- Model theory and its applications (Czech), Fall and Spring semesters 1995/96, Charles University. Approximate content: G.Sacks's "Saturated model theory", and some model theory of fields.
- Classical propositional logic and its complexity, advanced logic course given at the Eight European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Prague, August 1996.
- Finite fields: algebraic geometry and model theory (Czech), Fall semester 1996, Charles University. Approximate content: Weil's theorem (Riemann hypothesis for curves) and definability in finite fields (after E.Bombieri and Z.Chatzidakis - L.van den Dries - A.Macintyre resp.).
- Mathematical logic and Hilbert's problems(Czech), Fall semester 1996, Charles University. Approximate content: 1st, 2nd, 10th, 16th, 17th Hilbert problems, and some related logic.
- Modern trends in computational complexity(Czech), DIMATIA Institute at the Charles University, Fall 1996, with co-lecturers.
- Effective interpolation, a short course given at the workshop Meta-arithmetic and computation at the Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) during October 2-4, 1997.
- Lengths of propositional proofs , advanced logic course, Michaelmas term, 1997, Oxford. Syllabus and references are available, as well as the eighth's week notes.
- The "P = NP?" problem , advanced logic course, Hilary term, 1999, Oxford. Syllabus and references.
- Finite Model Theory (Czech), Spring 2000, Charles University. Syllabus and references.
- Geometric Model Theory (Czech), Spring 2001, Charles University. Syllabus and references.
- Morley's theorem (Czech), Fall 2001, Charles University.
- Proof complexity (Czech), Spring 2003, Charles University.
- Proof complexity and arithmetic (Czech), Fall 2003, Charles University.
- Forcing with random variables , Fall 2004, Charles University.
- Proof complexity , Spring'05, Charles University.
- Complexity for cryptography, Fall'05, '06, '07, '08, Charles University.
Syllabus (Czech) and useful texts available on the web.
- Introduction to mathematical logic, Fall'06, '07, '08, Charles University.
Syllabus (Czech) and literature (some available on the web).