Programme L 06

L o g i c a  2 0 0 6 - Programme

Tuesday, 20 June
>> morning session

Max Cresswell

Now Is the Time

María Frapolli

How to Do Things with Logical Words. The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Logical Operators

Wen-fang Wang

Two New Treatments of Meinongian Objects

Vojtěch Kolman

Logicism and the Recursion Theorem

Howard Sobel

Anselm and Gaunilo, "Born Again" in Charles Hartshorne and William Rowe

>> afternoon session

Gabriel Sandu

Two Notions of Scope

Catherine Womack

What's Wrong with Nominalism in Mathematics: Yet Another Plea for Platonism

Lionel Shapiro

Naive Truth-Conditions

Adriane Rini

Realizing Possibilities: Prior Analytics I:15

Brian Hill

"Realistic" Belief Dynamics

Susan Vineberg

Aspects of Mathematical Explanation

Wednesday, 21 June
>> morning session

Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

What Is Objective Probability?

Ondrej Majer, Petr Cintula

A Game-Theoretic Approach to Lukasiewicz Logic

Casey McGinnis  

Paraconsistency and Logical Hypocrisy 

Peter Schotch, Gillman Payette

On Preserving

Marie Duží

The Use-Mention Distinction

>> afternoon session

Guiseppe Primiero

On Building Abstract Concepts in Typed Systems

Pavel Materna

Semantics of the Axiom (Schema) of Comprehension

Katarzyna Kijania-Placek

On Circular Acceptance

Bjørn Jespersen

On Knowing Whether

Alexandre Costa-Leite

Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability and Two-Dimensional Modal Logics

Marietje van der Schaar

Bolzano on Judgement and Error

Thursday, 22 June
>> morning session

Jan Woleński

Is There a Problem with Category-Mistakes?

Nils Kurbis

Proof-Theory, Negation and Some Consequences for the Logical Basis of Metaphysics

Antonín Dvořák

Fuzzy Type Theory as a Tool for Linguistic Analysis

David Efird, Tom Stoneham

What Is the Principle of Recombination?

Arnold Koslow

Tarskian Truth and Ramseyan Mental States: A Tale of Two Schemata

Friday, 23 June
>> morning session

Geoffrey Hellman

Against "Absolutely Everything"!

Vítězslav Švejdar

Gödel-Dummett Predicate Logics and Axioms of Prenexability

John Kearns

Recapturing the Epistemic Dimensions of Logic

Francesco Belardinelli

Counterpart Semantics for Quantified Modal Logic

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