Fatigue behaviour of ultra fine-grained Copper and Magnesium alloy materials
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc.
Number of Project: 1P05ME804
Agency: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Duration: 01. 01. 2004 - 31. 12. 2008
Although ultra fine-grained materials have been studied very intensively in the last decade, the knowledge of fatigue properties and changes of microstructure during cyclic loading is still quite poor as compared to the knowledge of the static properties of such materials. The aim of current study is to get deep understanding of the fatigue behaviour of ultra fine -grained Cu and Mg alloys and to provide fundamental knowledge inevitable for further material design and application. The coordinated conducting of research between IPM and the Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China is of interest for both partners, because (i) it makes the research in both institutes more effective, profound and complementary (sharing of time-consuming fatigue experiments), (ii) it yields a platform to discuss the common concerned scientific problems, (iii) it brings broader material basis for the study of the same phenomenon.
M. Buksa, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Slip bands and early crack propagation in ultrafine-grained copper. Sborník z mezinárodní konference studentů a mladých vědeckých pracovníků TRANSCOM 2005, p. 19-22.
M. Buksa, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Cyclic stress-strain response and changes of microstructure of ultrafine-grained copper. Sborník z konf. Juniromat 05, Brno 2005, p.152-162.
M. Buksa, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Stability of microstructure of ultrafine-grained copper during cyclic loading. Sborník z konf. Víceúrovňový design pokrokových materiálů, Brno 2005, p. 131-138.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš. Y. Estrin, Z. Zúberová: Notch sensitivity of cast AZ31 magnesium alloy. Materiálové inžinierstvo 12 (2005) 88-91.
Kunz L., Lukáš P., Svoboda M., Buksa M., Zheng M.: Cyclic Plastic Behaviour of UFG Copper Prepared by ECAP. In: Proc. Nanoved 2006, 14-17 May, Stará Lesná, Slovakia 2006.
Buksa M.; Kunz L.; Svoboda M., Wang Q., Zheng M.: Fractography, Initiation and Propagation of Fatigue Cracks in UFG Copper. In: Proc. Fractography 2006, 15-18 October, Stará Lesná, Slovakia 2006, pp. 173-180.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Buksa, M., Wang, Q., Zheng, M.: Microstructural Response of Ultrafine-Grained Copper to Fatigue Loading. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13 (2007) 512-518.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Z. Zúberová: Únava ultrajemnozrnných materiálů. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (3/2007) 8 – 12.
Zúberová, Z., Kunz, L., Lamark, T. T., Estrin, Y., Janeček, M.: Fatigue and Tensile Behaviour of Cast, Hot Holled and Severely Plastically Deformed AZ31 Magnesium Alloy. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1934-1940.
Wang, Q., Xu, Ch., Zheng, M., Zhu, J., Buksa, M., Kunz, L.: Fatigue Property of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by ECAP. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 43 (2007) 498-502.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Effect of Low Temperature on Fatigue Life and Cyclic Stress-Strai.n Response of UFG Copper. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1910-1915.