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Two Doctoral Positions in Plant EcologyGeobotanical Institute ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
The Geobotanical Institute ETH seeks candidates to fill two three-year PhD positions (60% salary) within the project Reciprocal analysis of ecological and genetic factors of alien plant invasions along altitudinal gradients in the Swiss Alps and Wallowa Mountains (USA). The objective of this project is to provide insight in the mechanisms of plant invasions by elucidating the limiting factors of the invasion processes as obtained from mountain systems as model systems for pronounced environmental gradients. The work will involve (i) field surveys of invasive populations along altitudinal gradients, (ii) analysis of the patterns of genetic variation within and between populations, (iii) common garden experiments at different altitudes and (iv) reciprocal transplant experiments along altitudinal gradients. Both PhDs will be based at the Geobotanical Institute in Zürich. Field work will be done in the Swiss Alps and in the Wallowa Mountains (NE Oregon, USA), the latter in co-operation with Dr. Catherine Parks, Pacific Northwest Research Station, La Grande OR. The project may start as early as April 15th but will not start later than May 1st.
Applicants should have a Diploma or Master in an appropriate field with an emphasis in plant ecology, landscape ecology or ecological genetics. All candidates should have a good command of English, should feel comfortable with the management and statistical analysis of large data sets and should be of an independent but co-operative character.
An application for this position including a curriculum vita, a copy of the thesis (if available - will be returned on request) and the names and addresses of two referees is to be sent to Dr. Hansjörg Dietz, Geobotanical Institute ETH, Zürichbergstrasse 38, CH-8044 Zürich.
Applications are due by Friday, March 26, 2004.
Inquiries to Dr. Hansjörg Dietz; Telephone: +41 1 632 5975; Fax: +41 1 632 1215; e-mail, hansjoerg.dietz@env.ethz.ch or to Dr. Regula Billeter; Telephone: +41 1 632 45 88; Fax: +41 1 632 1215; e-mail, regula.billeter@env.ethz.ch.