Zdenek Kaplan
Zdenek Kaplan, PhD
Personal Page
Plant Taxonomist
Deputy Head of Department of Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Institute of Botany, Průhonice
Office address:
Institute of Botany
Academy of Sciences
CZ-252 43 Průhonice
Czech Republic
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Fax: +420 267 750 031
PhD, Taxonomy and biosystematics of Potamogeton, Charles University, Prague, 2002
MSc, Taxonomy, ecology and chorology of linear-leaved Potamogeton species in the Czech Republic, Palacký University, Olomouc, 1995
BSc, Landscape Ecology, Palacký University, Olomouc, 1993
Plant taxonomy, biosystematics, microevolution, breeding behaviour, phytogeography, nomenclature, floristics
‘Taxonomic mysteries in Potamogetonaceae: a monograph of little-known taxonomic groups’ (project leader, 2006-2008)
‘A role of hybrids and hybridization in natural populations of Potamogeton’ (project leader, 2003-2005)
‘Taxonomy and phylogeny of Potamogeton’ (project leader, 2002-2004)
‘Evolution within hybridogenous population of Tragopogon: does Czech population differ from those ones in US?’ (research participant, project leader F. Krahulec, 2002-2004)
‘Tropical plant diversity in Czech herbaria - National heritage of world importance: collections of Th. Haenke, K. B. Presl and K. Domin’ (research participant, project leader J. Štěpánek, 2001-2003)
‘Genetic fruit polymorphism and karyology of Southeast Asian Valerianella’ (research leader, 1998-2002)
‘Key to the flora of the Czech Republic’ (one of editors and authors, 1999-2002)
‘Sources of variation and taxonomic structure within Potamogeton’ (project leader, 1998-2000)
‘A monograph of the family Juncaceae, within a framework of Species Plantarum - Flora of the World’ (research participant, project leader J. Kirschner, 1997-1999)
‘A worldwide treatment on the taxonomy of the genus Potamogeton L. (Potamogetonaceae)’ (together with G. Wiegleb, 1996-1998)
‘Inter-population differentiation in island-like areas of serpentine: Variation in higher plants in a severe environment’ (research participant, project leader J. Štěpánková, 1995-1997)
‘Flora of the Czech Republic’, Vols 6-9 (research participant since 1995, since 2002 also volume editor of vols 8 & 9, editors B. Slavík & J. Štěpánková)
Fieldwork: travels throughout Europe, a few visits to Asia, Africa and North America. Expeditions to Turkey 1992, Siberia 1993, Ukraine 1996, Iran 1997, Mediterranean 1998, Scandinavia 1998, Morocco 2002.
Selected short research stays at foreign institutions: Wien (W and WU), Austria, 1997 and 2006; Göttingen (GOET), Berlin (B) and München (M), Germany, 1999; St. Petersburg (LE), Russia, 2000; Stockholm (S) and Uppsala (UPS), Sweden, 2001; London (BM) and Kew (K), Great Britain, 2002, 2004 and 2006; Zürich (Z and ZT), Switzerland, 2003; Utrecht (U), Netherlands, 2003; Brussels (BR and BRVU), Belgium, 2003; Paris (P), France, 2003; Genève (G), Switzerland, 2004; Copenhagen (C), Denmark, 2004; Lund (LD), Sweden, 2004; Budapest (BP), Hungary, 2005; Frankfurt (FR), Germany, 2006; Edinburgh (E), Great Britain, 2006; Leiden (L) and Wageningen (WAG), Netherlands, 2007; Helsinki (H), Finland, 2007, etc.
Executive Editor of Preslia (since 1999)
Member of Editorial Board of Zprávy České botanické společnosti [Bulletin of the Czech Botanical Society] (since 1998)
Member of the Czech Botanical Society (since 1991)
Leader in the Floristic Summer School organized by the Czech Botanical Society (since 1995)
Kaplan Z. (2008): A taxonomic revision of Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae) in Asia, with notes on the diversity and variation of the genus on a worldwide scale. – Folia Geobot. 43: 159–234. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Fehrer J. (2007): Molecular evidence for a natural primary triple hybrid in plants revealed from direct sequencing. – Ann. Bot. 99: 1213–1222. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. (2007): First record of Potamogeton × salicifolius for Italy, with isozyme evidence for plants collected in Italy and Sweden. – Pl. Biosystems 141: 344–351. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Fehrer J. (2006): Comparison of natural and artificial hybridization in Potamogeton. – Preslia 78: 303–316. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. (2005): Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Benn., a new species for Europe. – Preslia 77: 419–431. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. (2005): Neotypification of Potamogeton ×fluitans Roth and the distribution of this hybrid. – Taxon 54: 822–826. [PDF]
Krahulec F., Kaplan Z. & Novák J. (2005): Tragopogon porrifolius × T. pratensis: the present state of an old hybrid population in Central Bohemia, the Czech Republic. – Preslia 77: 297–306. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Symoens J.-J. (2005): Taxonomy, distribution and nomenclature of three confused broad-leaved Potamogeton species occurring in Africa and on surrounding islands. – Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 148: 329–357. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Zalewska-Gałosz J. (2004): Potamogeton taxa proposed by J. F. Wolfgang and his collaborators. – Taxon 53: 1033–1041. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Fehrer J. (2004): Evidence for the hybrid origin of Potamogeton ×cooperi (Potamogetonaceae): traditional morphology-based taxonomy and molecular techniques in concert. – Folia Geobot. 39: 431–453. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Symoens J.-J. (2004): (1638) Proposal to conserve the name Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Benn. (Potamogetonaceae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 53: 837–838. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Wolff P. (2004): A morphological, anatomical and isozyme study of Potamogeton ×schreberi: confirmation of its recent occurrence in Germany and first documented record in France. – Preslia 76: 141–161. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. & Štěpánek J. (2003): Genetic variation within and between populations of Potamogeton pusillus agg. – Plant Syst. Evol. 239: 95-112. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. (2003): Linear-leaved species of Potamogeton in the Czech Republic V. P. pectinatus. – Preslia 75: 165–181.
Kaplan Z. (2002): Luzula subg. Pterodes. – In: Kirschner J. (ed.) et al., Juncaceae 1: Rostkovia to Luzula, Species Plantarum: Flora of the World 6: 164–186 & 224–228, Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra.
Kirschner J. & Kaplan Z. (2002): Taxonomic monographs in relation to global Red Lists. – Taxon 51: 155–158. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. (2002): Linear-leaved species of Potamogeton in the Czech Republic IV. P. pusillus s.l. and P. trichoides. – Preslia 74: 345–371.
Kaplan Z., Plačková I. & Štěpánek J. (2002): Potamogeton ×fluitans (P. natans × P. lucens) in the Czech Republic. II. Isozyme analysis. – Preslia 74: 187–195. [PDF]
Kubát K., Hrouda L., Chrtek jun. J., Kaplan Z., Kirschner J. & Štěpánek J. (eds) (2002): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. [Key to the Flora of the Czech Republic.] – 928 p., Academia, Praha.
Kaplan Z. (2002): Phenotypic plasticity in Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). – Folia Geobot. 37: 141–170. [PDF]
Kaplan Z. (2002): Main sources of taxonomic difficulties in Potamogeton. – Zprávy Čes. Bot. Společ. (Praha) 37: 43–46.
Kaplan Z. (2002): Linear-leaved species of Potamogeton in the Czech Republic III. P. obtusifolius and P. friesii. – Preslia 74: 267–280.
Kaplan Z. (2001): Potamogeton ×fluitans (P. natans × P. lucens) in the Czech Republic. I. Morphology and anatomy. – Preslia 73: 333–340.
Kirschner J. & Kaplan Z. (2001): Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Luzula and Juncus (Juncaceae). – Taxon 50: 1107–1113.
Kirschner J. & Kaplan Z. (2001): (1502–1507) Proposals to reject the names Juncus cymosus, J. radicans, Luzula capillaris, L. hyperborea, L. interrupta, and Rostkovia brevifolia (Juncaceae). – Taxon 50: 1193–1197.
Kaplan Z. (2001): Linear-leaved species of Potamogeton in the Czech Republic: II. P. compressus and P. acutifolius. – Preslia 73: 127–139.
Kubát K. & Kaplan Z. (2001): Arnoseris minima Schweigg. et Koerte in the Czech Republic. – Severočes. Přír. (Litoměřice) 32("2000"): 29–36.
Kaplan Z. (2001): Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Luzula subg. Pterodes (Juncaceae). – Preslia 73(1): 59–71.
Kaplan Z. (2000): Linear-leaved species of Potamogeton in the Czech Republic: I. Introduction and key to determination. – Preslia 72: 457–467.
Kaplan Z. (2000): Lemna turionifera – a new species for the Czech Republic. – Zprávy Čes. Bot. Společ. (Praha) 34("1999"): 135–141.
Kirschner J., Novara L. J., Novikov V. S., Snogerup S. & Kaplan Z. (1999): Supraspecific division of the genus Juncus (Juncaceae). – Folia Geobot. 34: 377–390.
Wiegleb G. & Kaplan Z. (1998): An account of the species of Potamogeton L. (Potamogetonaceae). – Folia Geobot. 33: 241–316.
Kaplan Z. & Řehořek V. (1998): Galium parisiense - a new alien species for the Czech Republic. – Preslia 70: 51–56.
Kaplan Z. (1998): Relict serpentine populations of Knautia arvensis s. l. (Dipsacaceae) in the Czech Republic and an adjacent area of Germany. – Preslia 70: 21–31.
Kaplan Z. (1998): (1364) Proposal to conserve the name Potamogeton maackianus (Potamogetonaceae) against P. serrulatus. – Taxon 47: 735–736.
Kaplan Z. (1997): Names of Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae) proposed by Bohemian botanists in the period 1819–1902. – Preslia 69: 193–239.
Krahulec F. & Kaplan Z. (1995): Diversity of Potamogeton species during 21 years of succession in a new water reservoir. – Preslia 66: 237–241.
Kaplan Z. (1995): Genus Potamogeton on the Svjatoj Nos isthmus and in the Barguzinskaja valley, Lake Baikal. – Siber. Nat. (Praha) 1: 73–89.

last update: 06/10/2008 by Zdenek Kaplan