Juncaceae Phylogeny Group

Juncaceae Genera Key

1 Flowers solitary and anthers mucronate (if anthers not mucronate then outer tepals at least 15 mm long); auricles never lacerate

2 Plants not cushion-forming, upper part of stem leafless, flower terminal

3 Flower bracts 2, the lower one herbaceous, conspicuously longer than perianth, upper bract ±equalling perianth, capsule suborbicular to obovoid, obtuse, to c. 5 mm long, seeds without conspicuous appendages    1. Rostkovia

3: Flower bracts 1 or 2, membranous, much shorter than perianth, capsule oblong to ellipsoidal, trigonous, acuminate, at least 7 mm long, seeds with two distinct appendages    2. Marsippospermum

2: Plants cushion-forming, upper part of stem densely covered with leaves, flower lateral (subterminal, axillary)

4 Leaves regularly distichous, gynophore developed, elongating during capsule ripening     5. Distichia

4: Leaves ±spirally arranged, gynophore absent

5 Flower with 1 bracteole, leaf blade with margins finely denticulate, apex acute but not hard nor prickly    4. Patosia

5: Flowers with 2 bracteoles, leaf blade with smooth margins, apex acute, hard, prickly    3. Oxychloë

1: Flowers in inflorescences; anthers not mucronate (if flowers occasionally solitary then tepals shorter than 10 mm); if anthers minutely mucronate then auricles lacerate

6 Capsule 3-seeded; leaves densely to very sparsely ciliate, flowers always with basal bracteoles, leaf sheath closed, rarely partially dissected    6. Luzula

6: Capsule many-seeded; leaves glabrous, flowers with or without bracteoles, leaf sheath open, rarely closed    7. Juncus

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