The seminar started as seminar on "Introduction to algebraic geometry", aimed at learning basics of algebraic geometry and number theory. Themes started to get broader later and it was renamed to "Continuation seminar" in 2001. Generally, "Continuation seminar" studies modern geometric and algebraic methods in mathematics and physics. It meets regularly at the Mathematical Institute since Fall 1994.The audience typically consists of mathematicians of various backgrounds (from theoretical physics to logic), taking turns in lecturing. For more information write to Jan Krajicek, Pavel Pudlak or Petr Somberg who organize the seminar.
Everybody is welcome to attend! There are no particular prerequisites for attending the seminar. In particular, it is not assumed that you have studied the material from earlier years of the seminar.
Current time and place:
Starting Fall'03, the up-to-date web page with the seminar announcements will be maintained by P.Somberg.
Topics studied in the past
The following texts were studied by the seminar prior to Fall'03:
D.Cox, J.Little a D.O'Shea: Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, Springer-Verlag, 1992. J.Harris: Algebraic Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 1992. D. Mumford: The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes, Springer-Verlag, LNM 1358, 1988. D.Eisenbud a J.Harris: Schemes: The Language of Modern Algebraic Geometry, The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Math. Ser., 1992. D. Lorenzini: An Invitation to Arithmetic Geometry, AMS, Grad. Studies in Math., Vol.9, 1996. D.A.Cox: Primes of the form x^2 + n y^2, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1997. M.Hindry and J.H.Silverman: Diophantine Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 2000. H.Stichtenoth: Algebraic function fields and codes, Spriner-Verlag, 1993.