J. Fabry, R. Krupkova , V. Studnicka:
4-Chloro-2-methylanilinium dihydrogenphosphate;
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E. Aubert, F. Porcher, M. Souhassou, V. Petricek, C. Lecomte:
Location of fluoride counterion in As-synthesized silicate-1 by single crystal x-ray diffraction;
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H. Sato, H. Machida, K. Shimamura, A. Bensalah, T. Satonaga, T. Fukuda, E. Mihokova, M. Dusek, M. Nikl, A. Vedda:
Color centers in LiCaAlF6 single crystals and their suppression by doping;
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R. Krupkova, J. Fabry, I. Cisarova, P. Vanek:
Bis(ammonium) fluorophosphate at room temperature;
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Applications of the AFM in Institute of Physics;
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V. Janickis, M. Necas, J. Novosad, M. Dusek, V. Petricek:
Commensurate and incommensurate structures of the hexabromotellurate(IV) bis{dibromodiselenate(I)}ion-[(C2H5)n(C6H5)4-n[Se2Br2)2], n=0,1;
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N. Senguttuvan, M. Ishii, M. Shimoyama, M. Kobayashi, N. Tsutsui, M. Nikl, M. Dusek, H.M. Shimizu, T. Oku, T. Adachi, K. Sakai, J. Suzuki:
Crystal growth and luminescence properties of Li2B4O7 single crystals doped with Ce, In, Ni, Cu and Ti ions;
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M. Nikl, J.A. Mares, J. Chval, E. Mihokova, N. Solovieva, M. Martini, A. Vedda, K. Blazek, P. Maly, K. Nejezchleb, P. Fabeni, G.P. Pazzi, V. Babin, K. Kalder, A. Krasnikov, S. Zazubovich, C.D'Ambrosio:
An effect of Zr4+ co-doping of YAP:Ce scintillator;
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O. Sipr:
Spatial distribution of photoelectrons participating in formation of x-ray absorption spectra;
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V. Stary, K. Jurek:
X-ray emission from thin films on a substrate - calculation and experiments;
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M. Slouf, A. Holy, V. Petricek, I. Cisarova:
Charge density study of hydrogen [(2,4-diamino-pyrimidin-1-io]methyl]phosphonate monohydrate;
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S. Kamba, J. Kulda, V. Petricek, G. McIntyre, J.P. Kiat:
High-pressure structural and dielectric studies of the phase transitions in lithium thallium tartrate monohydrate;
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T. Kogure, J. Hybler, H. Yoshida:
Coexistence of two polytypic groups in cronstedtite from Lostwithiel, England;
Clays and Clay Minerals 50, (2002), 504-513.
O. Sipr, A. Simunek, S. Bocharov, G. Dräger:
Polarized x-ray absorption spectra of CuGeO3 at the Cu and Ge K edges;
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H. Turcicova, J. Zemek, J. Toth, I. Drbohlav:
Single-crystal LiNbO3 surfaces processed in low-temperature hydrogen plasma: XPS, REELS and AFM study;
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M. Dusek, J. Lüdecke, S. van Smaalen:
Crystal structure of monophosphate tungsten bronze K1.33P4W8O32 at 110 K;
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T. Ostapchuk, J. Petzelt, V. Zelezny, A. Pashkin, J. Pokorny, I. Drbohlav, R. Kuzel, D. Rafaja, B.P. Gorshunov, M. Dressel, Ch. Ohly, S. Hoffmann-eifert, R. Wasser:
Origin of soft-mode stiffening and reduced dielectric response in SrTiO3 thin films;
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T. Mates, A. Fejfar, I. Drbohlav, B. Rezek, P. Fojtik, K. Luterova, J. Kocka, C. Koch, M.B. Schubert, M. Ito, K. Ro. H. Uyama:
Role of grains in protocrystalline silicon layers grown at very low substrate temperatures and studied by atomic force microscopy;
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P. Fojtik, K. Dohnalova, T. Mates, J. Stuchlik, I. Gregora, J. Chval, A. Fejfar, J. Kocka, I. Pelant:
Rapid crystallizaation of amorphous silicon at room temperature;
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G. Riou, S. Jandl, M. Poirier, V. Nekvasil, M. Marysko, J. Fabry, K. Jurek, M. Divis, J. Hölsä, I.M. Sutjahja, A.A. Menovsky, S.N. Barilo, S.V. Shiryaev, L.N. Kurnevich:
Infrared transmission study of crystal-field excitations in La2-x-yNdxSryCuO4;
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D. Schaniel, J. Schefer, V. Petricek, M. Imlau, R. Pankrath, T. Granzow, T. Woike:
Superspace approach applied to a neutron-diffraction study of the holographic data storage material Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6;
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N. Teneze, P. Boullay, V. Petricek, G. Trolliard, D. Mercurio:
Structural study of the cation ordering in the ternary oxide Ba8Ti3Nb4O24;
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M. Amami, S. van Smaalen, L. Palatinus, Ben A. Salah, X. Helluy, A. Sebald:
Structural investigation of the phase transitions of [N(CH3)4]2HgCl4 ;
Zeitschrift f?r Kristallographie 217, (2002). 532-541.
L. Palatinus, S. van Smaalen:
The generalized F constraint in the maximum-entropy method - a study on simulated data;
Acta Crystallographica A58, (2002), 559-567.
S. van Smaalen, P. Daniels, L. Palatinus, R. K. Kremer:
Orthorhombic versus monoclinic symmetry of the charge-ordered state of NaV2O5;
Physical Review B 65, (2002), 060101-1-4.
S. van Smaalen, L. Palatinus, M. Schneider:
The maximum-entropy method in superspace;
Acta Crystallographica A59, (2003), 459-469.
T.Woike, V.Petricek, M.Dusek, N.K.Hansen, P.Fertey, C.Lecomte, A.Arakcheeva, G.Chapuis, M.Imlau, R.Pankrath:
The modulated structure of Ba0.39Sr0.61Nb2O6. I. Harmonic solution;
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A.Arakcheeva, G.Chapuis, V.Petricek, M.Dusek, A.Schönleber:
The incommensurate structure of K3In(PO4)2;
Acta Cryst. B59, (2003), 17-27.
O.Sipr, H.Ebert:
Bulk and surface effects in x-ray magnetic circular dichroism of iron clusters;
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S.Yahzaoui, R.B.Hassen, V.Petricek, M.Dusek, A.B.Salah:
Strontium hexabromodicadmate(II) octahydrate;
Acta Cryst. C59, (2003), i24-i26.
R.Ouarsal, A.A.Tahiri, M.Lachkar, M.Dusek, K.Fejfarova, B.El Bali:
Sodium magnesium tris(dihydrogenphosphite) monohydrate, NaMg(H2PO3)3.H2O;
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H.Björk, T.Gustafsson, J.O.Thomas, S.Lidin, V.Petricek:
Long-range ordering during delithiation of LiMn2O4 cathode material;
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A.V.Andreev, V.Sechovsky, K.Prokes, Y.Homma, O.Syshenko, J.Sebek, M.I.Bartashevich, T.Goto, Y.Shiokawa, K.Jurek:
Magnetism in a UNi2/3Rh1/3Al single crystal;
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J.Bursik, R.Kuzel, J.Marek, I.Drbohlav:
Textured PbTiO3, Pb(Ca)TiO3-Al2O3 Composite Films Prepared by Chemical Solution Deposition Method;
J. Sol-Gel Science and Technology 26, (2003), 727-733.
M.Dusek, G.Chapuis, M.Meyer, V.Petricek:
Sodium carbonate revisited;
Acta Cryst. B59, (2003), 337-352.
K.Jurek, O.Gedeon:
Analysis of alkali-silicate glasses by electron probe analysis;
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L.Soukup, Z.Hubicka, A.Churpita, M.Cada, P.Pokorny, J.Zemek, K.Jurek, L.Jastrabik:
Investigation of the atmosphere RF torch-barrier plasma jet for deposition of CeOx thin films;
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P.Fojtik, K.Perronet, I.Pelant, J.Chval, F.Charra:
Photon emission from polycrystalline Ag induced by scanning tunneling microscopy: comparison of different tip materials;
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A.Koebbel, M.Polcik, D.R.Lloyd, I.T.McGovern, O.Schaff, R.Lindsay, A.J.Patchett, A.M.Bradshaw, D.P.Woodruff:
Local structure of OH adsorbed on the Ge9OO1(2x1) surface using scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction;
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D.I.Sayago, M.Kittel, J.T.Hoeft, M.Polcik, M.Pascal, C.L.A.Lamont, R.L.Toomes, J.Robinson, D.P.Woodruff:
The structure of the Ni(100)c(2x2)-N2 surface: a chemical-state-specific scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction determination;
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J.Vackar, A.Simunek:
Adaptability and accuracy of all-electron pseudopotentials,
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M.Nikl, A.Bensalah, E.Mihokova, J.Hybler, H.Sato, T.Fukuda, G.Boulon:
Luminescence and decay kinetics of Yb2+ in LiCaAlF6 single crystal host;
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J.Prchal, P.Javorsky, J.Vejpravova, M.Dopita, D.Rafaja, V.Sechovsky, K.Jurek, E.Santava, M.Marysko:
Structural and magnetic properties of the ErNi1-xCuxAl series;
Acta Physica Polonica B 34, (2003), 1485-1488.
J.Hybler, P.Ondrus, I.Cisarova, V.Petricek, F.Veselovsky:
Crystal structure of lindackerite, (Cu,Co,Ni)Cu4(AsO4)2(AsO3OH)2. 9H2O from Jachymov, Czech Republic;
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S.Surendran, J.Pokorny, K.Jurek, E.Bernstein, P.Maly:
Temperature dependence of the optical energy gap of CdSSe nanocrystals in glass;
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M.Nikl, N.Solovieva, M.Dusek, A.Yoshikawa, Yuji Kagamitani, T.Fukuda:
Concentration quenching of Tb3+ luminescence in TbxA3-xAl5O12 (A=Yb, Y) single crystals;
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R.Zeipl, M.Pavelka, M.Jelinek, J.Chval, P.Lostak, K.Zdansky, J.Vanis, S.Karamazov, S.Vackova, J. Walachova:
Some properties of very thin Bi2Te3 layers prepared by laser ablation;
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H.Lind, M.Bostrom, V.Petricek, S.Lidin:
Structure of ?1-CoYn7,8, an example of a phason pinning-unpinning transformation?
Acta Cyst. B59, (2003), 720-729.
O.Sipr, G.Dalba, F.Rocca:
Local structure around Ag cations in silver borate glasses studied by XANES;
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 44, (2003), 252-255.
M. Pavlickova, D. Vojtech, P. Novak, J. Gemperlova, A. Gemperle, N. Zarubova, P. Lejcek, P. Jurci, P. Stolar:
Thermal treatment of PM-tool steel alloyed with niobium;
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L. Palatinus, S. van Smaalen:
Incommensurate modulations made visible by the Maximum Entropy Method in superspace;
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 219, (2004), 719-729.
L. Palatinus, S. van Smaalen:
The ferroelectric phase transition and modulated valence electrons in the incommensurate phase of ammonium tetrafluoroberyllate;
Ferroelectrics 305, (2004), 49-52.
S. van Smaalen, L. Palatinus:
Applications of the Maximum Entropy Method in superspace;
Ferroelectrics 305, (2004), 57-62.
L. Palatinus, M. Amami, S.van Smaalen:
Structure of incommensurate ammonium tetrafluoroberyllate studied by structure refinements and the maximum entropy method;
Acta Crystallographica B60, (2004), 127-137.
S. van Smaalen, M. Shaz, L. Palatinus, P. Daniels, F. Galli, G.J. Nieuwenhuys,
J.A. Mydosh:
Multiple charge-density waves in R5Ir 4Si10 (R=Ho, Er, Tm, and Lu);
Physical Review B 69, (2004), 014103-1-11.
J.Bursik, I.Drbohlav, P.Vanek, V.Zelezny:
Preparation of potassium tantalate thin films through chemical solution deposition;
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M. Nikl, J.A.Mares, N.Solovieva, J.Hybler, A.Voloshinovskii, K.Nejezchleb, K.Blazek:
Energy transfer to the Ce3+ centers in Lu2Al5O12:Ce scintillator;
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O.Sipr, P.Machek, A.Simunek:
Cu, Fe, and S K- and L-eddge XANES spectra of CuFeS2: Localization and interpretation of pre-peak states;
Physical Review B69, (2004), 155115-1-11.
A.Simunek, J.Vackar:
Ab initio calculation of graphite surface-bulk core-level splitting;
Physical Review B69, (2004), 073403-1-4.
O.Sipr, G.Dalba, F.Rocca:
Ordered and disordered models of local structure around Ag cations in silver borate glasses based on x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy;
Physical Review B69, (2004), 134201-1-16.
R.Ouarsal, R.Essehli, M.Lachkar, M.Zenkouar, M.Dusek, K.Fejfarova, B.El Bali:
Dipotassium cobalt(II) bis(hydrogenphosphite) dihydrate, K2Co(HPO3)2.2H2O;
Acta Cryst. E60, (2004), i66-i68.
J.Fabry, R.Krupkova, P.Vanek, M.Dusek, I.Nemec:
Bis(tetramethylammonium) tetrachloropalladate(II);
Acta Cryst. E60, (2004), m924-m926.
O.Sipr, M.Kosuth, H.Ebert:
Ab initio calculation of magnetic structure of small iron nanoclusters;
J. Mag. Mag.Mat. 272-276, (2004), 713-714.
J.Fabry, M.Dusek, K.Fejfarova, R.Krupkova, P.Vanek, I.Nemec:
Two phases of bis(tetraethylammonium) di-µ-chloro-bis[dichloropalladium(II)];
Acta Cryst. C60, (2004), m426-m430.
M.Dusek, V.Petricek:
Three Years of Developing JANA2000;
Ferroelectrics 305, (2004), 267-271.
D.Grebille, S.Lambert, F.Bouree, V.Petricek:
Contribution of powder diffraction for structure refinements of aperiodic misfit cobalt oxides;
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R.Lindsay, E.Michelangeli, B.G.Daniels, M.Polcik, A.Verdini, L.Floreano, A.Morgante, G.Thornton:
Impact of bulk reduction on TiO2(1 0 0)/K;
Surface Science 566-568, (2004), 921-925.
Th.Woike, S.Dahaoui, D.Schaniel, S.Ponou, N.K.Hansen, V. Petricek:
Structure analysis and the existence of light-induced long-lived metastable states in Xn = Pb, (H3O +CH6N+), (C2N2H7)2 and (C16H36N)2;
Z. Kristallographie 219, (2004). 558-566.
O.Sipr, M. Kosuth, H. Ebert:
Magnetic structure of iron clusters and iron crystal surfaces;
Surface Science 566-568, (2004), 268-271.
O.Sipr, M.Kosuth, H.Ebert:
Magnetic structure of free iron clusters compared to iron crystal surfaces;
Phys. Rev. B 70, (2004), 174423-1-13.
S.Durovic, J.Hybler, T.Kogure:
Parallel intergrowths in cronstedtite-1T : implications for structure refinement;
Clays and Clay Minerals 50, (2004), 613-621.
Ab initio determination of incommensurately modulated structures by charge flipping in superspace;
Acta Cryst. A60, (2004), 604-610.
J.Lesage, A.Guesdon, B.Raveau, V.Petricek:
The anionic 3D-framework [Ga2(PO4)3]?: a microporous host lattice for various species;
J. Solid State Chemistry 177, (2004), 3581-3589.
M.Evain, V.Petricek:
Crenel functions and aperiodic structure determinations;
Ferroelectrics 305, (2004), 43-48.
V.Petricek, M.Dusek:
Methods of structural analysis and computer program JANA2000;
Zeitschrift f. Kristallographie 219, (2004), 692-700.
V.Petricek, M.Dusek:
Modulation and its crystallographic metodology;
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D.Barba, S.Jandl, V.Nekvasil, M.Marysko, K.Jurek, M.Divis,Th.Wolf:
Infrared transmission study of crystal-field excitations in Al- and Sr-doped Pr1+xBa2-xCu3O6;
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V.Mortet, Z.Hubicka, V.Vorlicek, K.Jurek, J.Rosa, M.Vanecek:
Diamond growth by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition: Optical emission characterisation and effect argon addition;
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V.Mortet, J.D.Haen, J.Potmesil, R.Kravets, I.Drbohlav, V.Vorlicek, J.Rosa, M.Vanecek:
Thin nanodiamond membranes and thein microstructural, optical and photoelectrical properties;
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G.Dalba, P.Fornasini, A.Kuzmin, F.Monti, A.Sanson, O.Sipr, F.Rocca:
XANES and EXAFS modelling of configurational disorder in silver borate glasses;
Physica Scripta T115, (2005), 149-151.
O.Sipr, J.Drahokoupil, P.Machek, A.Simunek:
Similarities and differences between XANES spectra at analogous edges of ternary semiconductors CuGaSe2, ZnGeAs2 and CuFeS2;
Physica Scripta T115, (2005), 179-181.
O.Sipr, H.Ebert:
Size- and site-dependence of XMCD spectra of iron clusters from ab-initio calculations;
Physica Scripta T115, (2005), 110-112.
M.Nikl, A.Novoselov, E.Mihokova, K.Polak, M.Dusek, B. McClune, Y.Yoshikawa, T.Fukuda:
Photoluminescence of Bi3+ in Y3Ga5O12 single-crystal host;
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, (2005), 3367-3375.
D.Vojtech, T.Kubatik, K. Jurek, J.Maixner:
Cyclic-oxidation resistance of protective silicide layers on titanium;
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R.Ouarsal, B.El Bali, M.Lachkar, M.Dusek, K.Fejfarova:
Diammonium tris[hexaaquanickel(II)] tetrakis[hydrogenphosphate(III)],
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R.Ouarsal, B.El Bali, M.Lachkar, M.Dusek, K.Fejfarova:
Diammonium tris[hexaaquacobaltl(II)] tetrakis[hydrogenphosphate(III)],
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B.Belgacem, S.Yahyaoui, P.Yu.Demchenko, O.I.Bodak, M.Dusek, R.Ben Hassen:
Lanthanum dimagnesium;
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P.Malek, M.Cieslar, P. Bartuska, I.Drbohlav:
Superplastic behaviour of the Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy processed by ECAP;
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F.Fendrych, L.Kraus, K.Zaveta, K.Jurek, J.Bydzovsky, P.Svec, M.Pasquale:
Domain structures and magneto-elastic properties of Co-rich amorphous ribbons applied in civil engineering strain-sensor;
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T.Ostapchuk, J.Pokorny, A.Pashkin, J.Petzelt, V.Zelezny, D.Rafaja, I.Drbohlav:
Soft-mode spectroscopy of BaTiO3 thin films;
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25, (2005), 3063-3067.
V.Kulikovsky, A.Kuzmichev, P.Bohac, Z.Hubicka, K.Jurek, L.Jastrabik:
Composition of Ti-C:H films obtained by pulsed and continuous magnetron sputtering;
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V.Petricek, M.Dusek, J.Cernak:
Modulated one-dimensional structure of [Cd(NH3)3Ni(CN)4];
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H.Ebert, S.Bornemann, J.Minar, M.Kosuth, O.Sipr, P.H.Dederichs, R.Zeller, I.Cabria:
Electronic and magnetic properties of free and supported transition metal clusters;
Phase Transitions 78, (2005), 71-83.
S.Bornemann, J.Minar, S.Polesya, S.Mankovsky, H.Ebert, O.Sipr:
Magnetic properties of Co clusters deposited on Pt(111) and Au(111);
Phase Transitions 78, (2005), 701-709.
R.Essehli, B.El Bali, A.A.Tahiri, M.Lachkar, B.Manoun, M.Dusek, K.Fejfarova:
K2M(H2P2O7)2.2H2O (M = Ni, Cu, Zn): orthorhombic forms and Raman spectra;
Acta Cryst. E61, (2005), i120-i124.
O.Sipr, H.Ebert:
Theoretical Fe L2,3* and K-edge x-ray magnetic circular spectra of free iron clusters;
Physical Review B72, (2005), 134406-1-11.
A.Simunek, J.Vackar, K.Kunc:
Core nergy levels of Sc and N and thein variation with coordination number in ScN;
Physical Review B72, (2005), 045110-1-4.
D.Schaniel, Th.Woike, J.Schefer, V.Petricek:
Structure of the light-induced metastable state SII in Na2[Fe(CN)5NO].2H2O;
Physical Review B71, (2005), 174112-1-7.
S. van Smaalen, L. Palatinus, A. Schönleber:
Incommensurate interactions and nonconventional spin-Peierls transition in TiOB;r
Physical Review B 72, (2005), 020105-1-4.
L. Palatinus, A. Schönleber, S. van Smaalen:
The twofold superstructure of titanium(III) oxybromide at T = 17.5 K;
Acta Crystallographica C61, (2005), i47-i48.
L. Palatinus, S. van Smaalen:
The prior-derived F constraints in the maximum-entropy method;
Acta Crystallographica A61, (2005), 363-372 .
M. Shaz, S. van Smaalen, L. Palatinus, M. Hoikins, M. Klemm, S. Horn, R. Claessen:
Spin-Peierls transition in TiOCl ;
Physical Review B 71, (2005), 100405-1-4 .
L.Cervinka, J.Bergerova, L.Tichy, F. Rocca:
A contribution to the structure of Ge-Se-Ag glasses ;
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 46, 4, (2005), 444-450.
Z.Hubicka, M.Cada, P.Adamek, P.Virostko, J. Olejnicek, A.Deyneka, L.Jastrabik, K.Jurek, G.Suchaneck, M.Guenther, G.Gerlach, P.Bohac:
Investigation of the RF pulse modulated plasma jet system during the deposition of Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 thin films on polymer substrates;
Surface & Coatings Technology 200, (2005), 940-946.
S.Durovic, J.Hybler:
OD structures in crystallography - basic concepts and suggestions for practice;
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 221, (2006), 63-76.
J. Fabry, R. Krupkova, P.Vanek, M. Dusek:
Tris(methylammonium) hydrogenphosphate dihydrogenphosphate;
Acta Cryst. C62, (2006), o73-o75.
L. Bindi, V. Petricek, R.L.Withers, M. Zoppi, P. Bonazzi:
A novel high-temperature commensurate superstructure in a natural bariopyrochlore: A structural study by means of a multiphase crystal structure refinement;
J. Solid State Chemistry 179, (2006), 716-725.
J. Minar, S. Bornemann, O. Sipr, S. Polesya, H. Ebert:
Magnetic properties of Co clusters deposited on Pt(111);
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J. Duskova, J. Labsky, M. Dusek and J. Hasek:
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M. Nikl, K. Kamada, A.Yoshikava, A. Krasnikov, A. Beitlerova, N. Solovieva, J. Hybler:
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A. Simunek, J. Vackar:
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F.J. Zuniga, L. Palatinus, P. Cabildo, R.M. Claramunt and J. Elguero:
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I. Potocnak, M. Burcak., M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova:
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J. Fabry, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, R. Krupkova, P. Vanek, I. Cisarova:
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I. Potocnak, M. Vavra, E. Cizmar, K.Tibenska, A. Orendacova, D. Steinborn, Ch. Wagner, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, H. Schmidt, T. Müller, M. Orendac, A. Feher:
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L. Palatinus, M. Dusek, R. Glaum, E.B. Brahim:
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J. Fabry, M. Dusek, R. Krupkova, P. Vanek:
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S. Rodriguez, L. Palatinus, V. Petricek, G. Chapuis:
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J. Schefer, D. Schaniel, V. Pomjakushin, U. Stuhr, V. Petricek, Th. Woike, M. Wöhlecke, M. Imlau:
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M. Evain, V. Petricek, Y. Moëlo, C. Maurel:
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M. Evain, V. Petricek, V. Coue, R. Dessapt, M. Bujoli-Doeuff, S. Jobic :
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O. Mentre, E.M. Ketatni, M. Colmont, M. Huve, F. Abraham, V. Petricek:
Structural features of the modulated BiCu2(P1-xVx)O6 solid solution; 4-D treatment of x=0.87 compound and magnetic spin-gap to gapless transition in new Cu2+ two-leg ladder systems;
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J. Kratochvil, M. Necas, V. Petricek, J. Pinkas:
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E. Skrzypczak-Jankun, O.Y. Borbulevych, M.I. Zavodszky, M.R. Baranski, K. Padmanabhan, V. Petricek, J. Jankun:
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D. Schaniel, T. Woike, J. Schefer, V. Petricek, K.W. Krämer, H.U. Güdel:
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O. Gourdon, Z. Izaola, L. Elcoro, V. Petricek, G.J. Miller:
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R. Essehli, B. El Bali, M. Lachkar, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, M. Bolte:
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O. Sipr, A. Simunek, J. Vackar, G. Daba, F. Rocca:
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A. Leineweber, V. Petricek:
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P. Kopel, J. Kamenicek, V. Petricek, A. Kurecka, B.Kalinska, J. Mrozinski:
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L. Palatinus, W. Steurer, G. Chapuis:
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M.I. McMahon, O. Degtyareva, R.J. Nelmes, S. van Smaalen, L. Palatinus:
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I. Orlov, L. Palatinus, A. Arakcheeva, G. Chapuis:
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O. Sipr, J. Minar, S. Bornemann, H. Ebert:
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XAFS13, 13th International Conference, Eds. B. Hedman, P. Pianetta, Stanford, California, USA, 9-14 July 2006, Melville, New York 2007, vol. 882, pp.159-161, ISBN 978-0-7354-0384-0.
O. Sipr, A. Simunek, F. Rocca:
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X-Ray Absorption Fine structure - XAFS13, 13th International Conference, Eds. B. Hedman, P. Pianetta, Stanford, California, USA, 9-14 July 2006, vol. 882, pp. 446-448, Melville, New York 2007, ISBN 978-0-7354-0384-0.
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R. Essehli, B. El Bali, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, L. Mohammed:
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J. Hybler, M. Dusek:
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O. Sipr, S. Polesya, J. Minar, H. Ebert:
Influence of temperature on the systematics of magnetic moments of free Fe clusters ;
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A. Simunek:
How to estimate hardness of crystals on a pocket calculator;
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O. Sipr, J. Minar, J. Vackar, H. Ebert:
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Ch. Baerlocher, L.B. McCusker, L. Palatinus:
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L. Palatinus, G. Chapuis:
SUPERFLIP - a computer program for the solution of crystal structures by charge flipping in arbitrary dimensions ;
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R. Essehli, B. El Bali, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, L. Mohammed:
Ytterbium hydrogendiphosphate trihydrate; synthesis and non-merohedral twinning;
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R. Essehli, B. El Bali, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, L. Mohammed:
Dysprosium hydrogendiphosphate trihydrate; synthesis and non- merohedral twinning;
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J.Fabry, M. Dusek, R. Krupkova:
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R. Essehli, B. El Bali, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, L. Mohammed:
Terbium hydrogendiphosphate trihydrate; synthesis and non- merohedral twinning;
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J. Kühnert, M. Dusek, J. Demel, H. Lang, P. Stepnicka:
Synthesis, coordination and catalytic use of 1-(diphenylphosphino)- 1´-carbamoylferrocenes with pyridyl-containing N-substituents;
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F. Laufek, J. Sejkora, K. Fejfarova, M. Dusek, D. Ozdin:
The mineral marrucciite: monoclinic Hg3Pb16Sb18S46;
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F. Shaheen, A. Badshah, M. Gielen, M. Dusek, K. Fejfarova, D. de Vos, B. Mirza:
Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of new palladium(II) complexes with dithiocarbamate ligands: X-ray structure of bis(dibenzyl-1-S:S'-dithiocarbamato)Pd(II);
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Y. Samochin, J. Pangrac, K. Melichar, J. Oswald, I. Vavra, K. Jurek, T. Mates, T. Simecek, E. Hulicius:
Large objects in MOVPE InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures;
The International Conference Nano ´07, October 8 - 10, 2007, Brno, Czech Republic p. 89, ISBN 978-80-214-3460-8 .
S. Katrych, Th. Weber, M. Kobas, L. Massüger, L. Palatinus, G. Chapuis, W. Steurer:
New stable decagonal quasicrystal in the system Al-Ir-Os;
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O. Sipr, S. Bornemann, J. Minar, S. Polesya, V. Popescu, A. Simunek, H. Ebert:
Magnetic moments, exchange coupling, and crossover temperatures of Co clusters on Pt(111) and Au(111);
J. Phys.-Condens. Mat. 19 (2007) 1 - 20.
Department of Structure Analysis