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Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. Application of a 6-parameter empirical model describing non-monotonous shear viscosity function. In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics HEFAT 2005. Cairo : HEFAT, 2005. nestr.
international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics HEFAT 2005, Cairo, 19.09.2005-22.09.2005, EG
Pivokonský, Radek. ; Zatloukal, Martin ; Filip, Petr. Investigation of the predictive/fitting capabilities of the molecular based constitutive equations for polymer melts. In PPS-21 : Proceedings of the 21st annual meeting of the Polymer Processing Society. Halle : Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Materials Sicence, 2005. nestr. ISBN 3-86010-784-4
PPS-21 : 21st annual meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Leipzig, 19.06.2005-23.06.2005, DE
Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On empirical modelling of viscosity regarding ageing of emulsions. Acta Technica CSAV. Roč. 50, - (2005), s. 53-66. ISSN 0001-7043.
Pivokonský, Radek. ; Zatloukal, Martin ; Filip, Petr. On the predictive/fitting capabilities of XPP and PTT-XPP constitutive equations for branched LDPE melts. Proc.Conf."Novel Trends in Rheology", Eds.: M.Zatloukal and N.Honková, 9-10 June 2005, Zlín, Czech Republic, pp.11-21.
Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On the empirical modelling of non-Newtonian viscous and viscoplastic fluids. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 43-44. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU
Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On the relation viscosity vs. shear rate for ageing emulsions. In Engineering mechanics 2005. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-93-5
National conference with international participation Engineering mechanics 2005, Svratka, 09.05.2005-12.05.2005, CZ
Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On the empirical modelling of fluids exhibiting nonmonotonous shear viscosity function. 2nd Annual European Rheology Conference, 19-21 April, 2005, Grenoble, France. Book of Abstracts p.172 + CD ROM.
David, Jiří. ; Filip, Petr ; Pivokonský, Radek. On empirical modelling of viscoplastic fluids. In Proceedings of IMECE2004 : international mechanical engineering conference. Kuwait : IMECE, 2004. s. 1-13
IMECE2004 : international mechanical engineering conference, Kuwait, 05.12.2004-08.12.2004, KW
Pivokonský, Martin. ; Pivokonský, Radek ; Benešová, L. ; Mutl, Silvestr. Methodology of evaluation of size and size-distribution of particles formed during aggregation. Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics. Vodohospodársky časopis. Roč. 51, č. 4 (2003), s. 281-287. ISSN 0042-790X.