APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 241-267, 1996

How to recover the gradient of linear elements
on nonuniform triangulations

Ivan Hlavacek, Michal Krizek, Vladislav Pistora

Ivan Hlavacek, Michal Krizek, Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Zitna 25, CZ-115 67 Praha 1, Czech Republic, e-mail:, Vladislav Pistora, Institute of Nuclear Research, CZ-250 68 Rez, Czech Republic

Abstract: We propose and examine a simple averaging formula for the gradient of linear finite elements in $R^d$ whose interpolation order in the $L^q$-norm is $\Cal O(h^2)$ for $d<2q$ and nonuniform triangulations. For elliptic problems in $R^2$ we derive an interior superconvergence for the averaged gradient over quasiuniform triangulations. A numerical example is presented.

Keywords: weighted averaged gradient, linear elements, nonuniform triangulations, superapproximation, superconvergence

Classification (MSC 1991): 65N30

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