Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 191-203, 2003


Ladislav Bican, Blas Torrecillas

L. Bican, KA MFF UK, Sokolovska 83, 186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic, e-mail:; B. Torrecillas, Department of Algebra and Analysis, Universidad de Almeria, 04071 Almeria, Spain, e-mail:

Abstract: Let $\Cal G$ be an abstract class (closed under isomorpic copies) of left $R$-modules. In the first part of the paper some sufficient conditions under which $\Cal G$ is a precover class are given. The next section studies the $\Cal G$-precovers which are $\Cal G$-covers. In the final part the results obtained are applied to the hereditary torsion theories on the category on left $R$-modules. Especially, several sufficient conditions for the existence of $\sigma$-torsionfree and $\sigma$-torsionfree $\sigma$-injective covers are presented.

Keywords: precover, cover, (pre)cover class of modules, hereditary torsion theory, relatively injective modules

Classification (MSC 2000): 16D90, 16S90, 16D50

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