Juncaceae Phylogeny Group



1  Annuals; inflorescence cymose; n = 3    subg. 1. Marlenia

1: Perennials; inflorescence racemose; n = 6

2  Seed appendage apical (distal), large    subg. 3. Pterodes

2: Seed appendage basal or absent, distal end of seed sometimes with a minute pale patch of loose outer seed coat

3  Flowers usually borne singly, in the inflorescence rarely some in groups of 2–5, inflorescence much branched                                              sect. 4. Diprophyllatae

3: Flowers in dense pedunculate clusters or wholly congested, or in groups of (2) 3–5 (to many) flowers in the whole inflorescence; inflorescence sparsely branched, unbranched or much branched

4  Leaf tip obtuse to subobtuse, often slightly swollen, rarely with a spinuliform mucro

5  Leaf tip obtuse, not swollen, with a spinuliform mucro    49. Luzula nivalis

5: Leaf tip obtuse or subobtuse, slightly swollen or not swollen, without spinuliform mucro    sect. 7. Luzula

4: Leaf tip acute to acuminate, not swollen

6  Inflorescence usually nodding, less often erect (then stamens 3 or tepals ciliate, high Andes), spike-like or paniculate (a panicle of ±dense spike-like clusters), clusters congested or interrupted at base    sect. 5. Alpinae

6: Inflorescence erect to suberect, if slightly nodding then much branched, loose, of (2) 3–5 (20)-flowered groups, anthelate (or corymbose) or umbelloid, of distinct clusters (if congested then stamens 6, tepals glabrous, N hemisphere)

7  Inflorescence much branched, (doubly) anthelate, terminal groups mostly of 2–4 (8) flowers, head-like    sect. 1. Antheleae

7: Inflorescence sparsely branched or unbranched, umbelloid to subcongested, of distinct pedunculate clusters (or wholly contracted), clusters 3–8 (-many)-flowered

8  Tepals ±membranous, seeds ±globose, smooth    sect. 2. Atlanticae

8: Tepals coloured (usually castaneous-brown), seeds broadly ovoid to ellipsoid, surface sculptured

9  Seeds 0.9–1.3 × 0.5–0.3 mm; rhizome thin or indistinct

10  Leaf margin smooth    91. L. acutifolia

10: Leaf margin densely papillose-serrulate    sect. 6. Thyrsanochlamydeae

9: Seeds 1.7–1.9 × 1.3–1.4 mm; rhizome thick, nodulose    sect. 3. Nodulosae


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