O. Martio and M. Vuorinen, Department of Mathematics, University of Helsinki, Yliopistonkatu 5, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, e-mails: olli.martio@helsinki.fi, vuorinen@csc.fi; V. M. Miklyukov, Tulaka 2-120, Volgograd 400 119, Russia, e-mail: miklyuk@vlink.ru
Abstract: The rate of growth of the energy integral of a quasiregular mapping $f \Cal X\to\Cal Y$ is estimated in terms of a special isoperimetric condition on $\Cal Y$. The estimate leads to new Phragmen-Lindelof type theorems.
Keywords: Phragmen-Lindelof type theorems, quasiregular mappings, isoperimetry
Classification (MSC 2000): 30C65
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