2002-2004: Genetic structure and spatio-temporal dynamics
in a community of clonal plants. GA ČR, 206/02/0953, joint investigator Tomas
Herben, in cooperation with Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of
South Bohemia, Česke Budejovice, principal investigator Jan Šuspa Leps.
2002-2004: Below-ground competition in grasslands: Changes of vertical
and horizontal below-ground spatial patterns after removal of dominant species.
GA ČR, 206/02/0578, principal investigator Vera Hadincova .
2001-2003: Clonal growth in heterogeneous environment. GA AV ČR, IAB6005107,
principal investigator Hana Skalova .
2001-2003: Climatic variation as a mechanism for species coexistence in
grasslands. GA ČR, 206/01/1033, principal investigator Hana Skalova .
1999-2001: Functions of mountains meadows under different management impacts.
GA ČR, 206/99/1410, principal investigator Frantisek Krahulec.
1999-2001: Species specific interactions in temperate grasslands. GA ČR
206/99/0889, principal investigator Tomas Herben.
1998-2000: Grain of environmental heterogeneity and plasticity of clonal
growth. GA ČR, 206/98/1533, principal investigator Frantisek Krahulec.
1997-1999: Relatioship between below-ground and above-ground pattern of
plant organs in a grassland community. GA ČR, 206/97/1088, principal investigator
Vera Hadincova .
1997-1999: Cycle of the restoration of biodiversity of the grassland in
the mountainous protected region by means of the extensive continual sheep
grazing. GA ČR, 521/97/0499, joint investigator Frantisek Krahulec, in cooperation
with Institute of Animal Husbandry, Prague, principal investigator Miloslav
1996-1998: Biotically generated spatial heterogeneity and coexistence of
grassland species, GA ČR, 206/96/0522, principal investigator Tomas Herben.
1995-1997: Fine scale genetic differentiation in mobility of Festuca rubra,
GA AV ČR, IAA6005507, principal investigator Frantisek Krahulec.
1994-1996: Restoring high altitude meadow vegetation in protected areas
by continual extensive sheep grazing. GA ČR, 507/94/1306, joint investigator
Frantisek Krahulec, in cooperation with Institute of Animal Husbandry, Prague,
principal investigator Miloslav Bilek.
1993-1995: Comparative ecology of closely related species and hybrids and
its implications to taxonomy. GA ČR, 206/93/1178, principal investigator Frantisek
1993-1995: Mechanisms of species coexistence and biodiversity maintenance
in permanent grasslands. GA ČR, 206/93/1179, principal investigator Frantisek
1992-1994: Intraspecific differentiation in grass population dynamics in
relation to community composition. GA AV ČR, IA60555, principal investigator
Frantisek Krahulec.
1992-1993: Spatial competition and diversity maintenance in clonal plants.
GA AV ČR, IA60556, principal investigator Tomas Herben.
1991-1993: Role of nitrogen and other nutrients in competitive relationships
in a mountain grassland. GA AV ČR, IA60506, principal investigator Tomas Herben.
(GA AV ČR - Grant Agency of The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
GA ČR - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic)
Granty Botanickeho ustavu
GA AV ČR -projekty Grantove agentury Akademie ved ČR)
GA ČR - projekty Grantove agentury Česke republiky
2002-2004: Kompetice rostlin pod zemi: zmeny ve vertikalnim a horizontalnim
usporadani. GA ČR, 206/02/0578, resitel Vera Hadincova .
2001-2003: Klonalni rust v heterogennim prostredi. GA AV ČR, IAB6005107,
resitel Hana Skalova .
2001-2003: Klimaticka variabilita jakozto mechanismus koexistence druhu
v loukach. GA ČR, 206/01/1033, resitel Hana Skalova .
1999-2001: Funkce horskych luk za ruznych podminek obhospodarova ni. GA
ČR, 206/99/1410, resitel Frantisek Krahulec.
1999-2001: Druhove specificke interakce rostlin v loukach mirneho pasu.
GA ČR 206/99/0889, resitel Tomas Herben.
1998-2000: Zrno heterogenity prostredi a plasticita klonalniho rustu. GA
ČR, 206/98/1533, resitel Frantisek Krahulec.
1997-1999: Vztah mezi podzemnim a nadzemnim prostorovym usporadanim rostlinnych
organu v lucnim spolecenstvu. GA ČR, 206/97/1088, resitel Vera Hadincova .
1996-1998:Bioticky generovana prostorova heterogenita a koexistence druhu
travnich spolecenstev. GA ČR, 206/96/0522, resitel Tomas Herben.
1995-1997: Geneticka diferenciace Festuca rubra v jemnem meritku ve vztahu
k jeji pohyblivosti. GA AV ČR, IAA6005507, resitel Frantisek Krahulec.
1993-1995: Srovnavaci ekologie blizce pribuznych druhu a jejich hybridu
ve vztahu k jejich taxonomii. GA ČR, 206/93/1178, resitel Frantisek Krahulec.
1993-1995: Mechanismy koexistence druhu a zachova ni druhove diversity v
trvalych travnich porostech. GA ČR, 206/93/1179, resitel Frantisek Krahulec.
1992-1994: Intraspecificka diferenciace populacni biologie trav ve vztahu
ke slozeni rostlinneho spolecenstva. GA AV ČR, IA60555, resitel Frantisek
1992-1993: Konkurence o prostor a udrzeni druhove diversity ve spolecenstvech
klonalnich rostlin, GA AV ČR, IA60556, resitel Tomas Herben.
1991-1993: Vliv dusiku a ostatnich zivin na konkurencni vztahy v horskych
loukach. GA AV ČR, IA60506, resitel Tomas Herben.
Granty jinych instituci, BÚ jako spolunositel
2002-2004: Geneticka struktura a casoprostorova dynamika spolecenstev klonalnich
rostlin. GA ČR, 206/02/0953, nositel Jihoceska univerzita Česke Budejovice,
resitel Jan Leps, spoluresitel Tomas Herben.
1997-1999: Cyklus obnovy biodiverzity lucnich porostu v horske chranene
oblasti extenzivni kontinualni pastvou ovci. GA ČR, 521/97/0499, nositel
Vyzkumny ustav zivocisne vyroby, Praha 10, Uhrineves, resitel Miloslav
Bilek, spoluresitel Frantisek Krahulec.
1994-1996: Obnova porostu chranenych uzemi s extremni nadmorskou vyskou
extenzivni kontinualni pastvou ovci. GA ČR, 507/94/1306, nositel Vyzkumny
ustav zivocisne vyroby, Praha 10, Uhrineves, resitel Miloslav Bilek, spoluresitel
Frantisek Krahulec.
Please mail me if you have any comments
or if you wish to learn more.