Juncaceae Phylogeny Group



1  Inflorescence racemose, a pair of floral bracteoles absent, flowers usually in heads or clusters, rarely borne ±singly (subg. Juncus)

2  Leaves terete, stem-like, pungent, basal, not septate, vascular bundles scattered over most of T.S., lower bract apparently forming a prolongation of stem    sect. 1. Juncus

2: Leaves flat, compressed, canaliculate or if terete, then usually septate, not stem-like, basal or cauline, vascular bundles usually in subepidermal position, lower bract usually not in a position of the stem prolongation

3  Leaves unitubulose or pluritubulose, perfectly septate; if pluritubulose (not bitubulose) and imperfectly septate, then terete, or flattened but then not arranged perpendicular to stem    sect. 6. Ozophyllum

3: Leaves flat or with raised margins, not septate, or bitubulose and septate, or laterally compressed and pluritubulose and imperfectly septate (then arranged perpendicular to stem), if unitubulose and perfectly septate then anthers distinctly exserted

4  Annuals    sect. 3. Caespitosi

4: Perennials

5  Anthers distinctly to at least partly exserted from perianth in later stages of flowering     sect. 4. Stygiopsis

5: Anthers not exserted

6  Most of inflorescence not fertile, of golden-coloured feather-like branchlets    sect. 4. Stygiopsis (J. ochraceus)

6: Inflorescence usually fully fertile, not of the above appearance

7  Leaves laterally compressed, pluritubulose, imperfectly septate, arranged perpendicular to stem                                        sect. 5. Iridifolii

7: Leaves dorsiventrally compressed or ±canaliculate, not septate, arranged adaxial flat side facing the stem

8  Seeds with two distinct appendages. Sino-Himalayan region    sect. 4. Stygiopsis

8: Seeds without appendages, if appendages present then W North America    sect. 2. Graminifolii

1: Inflorescence cymose, a pair of floral bracteoles present below each flower, flowers usually borne singly or in loose groups (subg. Agathryon)

9  Annuals    sect. 7. Tenageia

9: Perennials

10  Inflorescence seemingly lateral (pseudolateral), lower inflorescence bract terete, erect, seeming to be a continuation of stem, basal leaves bladeless; cauline leaves ±absent, sterile shoots terete, stem-like    sect. 9. Juncotypus

10: Inflorescence obviously terminal, lower bract flat, canaliculate or terete, not as a continuation of stem, at least some basal or subbasal leaves with a well developed blade, sterile shoots not stem-like

11  Cauline leaves terete (epidermal cells of the same size), pith of astericiform cells    sect. 10. Forskalina

11: Cauline and/or basal leaves flat to canaliculate (at least some cells od adaxial epidermis enlarged, margins with thin sclerenchymatous strands), the inner part of leaves of chlorenchyma, rarely with air channels, not of astericiform cells    sect. 8. Steirochloa

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Phylogeny Conclusion

Group Participants

Juncaceae Literature