Texty na webu (postupne budu doplnovat):
Sam Buss,
First-order proof theory of arithmetic , in Handbook of Proof Theory, edited by S. Buss, Elsevier North-Holland, 1998, pp 79-147.
Steve Cook and Phuong Nguyen:
Fundations of Proof Complexity: Bounded Arithmetic and Propositional Translations, a draft of a book.
Podrobne knihy (v knihovne v Karline ci v Zitne):
P. Hajek, P. Pudlak
Metamathematics of first order arithmetic, Springer-Verlag/ASL Pespectives in Logic, 1993, 460 pp.
J. Krajicek
Bounded arithmetic, propositional logic, and complexity theory, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol.60, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge - New York - Melbourne, (1995), 343 p.