Logica 08


Hejnice Monastery, 16 – 20 June, 2008

The 22nd event in the series of annual international symposia organized by The Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, was held at Hejnice,
16 - 20 June 2008.

Since 1987 the LOGICA Symposia have become an interdisciplinary platform for discussion on all aspects of logic among both internationally renowned scholars and young researchers.

The invited speakers of LOGICA 2008 were
Bob Brandom,
Dag Prawitz,
Stewart Shapiro,
Heinrich Wansing.


See also information about previous events and about the conference site.

All correspondence concerning the symposium should be directed to

(all email correspondence should have “Logica 2008” in the header, to ensure that it will not be blocked by our spam filtering)

or to:

Tim Childers & Vladimír Svoboda
Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee of Logica 2008
Institute of Philosophy
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
fax: +420-222220138

Symposium LOGICA is traditionally sponsored by
Bernard Family Brewery Humpolec

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