Flora of the Czech Republic

This modern, critical, multi-volume Flora summarizes the present knowledge of vascular plants occurring in the Czech Republic. It contains all native, introduced, escaped and commonly cultivated species. Species introduced only casually and less frequent ornamental plants are also briefly mentioned. Most emphasis is laid on native and introduced plants and those cultivated in agriculture or forestry. Descriptions of the taxa (including basic synonymy, observations on variation and chromosome numbers) and data on their geographical distribution are given. Keys to families, genera and species are included. Much attention is paid to ecology and phytocenology of the species, dynamics of their occurrence and their economic significance as sources of food, raw materials and pharmaceuticals, or as ornamental plants, weeds, etc. The Flora is profusely illustrated with line drawings showing both habit and details. Eight volumes are planned. The present Flora is so far the most detailed Flora of the Czech Republic. As one of the basic floras of Central Europe it is an important source of information to botanists from other countries. It is intended for researchers in both theoretical and applied botany and other branches of biology, specialists in environment and nature conservation, practitioners of agriculture and forestry, teachers of biology, students and all those interested in plants.

KVĚTENA ČR, vol. l (1988, 2. ed. 1997)

Edited by Slavomil Hejný and Bohumil Slavík
Volume editors Jindřich Chrtek, Pavel Tomšovic and Miloslav Kovanda

Vol. l contains introductory material, ferns, gymnosperms and 16 families of dicotyledons, including Ranunculaceae and Papaveraceae 537 pp., 113 plates of line drawings, 52 maps, 32 plates of black and white photographs on coated paper, 2 figs., 1 separate map, in Czech with a summary in English, cloth-bound, dust-jacket. CZK 390.

KVĚTENA ČR, vol. 2 (1990, 2. ed. 2003)

Edited by Slavomil Hejný and Bohumil Slavík
Volume editors Lubomír Hrouda and Vladimír Skalický

Vol. 2 contains 29 families of dicotyledons, including Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae, Violaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Salicaceae . 540 pp., 119 plates of line drawings, one map on the end-papers, in Czech with a summary in English, cloth-bound, dust-jacket. CZK 390.

KVĚTENA ČR, vol. 3 (19922. ed. 2003)

Edited by Slavomil Hejný and Bohumil Slavík
Volume editors Jan Kirschner and Bohdan Křísa

Vol. 3 contains 17 families of dicotyledons, including Brassicaceae, Primulaceae, Malvaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Saxifragaceae, Amygdalaceae and Malaceae . 542 pp., 114 plates of line drawings, one map on the end-papers, in Czech with a summary in English, cloth-bound, dust-jacket. CZK 390.

KVĚTENA ČR, vol. 4 (1995)

Edited by Bohumil Slavík
Volume editors Miroslav Smejkal, Marie Dvořáková and Vít Grulich

Vol. 4 contains three families of dicotyledons, Rosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Fabaceae . Taxonomically difficult genera, such as Rubus, Alchemilla, Potentilla and Rosa are treated in detail. With a chapter on the phytogeography of the families concerned. 529 pp., 109 plates of line drawings, one map on the end-papers, in Czech with a summary in English, cloth-bound, dust-jacket. CZK 390.

KVĚTENA ČR, vol. 5 (1997)

Edited by Bohumil Slavík
Volume editors Jindřich Chrtek jr. and Pavel Tomšovic

Vol. 5 contains 38 families of dicotyledons, including Droseraceae, Onagraceae, Aceraceae, Geraniaceae, Balsaminaceae, Apiaceae, Rhamnaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Valerianaceae and Dipsacaeae. With a chapter on the phytogeography of the families concerned. 568 pp., 126 plates of line drawings, one map on the end-papers, in Czech with a summary in English, cloth-bound, dust-jacket. CZK 360.

KVĚTENA ČR, vol. 6 (2000)

Edited by Bohumil Slavík
Volume editors Jindřich Chrtek jr. and Jitka Štěpánková

Vol. 6 contains 23 families of dicotyledons, including Rubiaceae, Boraginaceae, Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Lamiaceae, Campanulaceae. With a chapter on the phytogeography of the families concerned.770 pp., 129 plates of line drawings, 60 maps plus one drawing and one map on the end-papers, in Czech with a summary in English, cloth-bound, dust-jacket. CZK 390.

Published by Academia, Publishing House of the Czech Academy of Sciences (in eight volumes).

Svazek 1 - Volume 1 (1988, 1997)

1. Huperziaceae

2. Lycopodiaceae

3. Selaginellaceae

4. Isoetaceae

5. Equisetaceae

6. Ophioglossaceae

7. Osmundaceae

8. Hymenophyllaceae

9. Cryptogrammaceae

10. Sinopteridaceae

11. Hypolepidaceae

12. Thelypteridaceae

13. Aspleniaceae

14. Athyriaceae

15. Aspidiaceae

16. Blechnaceae

17. Polypodiaceae

18. Marsileaceae

19. Salviniaceae

20. Azollaceae

21. Ginkgoaceae

22. Pinaceae

23. Taxodiaceae

24. Cupressaceae

25. Taxaceae

26. Magnoliaceae

27. Calycanathaceae

28. Aristolochiaceae

29. Nyphaeaceae

30. Ceratophyllaceae

31. Helleboraceae

32. Ranunculaceae

33. Berberidaceae

34. Papaveraceae

35. Fumariaceae

36. Hamamelidaceae

37. Platanaceae

38. Ulmaceae

39. Moraceae

40. Cannabaceae

41. Urticaceae



Svazek 2 - Volume 2 (1990, 2003)


42. Fagaceae

43. Betulaceae

44. Corylaceae

45. Carpinaceae

46. Juglandaceae

47. Phytolaccaceae

48. Nyctaginaceae

49. Aizoaceae

50. Portulacaceae

51. Illecebraceae

52. Caryophyllaceae

53. Chenopodiaceae

54. Amaranthaceae

55. Polygonaceae

56. Plumbaginaceae

57. Paeoniaceae

58. Hypericaceae

59. Elatinaceae

60. Violaceae

61. Cistaceae

62. Cucurbitaceae

63. Begoniaceae

64. Tamaricaceae

65. Salicaceae

66. Ericaceae

67. Vacciniaceae

68. Pyrolaceae

69. Monotropaceae

70. Empetraceae



Svazek 3 - Volume 3 (1992, 2003)


71. Brassicaceae

72. Resedaceae

73. Primulaceae

74. Tiliaceae

75. Malvaceae

76. Buxaceae

77. Euphorbiaceae

78. Thymelaeaceae

79. Grossulariaceae

80. Hydrangeaceae

81. Philadelphaceae

82. Crassulaceae

83. Saxifragaceae

84. Parnassiaceae

85. Spiraeaceae

86. Amygdalaceae

87. Malaceae



Svazek 4 - Volume 4 (1995)


88. Rosaceae

89. Caesalpiniaceae

90. Fabaceae



Svazek 5 - Volume 5 (1997)


91. Droseraceae

92. Lythraceae

93. Onagraceae

94. Trapaceae

95. Haloragaceae

96. Hippuridaceae

97. Anacardiaceae

98. Simaroubaceae

99. Rutaceae

100. Staphyleaceae

101. Aceraceae

102. Sapindaceae

103. Hippocastanaceae

104. Linaceae

105. Zygophyllaceae

106. Oxalidaceae

107. Geraniaceae

108. Tropaeolaceae

109. Balsaminaceae

110. Polygalaceae

111. Cornaceae

112. Araliaceae

113. Hydrocotylaceae

114. Apiaceae

115. Aquifoliaceae

116. Celastraceae

117. Rhamnaceae

118. Vitaceae

119. Oleaceae

120. Santalaceae

121. Loranthaceae

122. Viscaceae

123. Elaeagnaceae

124. Caprifoliaceae

125. Sambucaceae

126. Adoxaceae

127. Valerianaceae

128. Dipsacaceae


Svazek 6 - Volume 6 (2000)


129. Apocynaceae

130. Asclepiadaceae

131. Gentianaceae

132. Menyanthaceae

133. Rubiaceae

134. Polemoniaceae

135. Convolvulaceae

136. Cuscutaceae

137. Hydrophyllaceae

138. Boraginaceae

139. Solanaceae

140. Buddlejaceae

141. Scrophulariaceae

142. Bignoniaceae

143. Orobanchaceae

144. Lentibulariaceae

145. Glubulariaceae

146. Plantaginaceae

147. Verbenaceae

148. Lamiaceae

149. Callitrichaceae

150. Campanulaceae

151. Lobeliaceae



Svazek 7 - Volume 7


152. Asteraceae

153. Ambrosiaceae

154. Cichoriaceae



Svazek 8 - Volume 8


155. Butomaceae

156. Alismataceae

157. Hydrocharitaceae

158. Scheuchzeriaceae

159. Juncaginaceae

160. Potamogetonaceae

161. Zannichelliaceae

162. Najadaceae

163. Liliaceae

164. Alliaceae

165. Trilliaceae

166. Asparagaceae

167. Amaryllidaceae

168. Agavaceae

169. Iridaceae

170. Cannaceae

171. Orchidaceae

172. Juncaceae

173. Cyperaceae

174. Commelinaceae

175. Poaceae

176. Araceae

177. Lemnaceae

178. Sparganiaceae