- Identification: IBS2060007 - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Duration: 2000 - 2005
Many processes of treatment, handling and transport of minerals, ores, raw materials, municipal or industrial wastes are based on so called "wet technologies". Pipelining offers full mechanisation and automation, low operational costs, environmental protection and it is a logical continuation of such technologies. The aim of the project is to determine critical and optimal operational velocities, proper slurry flow models, power consumption , particle size distribution and concentration from point of view of conveyance and additional treatment. The project is focused on investigation of flow behaviour, drag reduction by means of additives modifying physico-chemical bahaviour, amendment of particle size distribution and choice of proper carrying liquid to minimise power consumption, search for suitable pumping system, slurry exploitation without dewatering (water-coal fuel, enriched coal slurry) as well as self-solidified and self-sealing hydraulic filling and economic analysis.