APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 381-397, 2000

Second-order optimality conditions for nondominated solutions of multiobjective programming with $C^{1,1}$ data

Liping Liu, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Michal Krizek

Liping Liu, Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 3J1 Canada, e-mail:, Pekka Neittaanmaki, Laboratory of Scientific Computing, Department of Mathematics, University of Jyvaskyla, P. O. Box 35, FIN-40351, Jyvaskyla, Finland, e-mail:, Michal Krizek, Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Zitna 25, CZ-115 67 Prague 1, Czech Republic, e-mail:

Abstract: We examine new second-order necessary conditions and sufficient conditions which characterize nondominated solutions of a generalized constrained multiobjective programming problem. The vector-valued criterion function as well as constraint functions are supposed to be from the class $C^{1,1}$. Second-order optimality conditions for local Pareto solutions are derived as a special case.

Keywords: multiobjective programming, nonsmooth constrained optimization, second-order optimality conditions, nondominated solutions, local Pareto optimal solutions

Classification (MSC 1991): 90C31

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