Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 831-846, 2001

Strong asymmetric digraphs with prescribed interior and annulus

Steven J. Winters

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, U.S.A

Abstract: The directed distance $d(u,v)$ from $u$ to $v$ in a strong digraph $D$ is the length of a shortest $u-v$ path in $D$. The eccentricity $e(v)$ of a vertex $v$ in $D$ is the directed distance from $v$ to a vertex furthest from $v$ in $D$. The center and periphery of a strong digraph are two well known subdigraphs induced by those vertices of minimum and maximum eccentricities, respectively. We introduce the interior and annulus of a digraph which are two induced subdigraphs involving the remaining vertices. Several results concerning the interior and annulus of a digraph are presented.

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