ZA ROK 2000

A 1
MACRONE, Michael: Od Aristotela k virtuální realitě : Víte, jak to mysleli? / přeložil Stanislav Pavlíček.
Praha : Brána, 1999. - 218 s.
38 308

STÖRIG, Hans Joachim: Malé dějiny filosofie / přeložili Miroslav Petříček, Petr Rezek, Karel Šprunk, bibliografie Jiří. Dvořák
Kostelní Vydří : Karmelitánské nakladatelství, 2000. - 630 s.
38 369

A 2
ŠESTÁK, Zdeněk: Jak psát a přednášet o vědě.
Praha : Academia, 1999. - 204 s.
38 307

MEDAWAR, Peter: The threat and the glory : reflections on science and scientists / ed. David Pyke.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991. - xix+291 s.
38 319

SCHRÖDINGER, Erwin: Nature and the Greeks. Science and humanism.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996. - x+172 s.
38 323

COHEN, I. Bernard: Science and founding fathers : science in the political thought of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison.
New York : W. W.Norton & Company, 1995. - 368 s.
38 326

Národní technické muzeum v Praze : historie - současnost - sbírky / uspořádal Jan Hozák.
Praha : Národní technické muzeum, 1997. - 175 s.
38 328

ČMEJRKOVÁ, Světlana - DANEŠ, František - SVĚTLÁ, Jindra: Jak napsat odborný text.
Praha : Leda, 1999. - 255 s.
38 374

CAPRA, Fritjof - STEINDL-RAST, David - MATUS, Thomas: Belonging to the universe : explorations on the frontiers of science and spirituality.
New York : HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. - xv+217 s.
38 418

A 4
LYON, James: USA.
Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 1999. - 1185 s.
38 492

A 6
Statistická ročenka České republiky = Statistical yearbook of the Czech republic / zpracoval kolektiv pracovníků pod vedením Edvarda Outraty.
Praha : Český statistický úřad, 1999. - 725 s.
38 252

FRÉMY, Dominique - FRÉMY, Michele: Quid 2000 : tout sur tout et un peu plus que tout.
Paris : Robert Laffont, 1999. - 2030 s.
38 257

McGraw-Hill yearbook of science & technology 2000.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 1999. - ix+482 s.
38 293

Diderot : velká všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 1. a-bag.
Praha : Diderot, 2000. - 631 s.
38 310

Universum. Všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 1. A-B.
Praha : Odeon, 2000. - xii+738 s.
38 327

Universum. Všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 2. C-E.
Praha : Odeon, 2000. - 681 s.
38 393

Britannica book of the year 2000 : events of 1999 / ed. Charles P. Trumbull.
Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2000. - 920 s.
(Britannica book of the year)
38 400

Diderot : velká všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 2. bah-buq.
Praha : Diderot, 2000. - 677 s.
38 413

Universum. Všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 3. F-H.
Praha : Odeon, 2000. - 676 s.
38 445

Universum. Všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 4. CH-Kn.
Praha : Odeon, 2000. - 649 s.
38 507

Diderot : velká všeobecná encyklopedie. Díl 3. bur-daz.
Praha : Diderot, 2000. - 639 s.
38 536

B 1
MARKOŠ, Antonín: Tajemství hladiny : hermeneutika živého.
Praha : Vesmír, 2000. - 366 s.
(Medúza : Sv. 11)
38 427

B 7
ALPEN, Edward L.: Radiation biophysics. - 2nd ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 1990. - xxxii+484 s.
38 434

B 8
DAMASIO, Antonio R.: Descartesův omyl : emoce, rozum a lidský mozek / přeložila Lucie Motlová, Alžběta Hesová.
Prahy : Mladá fronta, 2000. - 259 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 152)
38 352

C 1.8
OLAH, George A. - MOLNÁR, Árpád: Hydrocarbon chemistry.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1995. - xviii+632 s.
38 496

C 2.5
MEYER, Veronika R.: Practical high-performance liquid chromatography. - 3rd ed.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1999. - xiii+338 s.
38 498

C 3.2
YUNG, Yuk L. - DEMORE, William B.: Photochemistry of planetary atmospheres.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xiii+456 s.
38 430

C 3.5
MARCUS, Yitzhak: The properties of solvents.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1998. - xiv+239 s.
(Wiley series in solution chemistry : Vol. 4)
38 499

C 3.6
MINDL, Jaromír: Základy elektroorganické chemie.
Praha : Academia, 2000. - 258 s.
38 424

SAWYER, Donald T. - SOBKOWIAK, Andrzej - ROBERTS JR, Julian L.: Electrochemistry for chemists. -
2. ed.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1995. - xv+505 s.
38 428

BARTHEL, J. M. G. - KRIENKE, H. - KUNZ, W.: Physical chemistry of electrolyte solutions : modern aspects.
Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 1998. - xvii+401 s.
(Topics in physical chemistry : Vol. 5)
38 517

F 1.1
MAXWELL, James Clerk: Stat'ji i reči.
Moskva : Nauka, 1968. - 419 s.
38 236

KUDRJAVCEV, P. S.: Faradej.
Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Prosveščenije, 1967. - 165 s.
38 237

GLEICK, James: Genius : Richard Feynman and modern physics.
London : Abacus Books, 1999. - x+531 s.
38 322

LIGHTMAN, Alan - BRAWER, Robert: Origins : the lives and worlds of modern cosmologists.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1990. - xi+561 s.
38 325

KEDROV, F.: Povest' o Frenkele.
Moskva : Znanije, 1968. - 141 s.
(Tvorcy nauki i techniki)
38 333

ČERNIN, A. D.: Fizika vremeni.
Moskva : Nauka, 1987. - 220 s.
(Bibliotečka Kvant : Vyp.59)
38 349

JÁCHIM, František: Tycho Brahe : hvězdářova odysea z Dánska do Čech.
Praha : Eminent, 2000. - 214 s.
38 353

BARROW, John D.: Vesmír plný umění / přeložil Martin Krejza.
Brno : Jota, 2000. - 312 s.
(Nové obzory)
38 355

ŠTOLL, Ivan: Jan Marek Marci : první český fyzik.
Praha : Prometheus, 1996. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 1)
38 361

KRAUS, Ivo: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen : dědic šťastné náhody.
Praha : Prometheus, 1997. - 56 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 2)
38 362

BEČVÁŘ, Jindřich: René Descartes : milovník rozumu.
Praha : Prometheus, 1998. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 3)
38 363

HORSKÝ, Jan: Albert Einstein : genius lidstva.
Praha : Prometheus, 1998. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 4)
38 364

JÁCHIM, František: Tycho Brahe : pozorovatel vesmíru.
Praha : Prometheus, 1998. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 5)
38 365

MALÍŠEK, Vladimír: Isaac Newton : zakladatel teoretické fyziky.
Praha : Prometheus, 1999. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 6)
38 366

SMOLKA, Josef: Galileo Galilei : legenda moderní vědy.
Praha : Prometheus, 2000. - 60 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 7)
38 367

JEX, Igor: Max Planck : hledač absolutna.
Praha : Prometheus, 2000. - 56 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 8)
38 368

Physik und Transzedenz : die grossen Physiker unseres Jahrhunderts über ihre Begegnung mit dem Wunderbaren / ed. Hans-Peter Dürr.
München : Knaur, 1986. - 349 s.
38 372

JAMMER, Max: Einstein and religion : physics and theology.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1999. - 279 s.
38 381

ZEE, Anthony: Fearful symmetry : the search for beauty in modern physics.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1999. - xvi+356 s.
38 383

MCALLISTER, James William: Beauty and revolution in science.
New York : Cornell University, 1996. - xi+231 s.
38 384

KRAGH, Helge: Quantum generations : a history of physics in the twentieth century.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1999. - xiv+494 s.
38 385

DYSON, Freeman: From Eros to Gaia.
London : Penguin Books, 1993. - xi+371 s.
38 414

WHEELER, John Archibald - FORD, Kenneth: Geons, black holes, and quantum foam : a life in physics.
New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1998. - 380 s.
38 415

OMNES, Roland: Quantum philosophy : understanding and interpreting contemporary science.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1999. - xxiii+296 s.
38 422

HEISENBERG, Werner: Fyzika a filosofie / přeložil Miroslav Král. - 2., přehlédnuté vyd.
Praha : Aurora, 2000. - 156 s.
38 425

PAIS, Abraham: Niels Bohr's times : in physics, philosophy, and polity.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1993. - xvii+565 s.
38 467

PAIS, Abraham: The genius of science : a portrait gallery.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 356 s.
38 468

MEHRA, Jagdish - MILTON, Kimball A.: Climbing the mountain : the scientific biography of Julian Schwinger.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xii+677 s.
38 471

NOVIKOV, Igor' D.: The river of time.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xxii+275 s.
38 483

EINSTEIN, Albert: Theorie relativity a jiné eseje / přeložil Michal Prokop.
Praha : Pragma, 2000. - 55 s.
38 502

GAMOW, George: Moje světočára : neformální životopis / přeložili Alena Bičáková, Jiří Bičák.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2000. - 156 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 155)
38 503

JOHNSON, George: Strange beauty : Murray Gell-Mann and the revolution in twentieth-century physics.
New York : Vintage Books, 2000. - 434 s.
38 523

FEYNMAN, Richard P.: O smyslu bytí / přeložil Jan Klíma.
Praha : Aurora, 2000. - 131 s.
38 535

F 1.2
BOGOLJUBOV, Nikolaj Nikolajevič: Izbrannyje trudy v trech tomach. Tom 1.
Kijev : Naukova dumka, 1969. - 644 s.
38 331

BOGOLJUBOV, Nikolaj Nikolajevič: Izbrannyje trudy v trech tomach. Tom 3.
Kijev : Naukova dumka, 1971. - 484 s.
38 332

PROCA, Alexandre : Oeuvre scientifique publiée / ed. Georges A. Proca.
Paris : Georges A. Proca, 1988. - přerušené stránkování
38 350

Quantum mechanics, high energy physics and accelerators. Selected papers of John S. Bell (with commentary) / eds. M. Bell, K. Gottfried, M. Veltmann.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1995. - xvii+933 s.
(World scientific series in 20th century physics : Vol. 9)
38 512

F 1.3
ONSAGER, Lars: The collected works of Lars Onsager : with commentary / eds. P. C. Hemmer, H. Holden, S. Kjelstrup Ratkje.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1996. - x+1075 s.
38 304

LANDAU, Lev Davidovič - LIFŠIC, Jevgenij Michajlovič: Kvantovaja mechanika.
Moskva : Nauka, 1972. - 367 s.
(Kratkij kurs teoretičeskoj fiziki : Kniga 2)
38 397

FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky
s řešenými příklady. Díl 1.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2000. - 732 s.
38 446

FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovskije lekcii po fizike. Tom 6. Elektrodinamika. - 2. izd.
Moskva : Mir, 1977. - 346 s.
38 448

FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Fejnmanovskije lekcii po fizike. Tom 5. Električestvo i magnetizm.
Moskva : Mir, 1977. - 299 s.
38 449

GREINER, Walter: Classical electrodynamics / foreword by D. Allan Bromley.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1991. - x+555 s.
(Classical theoretical physics)
38 520

F 1.4
Fizičeskaja enciklopedija. Tom 3. Magnitoplazmennyj - Pojntinga teorema / ed. A. M. Prochorov.
Moskva : Bol'šaja Rossijskaja enciklopedija, 1992. - 671 s.
38 440

Fizičeskaja enciklopedija. Tom 4. Pojntinga-Robertsona effect- strimery / ed. A. M. Prochorov.
Moskva : Bol'šaja Rossijskaja enciklopedija, 1994. - 703 s.
38 441

Fizičeskaja enciklopedija. Tom 5. Stroboskopičeskije pribory - jarkost' / ed. A. M. Prochorov.
Moskva : Bol'šaja Rossijskaja enciklopedija, 1998. - 757 s.
38 442

Matematičeskaja fizika : enciklopedija / ed. L. D. Faddejev.
Moskva : Bol'šaja Rossijskaja enciklopedija, 1998. - 690 s.
38 443

F 1.6
Fizika tverdogo tela. Tom 1. A-O : enciklopedičeskij slovar' / ed. V. G. Bar'jachtar.
Kijev : Naukova dumka, 1996. - 650 s.
38 376

F 1.7
BRANDT, Siegmund: Data analysis : statistical and computational methods for scientists and engineers. - 3rd ed.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xxxiv+652 s.+CD-ROM
38 519

F 1.8
GUILLEN, Michael: Five equations that changed the world : the power and poetry of mathematics.
London : Abacus Books, 1995. - 277 s.
38 320

GRIBBIN, John: The case of the missing neutrinos : and other curious phenomena of the Universe.
London : Penguin Books, 1998. - viii+234 s.
38 324

EINSTEIN, Albert - INFELD, Leopold: Fyzika jako dobrodružství poznání / přeložil Jan Rey.
Praha : Aurora, 2000. - 237 s.
38 501

F 2.1
WHEELER, John Archibald: Predvidenije Ejnštejna.
Moskva : Mir, 1970. - 112 s.
38 339

Gravitacija i topologija. Aktual'nyje problemy : sbornik statej / ed. D. Ivanenko.
Moskva : Mir, 1966. - 310 s.
38 343

Gravitacija i otnositel'nost' / ed. Hong-Yee Chiu, William F. Hoffmann.
Moskva : Mir, 1965. - 544 s.
38 344

BOWLER, M. G.: Gravitecija i otnositel'nost'.
Moskva : Mir, 1979. - 215 s.
38 345

UGAROV, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Specijal'naja teorija otnositel'nosti. - 2. pererab. i dopol. izd.
Moskva : Nauka, 1977. - 383 s.
38 346

GOL'DENBLAT, Iosif Izrailevič: "Paradoksy vremeni" v reljativističeskoj mechanike.
Moskva : Nauka, 1972. - 80 s.
38 347

MARDER, L.: Paradoks časov.
Moskva : Mir, 1974. - 222 s.
38 384

HAWKING, Stephen - PENROSE, Roger: Povaha prostoru a času / přeložil Pavel Krtouš.
Praha : Academia, 2000. - 137 s.
38 405

JOSHI, Pankaj S.: Global aspects in gravitation and cosmology.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993. - x+377 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 87)
38 470

F 2.2
JACKSON, E. Atlee: Perspectives of nonlinear dynamics. Vol. 1.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. - xix+496 s.
38 378

JACKSON, E. Atlee: Perspectives of nonlinear dynamics. Vol. 2.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. - xvii+633 s.
38 379

F 2.3
FELSEN, Leopold B. - MARCUVITZ, Nathan: Izlučenije i rassejanije voln. Tom 1.
Moskva : Mir, 1978. - 547 s.
38 359

FELSEN, Leopold B. - MARCUVITZ, Nathan: Izlučenije i rassejanije voln. Tom 2.
Moskva : Mir, 1978. - 555 s.
38 360

IVÁNYI, Amália: Magnetic field computation with R-functions.
Budapest : Akadémiai Kiadó, 1998. - xi+247 s.
38 534

F 2.4.2
AFRIAT, Alexander - SELLERI, Franco: The Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen paradox in atomic, nuclear, and particle physics.
New York : Plenum Press, 1999. - xii+248 s.
38 258

Foundations of quantum mechanics in the light of new technology / eds. S. Nakajima, Y. Murayama, A. Tonomura.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1996. - xiii+482 s.
(Advanced series in applied physics : Vol. 4)
38 316

MÜLLEROVÁ, Andrea: Dva světy však jedna skutečnost : kvantová mechanika z pohledu klasického realismu.
Praha : Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK, 1999. - 106 s.
38 351

Interpreting bodies : classical and quantum objects in modern physics / ed. Elena Castellani.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1998. - viii+329 s.
38 382

AULETTA, Gennaro: Foundations and interpretation of quantum mechanics : in the light of a critical-historical analysis of the problems and of a synthesis of the results.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xxxii+981 s.
38 438

BELL, J. S.: Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. - xii+212 s.
38 482

Quantum reflections / eds. John Ellis, Daniel Amati.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiv+202 s.
38 484

F 2.4.3
The physics of quantum information : quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, quantum computation / eds. Dirk Bouwmeester, Artur Ekert, Anton Zeilinger.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xvi+314 s.
38 487

F 2.4.4
FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do relativistické kvantové mechaniky a kvantové teorie pole. Díl 2a.
Praha : Karolinum, 2000. - vii+345-645 s.
38 317

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do relativistické kvantové mechaniky a kvantové teorie pole. Díl 2b.
Praha : Karolinum, 2000. - v+647-932 s.
38 318

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do relativistické kvantové mechaniky a kvantové teorie pole. Díl 1. - 2. vyd.
Praha : Karolinum, 2000. - 344 s.
38 380

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do relativistické kvantové mechaniky a kvantové teorie pole. Díl 1.
Praha : Karolinum, 2000. - 344 s.
38 401

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do relativistické kvantové mechaniky a kvantové theorie pole. Díl 2a.
Praha : Karolinum, 2000. - vii+345-645 s.
38 402

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do relativistické kvantové mechaniky a kvantové theorie pole. Díl 2b.
Praha : Karolinum, 2000. - v+647-932 s.
38 403

HANNABUSS, Keith: An introduction to quantum theory.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1997. - xiv+380 s.
(Oxford graduate texts in mathematics : Vol. 1)
38 416

OMNES, Roland: Understanding quantum mechanics.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1999. - xiii+307 s.
38 423

BALLENTINE, Leslie E.: Quantum mechanics : a modern development.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - xiv+658 s.
38 490

HARRISON, Walter A.: Applied quantum mechanics.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xvi+353 s.
38 491

F 2.5.1
CJAN', Sjue-Sjen': Fizičeskaja mechanika.
Moskva : Mir, 1965. - 544 s.
38 375

F 2.5.2
ZUBAREV, Dmitrii - MOROZOV, Vladimir - RÖPKE, Gerd: Statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium processes. Vol.1. Basic concepts, kinetic theory.
Berlin : Akademie Verlag, 1996. - 375 s.
38 239

ZUBAREV, Dmitrii - MOROZOV, Vladimir - RÖPKE, Gerd: Statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium processes. Vol.2. Relaxation and hydrodynamic processes.
Berlin : Akademie Verlag, 1997. - 375 s.
38 240

PLISCHKE, Michael - BERGERSEN, Birger: Equilibrium statistical physics. - 2nd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1994. - xiv+520 s.
38 305

FRENKEL', Ja. I.: Statističeskaja fizika.
Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1948. - 760 s.
38 330

Mathematical physics in one dimension : exactly soluble models of interacting particles / introductory text Elliot H. Lieb, Daniel C. Mattis.
New York : Academic Press, 1966. - xiv+565 s.
(Perspectives in physics: a series of reprint collections)
38 373

PLISCHKE, Michael - BERGERSEN, Birger: Equilibrium statistical physics. - 2nd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - xv+520 s.
38 419

KADANOFF, Leo P.: Statistical physics : statistics, dynamics and renormalization.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xiii+483 s.
38 420

EFETOV, Konstantin: Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xiii+441 s.
38 485

F 2.5.3
BLAIZOT, J. P. - RIPKA, G.: Kvantovaja teorija konečnych sistem.
Kijev : Feniks, 1998. - 480 s.
38 444

GOGOLIN, Alexander O. - NERSESYAN, Alexander A. - TSVELIK, Alexei M.: Bosonization and strongly correlated systems.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xxii+422 s.
38 481

F 2.5.4
DOMB, Cyril: The critical point : a historical introduction to the modern theory of critical phenomena.
London : Taylor & Francis, 1996. - xviii+376 s.
38 256

F 3.1.1
ABDALLA, Elcio - ABDALLA, M. Cristina B. - ROTHE, Klaus D.: Two-dimensional quantum field theory.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1991. - xix+727 s.
38 259

WEINBERG, Steven: The quantum theory of fields. Vol.3. Supersymmetry.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xxii+419 s.
38 300

WEINBERG, Steven: The quantum theory of fields. Vol.3. Supersymmetry.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xxii+419 s.
38 301

F 3.1.2
BERTLMANN, Reinhold A.: Anomalies in quantum field theory.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xiii+566 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 91)
38 524

F 3.1.4
PERKINS, Donald H.: Introduction to high energy physics. - 4th ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiii+426 s.
38 486

F 4.4
SALEH, Bahaa E. A. - TEICH, Malvin Carl: Základy fotoniky. Sv. 1.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 1994. - xxxii+226 s.
38 294

SALEH, Bahaa E. A. - TEICH, Malvin Carl: Základy fotoniky. Sv. 2.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 1994. - xxii+228-436 s.
38 295

SALEH, Bahaa E. A. - TEICH, Malvin Carl: Základy fotoniky. Sv. 3.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 1995. - xxii+438-778 s.
38 296

SALEH, Bahaa E. A. - TEICH, Malvin Carl: Základy fotoniky. Sv. 4.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 1996. - xxii+780-1055 s.
38 297

SVELTO, Orazio: Principles of lasers. - 4th ed.
New York : Plenum Press, 1998. - xxi+604 s.
38 358

MUKAMEL, Shaul: Principles of nonlinear optical spectroscopy.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1995. - xviii+543 s.
(Oxford series in optical and imaging sciences : 6)
38 433

CIOCCI, F. - DATTOLI, G. - TORRE, A. - RENIERI, A.: Insertion devices for synchrotron radiation and free electron lasers.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xix+358 s.
(Series on synchrotron radiation techniques and applications : Vol. 6)
38 435

BACHOR, Hans-A.: A guide to experiments in quantum optics.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 1998. - xi+369 s.
38 515

F 4.5
BRDIČKA, Miroslav - SAMEK, Ladislav - SOPKO, Bruno: Mechanika kontinua. - 2., opr. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 2000. - 799 s.
38 404

BRDIČKA, Miroslav - SAMEK, Ladislav - SOPKO, Bruno: Mechanika kontinua. - 2., opravené vyd.
Praha : Academia, 2000. - 799 s.
38 533

F 5.1.3
The Opacity Project. Vol. 1 / compiled by the Opacity Project team .
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995. - xii+834 s.
38 253

The Opacity Project. Vol. 2 / compiled by the Opacity Project team .
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1997. - xi+432 s.
38 254

MAY, Volkhard - KÜHN, Oliver: Charge and energy transfer dynamics in molecular systems : a theoretical introduction.
Berlin : Wiley-VCH, 2000. - 416 s.
38 429

ILLENBERGER, E. - MOMIGNY, J.: Gaseous molecular ions : an introduction to elementary processes induced by ionization.
Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 1992. - xiv+344 s.
(Topics in physical chemistry : Vol. 2)
38 518

F 5.2
KRUER, William L.: The physics of laser plasma interactions.
Redwood city : Addison-Wesley, 1988. - xviii+182 s.
(Frontiers in physics : Vol. 73)
38 249

BIRDSALL, C. K. - LANGDON, A. B.: Plasma physics via computer simulation.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1991. - xv+479 s.; disketa
(Plasma physics series)
38 255

HORTON, W. - ICHIKAWA, Y-H.: Chaos and structures in nonlinear plasmas.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xiii+340 s.
38 436

HARMS, A. A. - SCHOEPF, K. F. - MILEY, G. H. - KINGDON, D. R.: Principles of fusion energy : an introduction to fusion energy for students of science and engineering.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xi+295 s.
38 437

GRIEM, Hans R.: Principles of plasma spectroscopy.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. - xix+366 s.
(Cambridge monographs on plasma physics : Vol. 2)
38 466

LIBERMAN, Michael A.: Physics of high-density Z-pinch plasmas / John S. De Groot, Arthur Toor, Rick B. Spielman.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - viii+277 s.
38 527

F 6.1.2
Soft matter physics / eds. Mohamed Daoud, Claudine E. Williams.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xv+320 s.
38 516

F 6.1.3
Fullerenes : chemistry, physics, and technology / eds. Karl M. Kadish, Rodney S. Ruoff.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2000. - ix+968 s.
38 497

F 6.3
Impurities in engineering materials : impact, reliability, and control / ed. Clyde L. Briant.
New York : Marcel Dekker, 1999. - viii+306 s.
(Materials engineering : 15)
38 388

F 6.4
Concise encyclopedia of materials characterization / eds. Robert W. Cahn, Eric Lifshin.
Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1993. - xxviii+641 s.
(Advances in materials science and engineering)
38 261

RAAB, Miroslav: Materiály a člověk : netradiční úvod do současné materiálové vědy.
Praha : Encyklopedický dům, 1999. - 228 s.
38 508

F 6.5
The chemistry of metal CVD / ed. Toivo T. Kodas, Mark J. Hampden-Smith.
Weinheim : VCH Publishers, 1994. - xxiv+530 s.
38 298

Handbook of microlithography, micromachining, and microfabrication. Vol. 1: Microlithography / ed. P. Rai-Choudhury.
Bellingham : SPIE, 1997. - viii+768 s.
38 411

Handbook of microlithography, micromachining, and microfabrication. Vol. 2: Micromachining and microfabrication / ed. P. Rai-Choudhury.
Bellingham : SPIE, 1997. - viii+692 s.
38 412

MATTOX, Donald M.: Handbook of physical vapor deposition (PVD) processing : film formation, adhesion, surface preparation and contamination control.
Park Ridge, New Jersey : Noyes Publications, 1998. - xxvii+917 s.
38 439

LÜTH, Hans: Surfaces and interfaces of solid materials. - 3rd ed., updated print
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1998. - xii+556 s.
(Springer study edition)
38 488

F 6.7
Microlithography : science and technology / eds. James R. Sheats, Bruce W. Smith.
New York : Marcel Dekker, 1998. - ix+780 s.
38 421

F 7.1
Electron correlations and materials properties / eds. A. Gonis, N. Kioussis, M. Ciftan.
New York : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. - xiv+556 s.
38 238

GONIS, Antonios - BUTLER, William H.: Multiple scattering in solids.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xiii+285 s.
(Graduate texts in contemporary physics)
38 390

SUTTON, Adrian P.: Electronic structure of materials.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1993. - xv+260 s.
38 394

THOMSON, J. J.: Die Korpuskulartheorie der Materie.
Braunschweig : Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1908. - vii+166 s.
(Die Wissenschaft. Sammlung naturwissenschaftlicher und mathematischer Monographien : Heft 25)
38 395

DITTRICH, Thomas: Quantum transport and dissipation / Peter Hänggi, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Bernhard Kramer, Gerd Schön, Wilhelm Zwerger.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 1998. - x+372 s.
38 399

KURAMOTO, Y. - KITAOKA, Y.: Dynamics of heavy electrons.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2000. - xii+239 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 105)
38 469

F 7.4
Advances in superconductivity X. Vol. 1 / eds. Kozo Osamura, Izumi Hirabayashi.
Tokyo : Springer-Verlag, 1998. - xxiii+596 s.
38 473

Advances in superconductivity X. Vol. 2 / eds. Kozo Osamura, Izumi Hirabayashi.
Tokyo : Springer-Verlag, 1998. - xviii+599-1440 s.
38 474

F 7.5
KÜBLER, Jürgen: Theory of itinerant electron magnetism.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2000. - xi+427 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 106)
38 472

F 7.6
Properties, processing and applications of indium phosphide / ed. T. P. Pearsall.
London : INSPEC, 2000. - xiii+279 s.
(Electronic materials information service : Vol. 21)
38 526

F 7.7
Defects and surface-induced effects in advanced perovskites / ed. Gunnar Borstel, Andris Krumins, Donats Millers.
Dortrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. - xv+492 s.
(NATO science series. Series 3. High technology : Vol. 77)
38 336

Proceedings of the second meeting on ferroelectric materials and their applications / ed. T. Ikeda.
Tokyo : Publication Board, The 2nd Meeting of FMA, 1979. - 266 s.
38 370

SCOTT, James Floyd: Ferroelectric memories.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xvi+248 s.
(Springer series in advanced microelectronic : 3)
38 386

UCHINO, Kenji: Ferroelectric devices.
New York : Marcel Dekker, 2000. - x+308 s.
(Materials engineering : 16)
38 392

F 7.8
LIEBSCH, Ansgar: Electron excitations at metal surfaces.
New York : Plenum Press, 1997. - x+336 s.
(Physics of solids and liquids)
38 387

F 7.9
BÄUERLE, Dieter: Laser processing and chemistry. - 3rd, revised and enlarged ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xx+788 s.
38 489

Lasers in surface engineering / ed. Narendra B. Dahotre.
Materials Park : ASM International, 1998. - xvi+599 s.
(Surfaces engineering series : Vol. 1)
38 493

F 8.6
ROTH, Alexander: Vacuum technology
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1996. - xx+554 s.
38 262

F 8.7
ROSSI, H. H. - ZAIDER, M.: Microdosimetry and its applications.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1996. - xii+321 s.
38 431

F 9.1
GRIBBIN, John - REES, Martin: The stuff of the Universe : dark matter, mankind and anthropic cosmology.
London : Penguin Books, 1995. - xv+302 s.
38 321

HOYLE, Fred: Galaktiki, jadra i kvazary.
Moskva : Mir, 1968. - 153 s.
38 342

Seventeenth Texas symposium on relativistic astrophysics and cosmology / eds. Hans Böhringer, Gregor E. Morfill, Joachim E. Trümper.
New York : The New York Academy of Science, 1995. - xvi+728 s.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Science : Vol. 759)
38 357

NOVIKOV, Igor' Dmitrievič: Evoljucija vselennoj. - 2., pererab. izd.
Moskva : Nauka, 1983. - 189 s.
38 398

RUBIN, Vera: Bright galaxies, dark matters.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1996. - xvi+236 s.
(Masters of modern physics)
38 417

GRYGAR, Jiří: Čtyřicet let rozvoje astronomie (1959-1999).
Úpice : Hvězdárna v Úpici, 1999. - 45 s.
38 505

GRYGAR, Jiří: Stavba a vývoj vesmíru.
Úpice : Hvězdárna v Úpici, 1991. - 76 s.
38 506

F 9.2
KOBZOVÁ, Eva: Počasí : knížka pro každého.
Olomouc : Rubico, 1998. - 276 s.
38 504

FRONEK, Josef: Velký česko-anglický slovník.
Voznice : Leda, 2000. - xlvii+1597 s.
38 447

FRONEK, Josef: Velký česko-anglický slovník.
Voznice : Leda, 2000. - xlvii+1597 s.
38 451

FRONEK, Josef: Velký česko-anglický slovník.
Voznice : Leda, 2000. - xlvii+1597 s.
38 452

M 1.5
VOPĚNKA, Petr: Rozpravy s geometrií.
Praha : Panorama, 1989. - 519 s.
38 340

VOPĚNKA, Petr: Druhé rozpravy s geometrií.
Praha : Práh, 1991. - 225 s.
38 341

VOPĚNKA, Petr: Úhelný kámen evropské vzdělanosti a moci : souborné vydání Rozprav s geometrií.
Praha : Práh, 2000. - 918 s.
38 354

VOPĚNKA, Petr: Geometrizace reálného světa : třetí rozpravy s geometrií.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 1955. - 395 s.
38 356

M 2.2
GOURSAT, Edouard: Functions of a complex variable.
New York : Dover Publications, 1959. - x+259 s.
(A course in mathematical analysis : Vol. 2, part 1)
38 250

M 2.4
BACKSTROM, Gunnar: Fields of physics by finite element analysis : an introduction.
Lund : Studentlitteratur, 1998. - 208 s.
38 410

M 2.7
ŠALÁT, Tibor: Nekonečné rady.
Praha : Academia, 1974. - 241 s.
(Cesta k vědění : 23)
38 396

M 2.8
SNEDDON, Ian: Preobrazovanija Fur'je.
Moskva : Izdatel'stvo inostrannoj literatury, 1955. - 667 s.
38 408

M 4.1
RESNIKOFF, Howard L. - WELLS, Raymond O.: Wavelet analysis : the scalable structure of information.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1998. - xvi+435 s.
38 389

M 4.2
BERMAN, Gennady P. - DOOLEN, Gary D. - MAINIERI, Ronnie - TSIFRINOVICH, Vladimir I.: Introduction to quantum computers.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1998. - viii+187 s.
38 260

POWEL, Dennis E.: Practical KDE.
Indianapolis : Macmillan, 1999. - 702 s.
38 334

HOENIG, Alan: TeX unbound : LaTeX & TeX strategies for fonts, graphics, & more.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998. - 580 s.
38 462

GOOSSENS, Michael - RAHTZ, Sebastian: The LaTeX Web companion : integrating TeX, HTML, and XML / with Eitam M. Gurari, Ross Moore, Robert S. Sutor.
Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, 1999. - xxii+524 s.
(Addison-Wesley series on tools and techniques for computer typesetting)
38 463

MCCLELLAND, Deke - COHEN, Sandee: Real World Illustrator 9.
Berkley : Peachpit Press, 2000. - xxix+839 s.
38 464

GLYNN, Jerry - GRAY, Theodore: The beginner's guide to Mathematica, version 4.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - viii+434 s.
38 480

KOUBKOVÁ, Alena - PAVELKA, Jan: Úvod do teoretické informatiky.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 1998. - 123 s.
38 532

M 5.2
ANDĚL, Jiří: Matematika náhody.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 2000. - 273 s.
38 531

M 5.4
BARROW, John D.: Pí na nebesích : o počítání, myšlení a bytí / přeložili Naďa Stehlíková, Antonín Vrba.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2000. - 307 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 154)
38 426

Computer simulation studies in condensed-matter physics XI : proceedings of the eleventh workshop, Athens, GA, USA, February 22-27, 1998 / eds. D. P. Landau, H.-B. Schüttler.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - x+229 s.
(Springer proceedings in physics : Vol. 84)
38 241

Computer simulation studies in condensed-matter physics XII : proceedings of the twelfth workshop, Athens, GA, USA, March 8-12, 1999 / eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, H.-B. Schüttler.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xi+231 s.
(Springer proceedings in physics : Vol. 85)
38 242

Light scattering in solids VII : crystal-field and magnetic excitations / eds. M. Cardona, G. Güntherodt.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - viii+303 s.
(Topics in applied physics : Vol. 75)
38 243

Light scattering in solids VIII : fullerenes, semiconductor surfaces, coherent phonons / eds. M. Cardona, G. Güntherodt.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xii+221 s.
(Topics in applied physics : Vol. 76)
38 244

Magneto-optics / eds. S. Sugano, N. Kojima.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - ix+334 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 128)
38 245

Computational materials science : from ab initio to Monte Carlo methods / eds. K. Ohno, K. Esfarjani, Y. Kawazoe.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - x+325 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 129)
38 246

Computational materials design / ed. T. Saito.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - viii+296 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 34)
38 247

HOLÝ, Václav - PIETSCH, Ullrich - BAUMBACH, Tilo: High-resolution x-ray scattering from thin films and multilayers.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xi+256 s.
(Springer tracts in modern physics : Vol. 149)
38 248

Solid state physics. Advances in research and applications. Vol. 53. 1955-1999: Overview, contents and autors / eds. Henry Ehrenreich, Frans Spaepen.
San Diego : Academia Press, 1999. - 316 s.
38 285

Superconductivity and its applications / eds. Hoi S. Kwok, David T. Shaw, Michael J. Naughton.
New York : American Institute of Physics, 1993. - ix+666 s.
(AIP conference proceedings : No. 273)
38 299

Solid state physics. Advances in research and applications. Vol. 54 / eds. Henry Ehrenreich, Frans Spaepen.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2000. - xi+536 s.
38 292

Selected topics in nonperturbative QCD = Argomenti scelti nella QCD non perturbativa / ed. A. Giacomo, D. Diakonov.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1996. - xiii+511 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Course 130)
38 302

Annual reviews of computational physics. Vol.5 / ed. Dietrich Stauffer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1997. - v+311 s.
38 303

Vacuum and vacua : the physics of nothing / ed. Antonino Zichichi.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1995. - viii+508 s.
(The subnuclear series : Vol. 33)
38 306

Fullerene polymers and fullerene composites / eds. Peter C. Eklund, Apparao M. Rao.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xv+394 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol.38)
38 309

Mechanic and dielectric properties / eds Maurice H. Francombe, John L. Vossen.
Boston : Academic Press, 1993. - xiii+397 s.
(Physics of thin films. Advances in research and development : Vol. 17)
38 329

Festkörperprobleme = Advances in solid state physics. Vol. 38 / ed. Bernhard Kramer.
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden : Vieweg, 1999. - x+641 s.
38 335

13. konferencia slovenských a českých fyzikov : zborník príspevkov / eds. Marián Reiffers, Ladislav Just.
Zvolen : Slovenská fyzikálna spoločnosť, 2000. - 457 s.
38 337

Problemy teorii gravitacii i elementarnych častic. Vypusk 5. / ed. K. P. Stanjukovič.
Moskva : Atomizdat, 1974. - 205 s.
38 338

Atomic physics 13 / eds. H. Walther, T. W. B. Niezert.
New York : American Institute of Physics, 1993. -
(AIP conference proceedings : 275)
38 371

Liquid helium and many body problems / ed. Jan Lopuszaňski.
Wroclaw : Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, 1970. - přeruš. str.
(Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis : 141)
38 377

Models and phenomenology for conventional and high-temperature superconductivity = Modelli e fenomenologia della superconduttivita convenzionale e ad alta temperatura critica / eds. G. Iadonisi, J. R. Schrieffer, M. L. Chiofalo.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1998. - xii+505 s.
(Proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 135)
38 391

Electronic structure and physical properties of solids : the uses of the LMTO method / ed. Hugues Dreyssé.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xii+458 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 535)
38 406

Field theories for low-dimensional condensed matter systems : spin systems and strongly correlated electrons / eds. Guiseppe Morandi, Pasquale Sodano, Arturo Tagliacozzo, Valerio Tognetti.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xii+275 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 131)
38 407

Raman scattering in materials science / eds. Willes H. Weber, Roberto Merlin.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xvii+492 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 42)
38 409

X-ray spectroscopy in astrophysics / eds. Jan van Paradijs, Johan A. M. Bleeker.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xv+530 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 520)
38 432

Hvězdářská ročenka 2001 / ed. Pavel Příhoda.
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. M. Prahy, 2000. - 256 s.
38 450

Aspects topologiques de la physique en basse dimension = Topological aspects of low dimensional systems / eds. A. Comtet, T. Jolicoeur, S. Ouvry, F. David.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xxxiv+909 s.
(École d'été de physique théorique : Session 69)
38 465

TODA, Morikazu - KUBO, Ryogo - SAITO, Nobuhiko: Statistical physics 1. Equilibrium statistical mechanics. - 2nd ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1992. - xvi+252 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 30)
38 477

KUBO, Ryogo - TODA, Morikazu - HASHITSUME, Natsuki: Statistical physics 2. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. - 2nd ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1998. - xvi+279 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 31)
38 478

SHAH, Jagdeep: Ultrafast spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures. - 2nd enlarged ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xvi+518 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 115)
38 479

Annual reviews of computational physics VI / ed. Dietrich Stauffer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - vii+346 s.
38 509

Annual reviews of computational physics VII / ed. Dietrich Stauffer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - vii+339 s.
38 510

Highlights of subnuclear physics : 50 years later / ed. Antonino Zichichi.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1997. - ix+641 s.
(The subnuclear series : Vol. 35)
38 511

Selected topics in nonperturbative QCD = Argomenti scelti nella QCD non perturbativa / eds. A. Giacomo, D. Diakonov.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1996. - xiii+511 s.
(Proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Course 130)
38 513

New directions in quantum chaos = Nuove prospettive nel caos quantico / eds. G. Casati, I. Guarneri, U. Smilansky.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2000. - xviii+521 s.
(Proceedings of the International school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Course 143)
38 514

Magnetic imaging and its applications to materials / eds. Marc De Graef, Yimei Zhu.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xvi+295 s.
(Experimental methods in the physical sciences : Vol. 36)
38 521

ZHAO, Yiping - WANG, Gwo-Ching - LU, Toh-Ming: Characterization of amorphous and crystalline rough surface: principles and applications.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xvii+417 s.
(Experimental methods in the physical sciences : Vol. 37)
38 522

The dilemma of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen - 60 years later / eds. A. Mann, M. Revzen.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1996. - xi+314 s.
(Annals of the Israel Physical Society : Vol. 12)
38 525

TSUDA, Nobuo: Electronic conduction in oxides / Keiichiro Nasu, Atsushi Fujimori, Kiiti Siratori. - 2nd, revised and enlarged ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xi+365 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 94)
38 528

Field theories for low-dimensional condensed matter systems : spin systems and strongly correlated electrons / eds. Guiseppe Morandi, Pasquale Sodano, Arturo Tagliacozzo, Valerio Tognetti.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xii+275 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 131)
38 529

SORNETTE, Didier: Critical phenomena in natural sciences : chaos, fractals, selforganization and disorder : concepts and tools.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xvii+434 s.
(Springer series in synergetics)
38 530

Phase transitions and critical phenomena. Vol. 18 / eds. C. Domb, J. L. Lebowitz.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xvi+320 s.
38 537

Phase transitions and critical phenomena. Vol. 19 / eds. C. Domb, J.L. Lebowitz.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xviii+498 s.
38 538

Solid state physics. Advances in research and applications. Vol. 55 / eds. Henry Ehrenreich, Frans Spaepen.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xi+334 s.
38 539

T 3
SAWYER, Ben - PRONK, Ron - AITKEN, Peter: Digitální fotografie / přeložil Jaroslav Dudr.
Praha : Computer Press, 1999. - xvii+531 s.; CD ROM
38 251

Adobe Photoshop 5.0 / přeložil Pavel Knotek, Karel Heinige.
Brno : UNIS, 1999. - 432 s.; CD ROM
38 284