. Ústav pro zivotni prostredi PrF UK.
Abazid D. (1997): Vliv zastinu a sezonniho vyvoje vegetace na morfogenesi
lucnich druhu. Dipl. pr.- Depon in: knih. kat. bot. PrF UK Praha)
Durasova M. (1996): Srovnavaci studie Anthoxanthum odoratum a A.
alpinum. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Freiova R. (1996): Morfologicka variabilita vybranych lucnich druhu ve
vztahu k jejich pohyblivosti. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry Botaniky,
PrF UK, Praha.
Samcova J. (1995): Zasoba semen v Krkonosske horske louce. Ms., Dipl. Prace,
Dep. In: Knih. Katedry Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Patkova R. (1994): Zmeny lucnich spolecenstev po ukonceni pastvy ovci na
Prednich Rennerovkach v Krkonosich. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry
Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Jancarikova K. (1993): Generativni obnova dvoudeloznych druhu rostlin v
loukach Krkonos. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry Botaniky, PrF UK,
Kettnerova S. (1991): Sukcese na opustenych loukach Krkonos: vztahy mezi
slozenim porostu, jeho produkci a obsahem dusiku. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In:
Knih. Katedry Botaniky PrF UK, Praha.
Hajek A. (1989): Vliv vnejsich faktoru na vybrane vlastnosti vegetativnich
organu kostravy cervene (Festuca rubra) a jeji promenlivost v lucnim
porostu. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. Katedry Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Kotrbova H. (1989): Vliv pomeru kratkovlneho a dlouhovlneho cerveneho zareni
na odnozovani kostravy cervene a psenice obecne. Ms., Dipl. Prace, Dep. In:
Knih. Katedry Anatomie a fyziologie rostlin, PrF UK, Praha.
PhD. Theses (titles in Czech)
Camska K. (1995): Variabilita vybrannych vlastnosti kostravy cervene (Festuca
rubra agg.) v ruznych ekologickych podminkach. [ Dokt.disert.prace ] Česka
zemedelska univerzita v Praze, Praha.
Pechackova S. (1997): The dark side of the meadow: Roots and rhizomes in
a heterogeneous environment - scales, patterns and approaches. Ms., Dokt.
prace, Dep. In: Knih Katedry Botaniky, PrF UK, Praha.
Skalova H. (2001): Svetelne podminky v louce a odpoveď klonalni rostliny.
Ms., Kand. Dis. Prace, Dep. In: Knih. BÚ AV ČR, Pruhonice.
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