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Training Positions for EU PhD students available at Marie Curie Training Site

The European Union has awarded the University of Newcastle a Marie Curie training Site: "Molecular Tools in Evolutionary and Ecological Research" MOTIVE

Over a period of 4 years 10 positions will be available for PhD students from EU countries (but not the UK) to receive training for 6 -12 months in the area of the development and use of molecular tools and to perform part of their PhD studies in Newcastle.

The aim is to deliver training in the development of valuable multidisciplinary and transferable DNA techniques, such as RAPDs, microsatellites and DNA sequencing and their application as genetic tools in biodiversity, evolutionary and ecological research. We currently have 3 vacancies, to be filled between Sept 2004 and March 2005. We are particularly looking for students interested in plant population studies.

The scheme is for postgraduate students pursuing doctoral studies in a subject area similar to that of the Training Site. They should be affiliated to a University as PhD students both at the time of application and during the Marie Curie training fellowship.

The students will receive an allowance of 1200 Euro per month. Money for consumables and travel is available. The positions are now advertised and interested students are requested to apply directly to the organiser.

For information see the web site or contact Kirsten Wolff, for example by sending an email to

Further information on Marie Curie Fellowships in general is available on:

Kirsten Wolff

Dr. Kirsten Wolff
Reader in Evolutionary Genetics