APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 213-232, 1997

A study of bending waves in infinite
and anisotropic plates

Ove Lindblom, Reinhold Naslund, Lars-Erik Persson, Karl-Evert Fallstrom

Ove Lindblom, Reinhold Naslund, Lars-Erik Persson, Department of Mathematics, Lulea University of Technology, S-971 87 Lulea; Karl-Evert Fallstrom, Department of Experimental Mechanics, Lulea University of Technology, S-971 87 Lulea

Abstract: In this paper we present a unified approach to obtain integral representation formulas for describing the propagation of bending waves in infinite plates. The general anisotropic case is included and both new and well-known formulas are obtained in special cases (e.g. the classical Boussinesq formula). The formulas we have derived have been compared with experimental data and the coincidence is very good in all cases.

Keywords: Kirchoff plate equation, bending waves, anisotropic plates, orthotropic plates, isotropic plates, the Fourier transform

Classification (MSC 1991): 35C15, 35Q72, 73K10

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