Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 303-313, 2004

On the embedding of ordered semigroups into ordered group

Mohammed Ali Faya Ibrahim

Mohammed Ali Faya Ibrahim, Mathematics Department, College of Sciences, King Khalid University, P.O.Box 2060, Abha, Saudi Arabia e-mail:

Abstract: It was shown in [7] that any right reversible, cancellative ordered semigroup can be embedded into an ordered group and as a consequence, it was shown that a commutative ordered semigroup can be embedded into an ordered group if and only if it is cancellative. In this paper we introduce the concept of $L$-maher and $R$-maher semigroups and use a technique similar to that used in [7] to show that any left reversible cancellative ordered $L$ or $R$-maher semigroup can be embedded into an ordered group.

Keywords: semicommutative semigroups, maher semigroups, ordered semigroups

Classification (MSC 2000): 06F05

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