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Petr Filip CSc.

Petr Filip CSc.


  • E-mail:
  • Phone: +420-233109028
  • Fax: +420-233324361


  • Rheodynamical analysis of flow defects in capillary extrusion of polymers
  • Comparative study of surface fracture of polymer and other materials in selected forming processes
  • Hydrodynamic and rheological behaviour of viscoelastic liquids in technological junctions and elements of extrusion units
  • Flow behaviour of polymeric materials in extrusion dies



Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. Application of a 6-parameter empirical model describing non-monotonous shear viscosity function. In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics HEFAT 2005. Cairo : HEFAT, 2005. nestr.
international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics HEFAT 2005, Cairo, 19.09.2005-22.09.2005, EG

Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On empirical modelling of viscosity regarding ageing of emulsions. Acta Technica CSAV. Roč. 50, - (2005), s. 53-66. ISSN 0001-7043.

Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On the empirical modelling of non-Newtonian viscous and viscoplastic fluids. In XVIII meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 : sbornik trudov. Kazaň : Izdateľstvo KGTU, 2005. s. 43-44. ISBN 5-7882-0253-1
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach MMTT-18 /18./, Kazaň, 31.05.2005-02.06.2005, RU

Filip, Petr. ; David, Jiří ; Pivokonský, Radek. On the relation viscosity vs. shear rate for ageing emulsions. In Engineering mechanics 2005. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-93-5
National conference with international participation Engineering mechanics 2005, Svratka, 09.05.2005-12.05.2005, CZ

Pivokonský, Radek. ; Zatloukal, J. ; Filip, Petr. Investigation of the predictive/fitting capabilities of the molecular based constitutive equations for polymer melts. In PPS-21 : Proceedings of the 21st annual meeting of the Polymer Processing Society. Halle : Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Materials Sicence, 2005. nestr. ISBN 3-86010-784-4
PPS-21 : 21st annual meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Leipzig, 19.06.2005-23.06.2005, DE


David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. On the choice of an adequate phenomenological model for viscoplastic fluids. In Engineering mechanics 2004. Praha : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, 2004. nestr. ISBN 80-85918-88-9
Engineering mechanics 2004, Svratka, 10.05.2004-13.05.2004, CZ

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. On empirical modelling of \"discontinuous\" experimental flow curves. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. s. 221-227. ISBN 80-239-3465-1
International conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles /12./, Praha, 20.08.2004-24.08.2004, CZ

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. Phenomenological modelling of non-monotonous shear viscosity functions. Applied Rheology. Roč. 14, č. 2 (2004), s. 82-88. ISSN 1430-6395.

Filip, Petr ; David, Jiří. Axial flow of viscoplastic fluids obeying Robertson-Stiff model in concentric annuli. In HEFAT 2004 : 3rd international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Cape Town : HEFAT, 2004. nestr. ISBN 1-86854-519-9
International conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics /3./, Cape Town, 21.06.2004-24.06.2004, ZA

Filip, Petr ; David, Jiří. Quasisimilarity of helical flow of power-law fluids in concentric annuli. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Roč. 45, - (2004), s. 97-107. ISSN 0920-4105.

David, Jiří. ; Filip, Petr ; Pivokonský, Radek. On empirical modelling of viscoplastic fluids. In Proceedings of IMECE2004 : international mechanical engineering conference. Kuwait : IMECE, 2004. s. 1-13
IMECE2004 : international mechanical engineering conference, Kuwait, 05.12.2004-08.12.2004, KW

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. Determination of flow rate in concentric sublayers using Vocadlo viscoplastic model. In Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. Kostroma : Izdatelstvo KGTU, 2004. s. 50-52. ISBN 5-8285-0172-0
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija Matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /17./, Kostroma, 01.06.2004-03.06.2004, RU

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. On the empirical modelling of nonmonotonous shear viscosity functions. In PPS 2004 Américas Regional Meeting Proceedings. Florianopolis : Polymer processing society, 2004. s. 549-550
PPS 2004 Américas Regional Meeting, Florianapolis, 07.11.2004-10.11.2004, BR

Sedláček, T. ; Zatloukal, M. ; Lengalová, A. ; Filip, Petr ; Saha, P. Pressure dependent viscosity of Surlyn/Montmorillonite nanocomposite. In PPS 2004 Américas Regional Meeting Proceedings. Florianopolis : Polymer processing society, 2004. s. 547-548
PPS 2004 Américas Regional Meeting, Florianapolis, 07.11.2004-10.11.2004, BR

Vlasák, Pavel ; Filip, Petr ; Sobota, J. - Vlasák, V. ; Filip, P.. ; Sobota, J. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. ISBN 80-239-3465-1.

Vlasák, Pavel ; Filip, Petr ; Sobota, J. - Vlasák, P. ; Filip, P.. ; Sobota, J. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport and sedimentation of solid particles. Praha : Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, 2004. ISBN 80-239-3465-1.

Sedláček, T. ; Zatloukal, M. ; Filip, Petr ; Boldizar, A. ; Sáha, P. On the effect of pressure on the shear and elongational viscosities of polymer melts. Polymer Engineering and Science. Roč. 44, č. 7 (2004), s. 1328-1337. ISSN 0032-3888.

Filip, Petr ; David, Jiří. Application of empirical viscoplastic models from the viewpoint of viscous and plastic effects. In Polymer processing society 2004. Gyeongju : Center for advanced functional polymers, 2004. nestr.
Polymer processing society 2004, Gyeongju, 29.08.2004-01.09.2004, KP

Sedláček, T. ; Lengálová, A. ; Zatloukal, M. ; Filip, Petr ; Sáha, P. Pressure dependent viscosity of Surlyn/montmorillonite nanocomposite. Plastics, Rubbers and Composites. Roč. 33, č. 7 (2004), s. 299-303. ISSN 1465-8011.


David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. Non-Newtonian liquids : determination of a value of viscosity characterising the initial newtonian plateau. In Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. -
Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation, Svratka, 12.05.2003-15.05.2003, CZ

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. Non-Newtonian liquids : determination of a value of viscosity characterising the initial newtonian plateau. Engineering mechanics 2003 : national conference with international participation. Praha : Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, 2003. s. 58-59. ISBN 80-86246-18-3.

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. Description of shear viscosity curves with wix semi-empirical model constants. In PPS-19 : polymer processing society. Melbourne : doplnit, 2003. s. -
PPS-19 : polymer processing society : nineteenth annual meeting, Melbourne, 07.07.2003-10.07.2003, AU

Sedlacek, T. ; Zatloukal, M. ; Lengalova, A. ; Filip, Petr ; Saha, P. Determination of pressure coefficient of polymer melts form shear flow. In ANTEC 2003 : annual technical conference : conference proceedings. Nashville : Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc., 2003. s. 3748-3752
ANTEC 2003 : annual technical conference, Neshville, 04.05.2003-08.05.2003, US

Stastna, J. ; David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr ; Zanzotto, L. On the modelling of viscosity function in bituminous and polymer materials. In XVI Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach. SanktPeterburg : Izdat. SPbGTI, 2003. s. 134-136. ISBN 5-230-09653-5
Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija : matematičeskije metody v technike i technologijach /16./, Sankt-Peterburg, 15.09.2003-19.09.2003, RU 

David, Jiří ; Filip, Petr. Description of shear viscosity curves with wix semi-empirical model constants. PPS-19 : polymer processing society. Melbourne : Polymer processing society, 2003. s. 142.

Sedláček, T. ; Zatloukal, M. ; Filip, Petr ; Saha, P. The influence of the molecular structure of LDPE on the pressure coefficients of the shear and extensional viscosities. In PPS-19 : polymer processing society : nineteenth annual meeting. Melbourne : Polymer processing society, 2003. s. -
PPS-19 : polymer processing society : nineteenth annual meeting, Melbourne, 07.07.2003-10.07.2003, AU

Filip, Petr ; David, Jiří. On the modelling of non-monotonous viscosity functions. In HEFAT2003 : 2nd international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, 2003. s. -
HEFAT2003 : 2nd international conference on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, Victoria Falls, 23.06.2003-26.06.2003, ZM

Filip, Petr ; David, Jiří. Axial Couette-Poiseuille flow of power-law viscoplastic fluids in concentric annuli. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Roč. 40, 3/4 (2003), s. 111-119. ISSN 0920-4105.