Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 55-68, 2003

On 2-homogeneity of monounary algebras

Danica Jakubikova-Studenovska

Dept. of Geometry and Algebra, Safarik University, Jesenna 5, 041 54 Kosice, Slovakia, e-mail:

Abstract: Fraisse introduced the notion of a $k$-set-homogeneous relational structure. In the present paper the following classes of monounary algebras are described: $\Cal Sh_2(S)$, $\Cal Sh_2(S^c)$, $\Cal Sh_2(P^c)$  - the class of all algebras which are 2-set-homogeneous with respect to subalgebras, connected subalgebras, connected partial subalgebras, respectively, and $\Cal H_2(S)$, $\Cal H_2(S^c)$, $\Cal H_2(P^c)$  - the class of all algebras which are 2-homogeneous with respect to subalgebras, connected subalgebras, connected partial subalgebras, respectively.

Keywords: monounary algebra, homogeneous, 2-homogeneous, 2-set-homogeneous

Classification (MSC 2000): 08A60

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