Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 337-340, 2004

The generalized Holditch theorem for the homothetic motions on the planar kinematics

N. Kuruoglu, S. Yuce

N. Kuruoglu, Ondokuz Mayis University, Science and Arts Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Kurupelit 55139, Samsun Turkey, e-mail:; S. Yuce, Ondokuz Mayis University, Science and Arts Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Kurupelit 55139, Samsun Turkey, e-mail:

Abstract: W. Blaschke and H. R. Muller [4, p. 142] have given the following theorem as a generalization of the classic Holditch Theorem: Let $E/E'$ be a 1-parameter closed planar Euclidean motion with the rotation number $\nu$ and the period $T$. Under the motion $E/E'$, let two points $A = (0, 0)$, $B = (a + b, 0) \in E$ trace the curves $k_A, k_B \subset E'$ and let $F_A, F_B$ be their orbit areas, respectively. If $F_X$ is the orbit area of the orbit curve $k$ of the point $X = (a, 0)$ which is collinear with points $A$ and $B$ then
F_X = {[aF_B + bF_A] \over a + b} - \pi\nu a b.
In this paper, under the 1-parameter closed planar homothetic motion with the homothetic scale $ h = h (t)$, the generalization given above by W. Blaschke and H. R. Muller is expressed and
F_X = {[aF_B + bF_A]\over a + b} - h^2 (t_0) \pi\nu a b,
is obtained, where $\exists t_0 \in[0, T]$.

Keywords: Holditch Theorem, homothetic motion, Steiner formula

Classification (MSC 2000): 53A17

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