Microprocesses of plastic deformation in light metals based advanced alloys and composites at elevated temperatures
Investigator: RNDr. Karel Milička, DrSc.
Number of Project: GA106/03/0843
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2003 - 31. 12. 2005
Advanced materials are very important for industries from economic as well as ecological point of view. Light materials based on aluminium and magnesium alloys and composites become of special importance in many applications, especially in the automotive industry. Application of such materials is limited because of rapid decrease of mechanical properties at higher temperatures. Detail knowledge of high temperature deformation mechanisms is crucial problem for useful applications or further development of these materials with enhanced properties. From a conventional mechanical testing, parameters are frequently obtained that cannot be easy interpreted and cannot be used for a determination of processes governing the resistance of materials under consideration against straining. According to authors of present proposal, deeper understanding of strain phenomena in light metals based alloys and composites necessitates a concentrated approach in their investigations based on the application of various conventional as well as non-conventional techniques that reflects responses of these materials to various manners of straining. Complex analyses of these responses and their mutual relations could only lead to the explanation - at least some - factors including parameters of structure determining the strain behaviour of materials under consideration. The present project is aimed to such complex analysis.
K. Milička, F. Dobeš:
Application of small punch tests in analysis of mechanical behaviour of composites with magnesium alloy matrix.
Proceedings of the International Conference ADVANCED METALLIC MATERIALS. Smolenice, Slovakia, 5. - 7. 11. 2003. Ed. Jerz, J.; Šebo, P.; Zemánková, M. Bratislava, Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics 2003, p. 202.
K. Milička, F. Dobeš:
Creep behaviour of a magnesium alloy AS21 and its fibre-strengthened composite.
J. Alloys and Compd. 378: 167-171, 2004
K. Milička, F. Dobeš:
Directional creep behaviour of two magnesium alloy base composites with fibres.
Kovove Mater. 43: 45-54, 2005
Last update
26. 06. 2008