Název časopisu
Acta Crystallographica A
1968 -
Acta Crystallographica B
1976 - 1981, 1983 -
Acta Crystallographica C
1983 -
Acta Crystallographica
1957 - 1967
Acta Physica Polonica A
1986 -
Acta Physica Polonica
1947 - 1985
Chybí 1949, 1952
Advances in Chemical Physics
1959 - 1991
Advances in Physics
1952 - 1969, 1974 -
American Journal of Physics
1948 - 1979, 1983 -
Annual Review in Automatic Programming
1960 - 1969, 1974
Applied Physics
1973 - 1976
Applied Physics A
1984 - 1997
Applied Physics B
1984 - 1996
Applied Physics Communications
1983 - 1987
Applied Physics Letters
1965 - 2005
Applied Surface Science
1981 - 1997
Bell System Technical Journal
1955 - 1976
Canadian Journal of Physics
1952 -
Comments on Solid States Physics
1968 - 1990
Chybí některá čísla
Computer Physics Reports
1984 - 1990
Critical Review in Solid State Sciences
1970 - 1976
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Science
1976 -
Crystal Lattice Defects
1969 - 1989
Chybí některá čísla
Crystal Research and Technology
1981 - 2000
Crystalography Reviews
1989 - 1996
Chybí některá čísla
Current Contens. Physical Chemical Earth Science
Odebíráme, k dispozici 3 roky zpětně
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
1952 - 2006
Časopis pro matematiku a fyziku
1872, 1890 - 1898, 1908 - 1961
Chybí některá čísla
Československý časopis pro fyziku
1952 -
Elektrotechnický časopis (Journal of Electrical Engineering)
1984 -
Ergebnissse der exakten Naturwissenschaften
1922 - 1972
Chybí některá čísla
Europhysics News
1978 - 1989, 1992 -
Ežegodnik bolšoj sovetskoj enciklopedii
1957 - 1988
Fizika i technika poluprovodnikov
1976 -
Fizika nizkich temperatur
1977 - 1998
Fizika tverdogo tela
1960 -
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surface
1986 -
IEEE Electron Device Letters
1985 - 1992
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
1980 - 1996
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
1969 -
IEEE Translation J. on Magnetics in Japan
1988 - 1989
IFF Bulletin
1981 - 1998
Chybí některá čísla
Indian Journal of Physics
1953 -
Indian Journal of Pure a. Applied Physics
1976 -
Izvestija Akademii nauk. Serija fizičeskaja
1962 - 1985
Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Serija chimičeskaja
1990 - 1992
Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Neorganičeskije materialy
1962 - 1990
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
1962 - 1980
Jemná mechanika a optika
1993 -
Journal of Applied Crystallography
1969 -1972, 1975 - 1976, 1979 -
Journal of Applied Physics
1938 - 2005
Journal of Crystal Growth
1967 -
Journal of Materials Research
1986 -
Journal of Materials Science
1972 - 1994
Chybí r. 1985
Journal of Materials Science Letters
1983 - 1994
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
1991 - 1994
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
1990 - 1994
Journal of Mathematical Physics
1974 - 1978
1978 neúplný
Journal of Modern Optic
1987 - 1996
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
1968 -
Journal of Physical Chemistry
1992 - 1993
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
1963 -
Journal of Physics B
1969 - 1979
Journal of Physics C
1969 - 1981
Journal of Physics D
1970 - 1979
Journal of Physics E
1970 - 1979
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matters
1963 - 2006
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards
1929 - 1939, 1949 -
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
1970 - 1996
Journal of Synchroton Radiation
1994 - 1997
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
1985 - 1996
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
1985 - 1997
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
1946 -
Journal of Thermal Analysis
1969 - 1989
Chybí r. 1974
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
1973 - 1978,1982
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
1983 - 1997,2003 - 2006
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
1983 - 1997,2003 - 2006
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
1989 - 1997
Kristall und Technik
1966 - 1980
1956 -
Kvantovaja elektronika
1981 - 1992
Materials Letters
1984 - 1996
Materials Research Bullletin
1966 - 1998
Materials Science and Engineering
1993 - 1994
Materials Science Reports
1986 - 1993
Molecular Physics
1958 - 1976
Neorganičeskije materialy
1968 - 1990
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
1985 - 1988
Optica acta (dále Journal of Modern Optic)
1985 - 1986
Optika i spektroskopija
1956 -
Phase Transitions
1993 - 1994
Philips Research Reports
1958 - 1978
Philosophical Magazine
1951 - 1981
1951 - 1974
Physica A
1974 - 1977
Physica B+C
1974 - 1977
Physica status solidi
1961 - 1970
Physica status solidi A
1970 - 2003
Physica status solidi B
1971 - 2003
Physical Review Letters
1952 - 1982, 1992, 1994 - 2000
Physical Review
1904 - 1969
Physical Review. B. Condensed Mattter
1970 -
Odebíráme, chybí r.1992
Physics Abstracts
1947 - 1997
Physics Today
1971 -
Physics World
1993 -
Physikalische Zeitschrift
1899 - 1943
Pisma v Žurnal eksperimentalnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziky
1965 - 1996
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie
1977 -
Odebíráme, chybí některá čísla
Poverchnost. Fizika-Chimija-Mechanika
1982 - 1999
Proceeding of Physical Society
1949 - 1968
Proceeding of the Royal Society
1951 - 1975
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science
(Chemical Science, Mathematical Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences)1995 -
Progress in Solid State Chemistry
1983 - 1996
Chybí některá čísla
Progress in Surface Science
1971 - 1997, 1999 - 2000
Chybí některá čísla
Review of Scientific Instruments
1939, 1948 - 1996
Reviews of Modern Physics
1947 - 1979
Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální
1957 - 1970
Rozpravy ČSAV a umění
1911, 1930 - 1936, 1943 - 1946
Science Reports of the Tohoku University
1955 - 1988
Scientific American
1967 -
Sdělovací technika
1987 -
Semiconductor Science and Technology
1986 -
1958 - 1963, 1971
Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells
1987 - 1998
Solid State Communication
1963 -
Superlattices and Microstructures
1986 -
Surface Review and Letters
1994 - 1997
Surface Science
1964 -
Surface Science Reports
1981 - 1997
Thin Solid Films
1967 - 1981
Ukrainskij fizičnyj žurnal
1962 - 1997
Uspechi fizičeskich nauk
1939 - 1994
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
1958 - 1986
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
1928, 1936 - 1982
Zeitschrift für Physik
1920 - 1976
Zeitschrift für Physik B
1974 - 1996
Žurnal eksperimentalnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki
1939 -
Žurnal neorganičeskoj chimii
1962 - 1997
Název řady
Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics
1948 - 1987
Advances in X-Ray Analysis
1965 - 1992
Festkőrperprobleme (dříve Halbleiterprobleme)
1954 - 1961, 1962 -
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
1981 - 2000
Semiconductors and Semimetals
1966 -
Solid States Physics
1958 -
Springer Series in Surface Science
1986 -