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- Influence of boundary conditions on fluid flow of drag reducing surfactant additives
- The study of velocity field in selected configurations of open channel flows
Chára, Zdeněk. Measurement of the velocity field in a ribbed channel. In EACWE4 : the fourth European and African conference on wind engineering. Praha : ITAM AS CR, 2005. s. 1-8
European and African conference on wind engineering /4./, Praha, 05.07.11-05.07.15, CZ
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Kvurt, Y. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Method of the experimental data processing of the drag rotation coefficient. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 11-12. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU
Hoření, Bohumír ; Chára, Zdeněk. Thin layer flow of non-Newtonian fluid. In Advances in rheology and its applications : proceedings of the 4th Pacific Rim conference on rheology. Monmouth Junction NJ : Science Press USA inc, 2005. s. 220-223. ISBN 1-933100-08-7
PRCR4 : 4th Pacific Rim conference on rheology, Shanghai, 07.04.2005-11.04.2005, CN
Chára, Zdeněk. ; Hoření, Bohumír ; Vlasák, Pavel. Flow around two square cylinders arranged side by side. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 36-39. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk. Particle size optimisation of slurry pipeline flow. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 32-36. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. 2D numerical simulation of non-spherical particle collision with rough bed. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 44-46. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU
Hoření, Bohumír ; Chára, Zdeněk. Application of finite volume method to free surface flow. In Engineering mechanics 2005. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-93-5
National conference with international participation Engineering mechanics 2005, Svratka, 09.05.2005-12.05.2005, CZ
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Kharlamov, Alexander ; Kvurt, Y. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Experimental evaluation of the Magnus force coefficient of the rotating spherical particle. In Engineering mechanics 2005. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-93-5
National conference with international participation Engineering mechanics 2005, Svratka, 09.05.2005-12.05.2005, CZ
Chára, Zdeněk. Použití metody UVP při měřeních přes pevnou stěnu. In Proceedings of the 19th symposium on anemometry. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2005. s. 50-58. ISBN 80-239-4871-7
Symposium on anemometry /19./ : national conference with international participation, Holany-Litice, 24.05.2005-25.05.2005, CZ
Hoření, Bohumír. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Application of discontinuous Galerkin method for non-Newtonian flow. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 39-42. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU
Chára, Zdeněk ; Hoření, Bohumír. Numerické modelování proudění v náhlém rozšíření kanálu. In Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2005 : proceedings. Praha : Institute of thermomechanics AS CR, 2005. s. 65-68. ISBN 80-85918-94-3
Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2005, Praha, 19.10.2005-21.10.2005, CZ
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Konfršt, Jiří. Effect of particle size distribution and shearing on flow behaviour of fine-grained slurry. In Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2005 : proceedings. Praha : Institute of thermomechanics AS CR, 2005. s. 177-180. ISBN 80-85918-94-3
Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2005, Praha, 19.10.2005-21.10.2005, CZ
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Štern, Petr. Liquefying of dense fine-grained suspension. In 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Varna : Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2005. s. 636-641
Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics /10./, Varna, 13.09.2005-16.09.2005, BG
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Numerical model of non-spherical particle saltation. In 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Varna : Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2005. s. 511-515
Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics /10./, Varna, 13.09.2005-16.09.2005, BG
Hoření, Bohumír ; Chára, Zdeněk. Free surface flow around obstacle. In 10th Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Varna : Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2005. s. 473-478
Jubilee National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics /10./, Varna, 13.09.2005-16.09.2005, BG
Chára, Zdeněk ; Hoření, Bohumír. Modelování proudění s volnou hladinou pomocí VOF. In 11. uživatelská konference FLUENT 2005. Praha : TechSoft Engineering, 2005. s. 211-215. ISBN 80-239-5127-0
Uživatelská konference FLUENT 2005 /11./, Praha, 08.06.2005-10.06.2005, CZ
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Kvurt, Y. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Experimental evaluation of the drag rotation coefficient of the spherical particle. In Engineering mechanics 2004. Praha : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2004. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-88-9
Engineering mechanics 2004, Svratka, 10.05.2004-13.05.2004, CZ
Hoření, Bohumír ; Chára, Zdeněk. Experimental and numerical modelling of flow around the obstacles placed on a channel bottom. In Engineering mechanics 2004. Praha : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2004. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-88-9
Engineering mechanics 2004 : national conference with international paritcipation, Svratka, 10.05.2004-13.05.2004, CZ
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Konfršt, Jiří. Conveying of coarse particle in non-Newtonian slurry. In Engineering mechanics 2004. Praha : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2004. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-88-9
Engineering mechanics 2004 : national conference with international participation, Svratka, 10.05.2004-13.05.2004, CZ
Hoření, Bohumír. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Application of shallow water equations for flow of non-Newtonian suspensions. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. s. 439-446. ISBN 80-239-3465-1
International conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles /12./, Praha, 20.08.2004-24.08.2004, CZ
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. 3D numerical model of particle-bed collision in particle-laden flow in channels with rough bed. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. s. 493-499. ISBN 80-239-3465-1
International conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles /12./, Praha, 20.08.2004-24.08.2004, CZ
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Konfršt, Jiří. Effect of size distribution on flow behaviour of dense fluidic ash-water slurries. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. s. 659-669. ISBN 80-239-3465-1
International conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles /12./, Praha, 20.08.2004-24.08.2004, CZ
Matoušek, V.. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. On the effect of particle size and pipe size on slurry-flow friction. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. s. 509-517. ISBN 80-239-3465-1
International conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles /12./, Praha, 20.08.2004-24.08.2004, CZ
Chára, Zdeněk ; Myška, Jiří ; Zakin, J. L. Turbulent characteristics of a non-viscoelastic surfactant. 13th european drag reduction meeting. Aussois : Laboratoire des ecoulements geophysiques et industriels, 2004. s. 65.
Chára, Zdeněk ; Myška, Jiří. Drag reduction effectiveness of a non-viscoelastic surfactant in different pipe diameters. 13th european drag reduction meeting. Aussois : Laboratoire des ecoulements geophysiques et industriels, 2004. s. 79.
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Improvement of calculation of 2D pattern of particle-channel bed collision. In Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. Kostroma : Izdatelstvo KGTU, 2004. s. 47-49. ISBN 5-8285-0172-0
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /17./, Kostroma, 01.06.2004-03.06.2004, RU
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk. Laminar and turbulent transition of fine-grained slurries. Particulate Science and Technology. Roč. 22, č. 2 (2004), s. 189-200. ISSN 0272-6351.
28. Chára, Zdeněk. ; Hoření, Bohumír ; Vlasák, Pavel. Numerical modelling of free surface flow over two square cylinders. In Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. Kostroma : Izdatelstvo KGTU, 2004. s. 36-38. ISBN 5-8285-0172-0
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /17./, Kostroma, 01.06.2004-03.06.2004, RU
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Berman, V. Fossil fuels long distance pipeline transport. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. s. 371-382.
Hoření, Bohumír ; Chára, Zdeněk. On a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a thin layer. In Proceedings of IMEC2004 : international mechanical engineering conference. Kuwait : Kuwait Society of Engineers, 2004. s. 1-16
International mechanical engineering conference, Kuwait, 05.12.2004-08.12.2004, KW
Gorbatchevski, Andrei. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Hoření, Bohumír. Cislenoje issledavanie tecenia v kanale c massivom preprjatstvij s prjamougolnym seceniem. Matematičeskoje modelirovanije. Roč. 16, č. 11 (2004), s. 25-32. ISSN 0234-0879.
Chára, Zdeněk. ; Vlasák, Pavel ; Konfršt, Jiří. Výzkum tokových parametrů homogenních a heterogenních popílkových suspenzí : úletový a ložový popílek Poříčí. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2003.
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Hoření, Bohumír ; Mutl, Silvestr. Sedimentace heterogenní popílkové suspenze : úletový a ložový popílek Poříčí. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2003.
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk. Laminar and turbulent transition of fine-grained slurries. In The 4th international conference for conveying and handling of particulated solids, Proceedings. Budapest : ORTRA, 2003. s. 1245
International conference for conveying and handling of particulated solids /4./, Budapest, 27.05.2003-30.05.2003, HU
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Berman, V. ; Chára, Zdeněk. Pipeline transport of fossile fuels. Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. 374-375. ISBN 80-86246-18-3.
Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Experimental assignment of total drag coefficients of bodies embedded in a free surface stream. Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. 126-127. ISBN 80-86246-18-3.
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. 3D mathematical model of spherical particle saltatory movement in open channel with rough bed. Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. 186-187. ISBN 80-86246-18-3.
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. 3D mathematical model of spherical particle saltatory movement in open channel with rough bed. In Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. -
Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation, Svratka, 12.05.2003-15.05.2003, CZ
Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Experimental assignment of total drag coefficients of bodies embedded in a free surface stream. In Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. -
Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation, Svratka, 12.05.2003-15.05.2003, CZ
Vlasák, Pavel. ; Berman, V. ; Chára, Zdeněk. Pipeline transport of fossile fuels. In Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. -
Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation, Svratka, 12.05.2003-15.05.2003, CZ
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Dimensional analysis and theoretical model for saltatory particle process. In XVI Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. SanktPeterburg : Izdat. SPbGTI, 2003. s. 156-158. ISBN 5-230-09653-5
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /16./, Sankt-Peterburg, 15.09.2003-19.09.2003, RU¨
Gorbatchevski, Andrei ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Lysenko, D. Computer modelling of channel flow with cylinders of triangular shape. In XVI Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. SanktPeterburg : Izdat. SPbGTI, 2003. s. 139-144. ISBN 5-230-09653-5
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /16./, Sankt-Peterburg, 15.09.2003-19.09.2003, RU
Chára, Zdeněk. ; Hoření, Bohumír ; Vlasák, Pavel. Numerical simulation and physical modelling of free surface flow around rectangular body. In XVI Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. SanktPeterburg : Izdat. SPbGTI, 2003. s. 144-146. ISBN 5-230-09653-5
Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /16./, Sankt-Peterburg, 15.09.2003-19.09.2003, CZ
Loukertchenko, Nikolai. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel. Comparison of experimental data with numerical simulation of saltatory particle flow. In CMMASS'2003. Vladimir : Izdatelstvo Mai, 2003. s. 19-21. ISBN 5-7035-1318-9
International conference on computational mechanics and modern applied software systems : CMMASS'2003 /12./, Vladimir, 30.06.2003-05.07.2003, RU
Hoření, Bohumír ; Chára, Zdeněk. Odpor jednoduchých 2-D těles v širokém rozsahu Reynoldsových čísel. In Sborník 9. uživatelské konference FLUENT 2003 : fluent, gambit, tgrid, fidam, polyflow, airpak, icepak, mixsim. Praha : TechSoft Engineering s.r.o., 2003. s. 49-59
Uživatelská konference FLUENT 2003 /9./, Praha, 01.10.2003-03.10.2003, CZ
Chára, Zdeněk. Dvousložkové měření rychlostí v kruhovém potrubí metodou LDA. In Proceedings : 18th symposium on anemometry. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2003. s. 41-46. ISBN 80-239-0644-5
Symposium on anemometry : national conference with international participation /18./, Úvaly u Prahy, 10.06.2003-11.06.2003, CZ
Kysela, B. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Ditl, P. Vliv nastavení PDA při měření lokálních rychlostí suspenze ve vertikální trubce. In Proceedings : 18th symposium on anemometry. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2003. s. 74-81. ISBN 80-239-0644-5
Symposium on anemometry : national conference with international participation /18./, Úvaly u Prahy, 10.06.2003-11.06.2003, CZ
Chára, Zdeněk ; Klaboch, L. - Chára, Z. ; Klaboch, L. Proceedings : 18th symposium on anemometry. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2003. ISBN 80-239-0644-5.