Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 487-498, 2004

On the solution of some non-local problems

F. Criado, F. Criado Jr., N. Odishelidze

F. Criado, Department of Mathematics, Malaga University, Spain, e-mail:; F. Criado, Jr., Department of Applied Physics, Malaga University, Spain; N. Odishelidze, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Abstract: This paper deals with two types of non-local problems for the Poisson equation in the disc. The first of them deals with the situation when the function value on the circle is given as a combination of unknown function values in the disc. The other type deals with the situation when a combination of the value of the function and its derivative by radius on the circle are given as a combination of unknown function values in the disc. The existence and uniqueness of the classical solution of these problems is proved. The solutions are constructed in an explicit form.

Keywords: non-local problem, Poisson equation, discrete Fourier transform

Classification (MSC 2000): 35J25, 35J05

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