ZA ROK 2002
A 1.1
SEARLE, John R.: Minds, brains and science.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1997. - 107 s.
(The 1984 Reith lectures)
38 902FEYERABEND, Paul K.: Rozprava proti metodě [Orig: Against method]/ přeložil Jiří Fiala.
Praha : Aurora, 2001. - 430 s.
38 910A 2
ONDOK, Josef P.: Přírodní vědy a teologie.
Brno : Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2001. - 176 s.
(Moderní česká teologie)
38 893HOLTON, Gerald James: Thematic origins of scientific thought : Kepler to Einstein. - Rev. ed.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1988. - vi+499 s.
38 898KUHN, Thomas S.: The copernican revolution : planetary astronomy in the development of western thought.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1999. - xviii+297 s.
38 899HOLTON, Gerald James: Einstein, history and other passions : the rebellion against science at the end of the twentieth century.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2000. - xii+240 s.
38 901KRAUS, Ivo: Dějiny evropských objevů a vynálezů : od Homéra k Einsteinovi.
Praha : Academia, 2001. - 330 s.
38 909The Nature yearbook of science and technology 2001 / ed. Declan Butler.
London : Nature Publishing Group, 2001. - xvii+2124 s.
38 947Česká věda a Pražské jaro (1963-1970) : sborník z konference / red. Blanka Zilynská, Peter Svobodný.
Praha : Karolinum, 2001. - 425 s.
(Práce z dějin vědy = Studies in the history of science and humanities : Sv. 2)
38 960GRYGAR, Jiří: Věda, víra, vesmír. - 3. vyd.
Valašské Meziříčí : Hvězdárna Valašské Meziříčí, 2000. - 26 s.
38 982GRYGAR, Jiří: Velký třesk a bible. - 3. vyd.
Valšské Meziříčí : Hvězdárna Valašské Meziříčí, 1999. - 35 s.
38 983GRYGAR, Jiří: Svět vědy a víry : soubor tří přednášek, proslovených v letech 1990-1993, doplněných záznamem diskusí.
Valašské Meziříčí : Aldebaran, 2002. - 102 s.
38 984SLACK, J. M. W.: O vejcích a vědcích : téměř pravdivé vzprávění ze života v biologické laboratoři [Orig: Egg and ego : an almost true story of life in the biology lab] / přeložila Fatima Cvrčková.
Praha : Paseka, 2001. - 245 s.
(Fénix : Sv. 2)
38 985RnDr. Karel Hujer : články a úvahy / red. Přibyslav Šimice.
Praha : Vyšehrad, 2002. - 183 s.
39 053WALTERS, D. Eric - WALTERS, Gale C.: Scientists must speak : bringing presentation to life.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - xii+132 s.
(Routledge study guides)
39 075BARRASS, Robert: Scientists must write : a guide to better writing for scientists, engineers and students. - 2nd ed.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - xvi+204 s.
(Routledge study guides)
39 076Kdo je kdo v České republice 94/95.
Praha : Modrý jezdec, 1994. - 720 s.
39 094Kdo je kdo : osobnosti české současnosti / red. Michael Třeštík.
Praha : Agentura Kdo je kdo, 2002. - 781 s.
39 095Cosmos, bios, theos : scientists reflect on science, God, and the origins of the Universe, life, and homo sapiens / eds. Henry Margenau, Roy A. Varghese.
Chicago : Open Court, 1994. - xiv+285 s.
39 099Science and theology / ed. Ted Peters.
Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 1998. - vii+256 s.
39 100HOLLAND, John H.: Emergence : from chaos to order.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Books, 1998. - xiii+258 s.
39 101MCGINN, Colin: The mysterious flame : conscious minds in a material world.
New York : Basic Books, 1999. - xiii+242 s.
39 103A 4
HARDING, Paul: Australia. - 11th ed.
Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2002. - 1040 s.
39 158A 6
Statistická ročenka České republiky 2001 = Statistical yearbook of the Czech republic.
Praha : Scientia, 2001. - 773 s.
38 907McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 1. AAR-ANO. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - xiii+712 s.
38 997McGraw-Hill encyclopeia of science and technology. Vol. 2. ANS-BIN. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 729 s.
38 998McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 3. BIO-CHA. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 772 s.
38 999McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 4. CHE-COS. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 805 s.
39 000McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 5. COT-EAT. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 814 s.
39 001McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 6. EBE-EYE. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 790 s.
39 002McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 7. FAB-GEN. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 803 s.
39 003McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 8. GEO-HYS. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 774 s.
39 004McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 9. ICE-LEV. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 794 s.
39 005McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 10. LIB-META. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 793 s.
39 006McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 11. METE-NIT. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 767 s.
39 007McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 12. NOB-PAP. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 768 s.
39 008McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 13. PAR-PLAN. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 756 s.
39 009McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 14. PLAS-QUI. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 750 s.
39 010McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 15. RAB-RYE. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 719 s.
39 011McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 16. SAB-SON. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 789 s.
39 012McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 17. SOR-SUP. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 742 s.
39 013McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 18. SUR-TYP. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 749 s.
39 014McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 19. ULC-ZYG. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 768 s.
39 015McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology. Vol. 20. INDEX. - 9th ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 726 s.
39 0162002 Britannica book of the year : events of 2001 / ed. Charles P. Trumbull.
Chicago : Encyclopedia Britannica, 2002. - 936 s.
(Britannica book of the year)
39 021B 1
DAWKINS, Richard: Slepý hodinář : zázrak života očima evoluční biologie [Orig: The blind watchmaker] / přeložil Tomáš Grim.
Praha : Paseka, 2002. - 357 s.
(Fénix : Sv. 3)
38 986B 3
BOAL, David: Mechanics of the cell.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xiv+406 s.
38 911B 7
TUSZYNSKI, Jack A. - DIXON, John M.: Biomedical applications of introductory physics.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - ix+358 s.
39 108C 1.2
Chemical dynamics in extreme environments / ed. Rainer A. Dressler.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xii+617 s.
(Advanced series in physical chemistry : Vol. 11)
39 170C 3.5
HANSEN, Charles M.: Solubility parameters : a user's handbook.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - 208 s.
39 034E 3.4
HOROWITZ, Paul - HILL, Winfield: The art of electronics. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989. - xxiii+1125 s.
39 048F 1.1
Kelvin's Baltimore lectures and modern theoretical physics : historical and philosophical perspectives / eds. Robert Kargon, Peter Achinstein.
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 1987. - x+547 s.
(Studies from the Johns Hopkins Center for the History and Philosophy of Science)
38 894NYE, Mary Jo: Before big science : the pursuit of modern chemistry and physics 1800-1940.
Cambridge : Harvard Univeristy Press, 1999. - xviii+282 s.
38 900RUELLE, David: Chance and chaos.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1991. - vii+195 s.
38 906KEVE, Tom: Triad : the physicists, the analysts, the kabbalists.
London : Rosenberger & Krausz, 2000. - ix+362 s.
38 968The Cambridge companion to Newton / eds. I. Bernard Cohen, George E. Smith.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xiv+500 s.
38 995HAWKING, Stephen: Vesmír v kostce [Orig: The Universe in a nutshell]/ přeložil Martin Žofka.
Praha : Argo, 2002. - viii+216 s.
39 087HAWKING, Stephen W.: The Universe in a nutshell.
New York : Bantam Books, 2001. - viii+216 s.
39 097PEAT, F. David: Infinite potential : the life and times of David Bohm.
Reading, Mass. : Helix Books, Addison-Wesley, 1997. - vii+357 s.
39 102ENZ, Charles P.: No time to be brief : a scientific biography of Wolfgang Pauli.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - viii+573 s.
39 115JACOB, Maurice: In the wings of physics.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1995. - xviii+141 s.
39 117KAMPEN, Nico G. van: Views of physicist : selected papers of N. G. van Kampen / ed. Paul H. Meijer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - x+290 s.
39 120F 1.2
FARADAY, Michael: Experimental researches in chemistry and physics / With a foreword by J. M. Thomas.
London : Taylor & Francis, 1991. - x+496 s.+ příl.
39 073WIGNER, Eugene P.: The collected works of Eugene Paul Wigner. Part A : The Scientific papers. Vol. 3. Part 1 : Particles and fields annotated by Arthur Wightman. Part 2 : Foundations of quantum mechanics annotated by Abner Shimony / ed. Arthur S. Wightman.
Berlin : Springer, 1997. - xi+576 s.
39 142F 1.3
FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 3 / [přeložili] Marek Jodas, Ivan Štoll.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2002. - 435 s.
38 987GREINER, Walter - SCHRAMM, Stefan - STEIN, Eckart: Quantum chromodynamics / With a foreword by D. A. Bromley. - 2nd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xvi+551 s.
39 052FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 1.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2000. - 732 s.
39 175FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 2.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2002. - 806 s.
39 176FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 3.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2002. - 435 s.
39 177F 1.4
KLUIBER, Zdeněk: Fyzika před námi.
Praha : ARSCI, 2001. - 131 s.
(FYGYZ : Sv. 1)
38 908Handbook of physics / eds. Walter Benenson et al..
New York : Springer, 2002. - xxv+1181 s.
39 040F 1.5
MELOUN, Milan - MILITKÝ, Jiří: Kompendium statistického zpracování dat : metody a řešené úlohy včetně CD.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 764 s. + CD
39 045F 1.8
BARROW, John D.: The book of nothing : vacuums, voids, and the latest ideas about the origins of the Universe.
New York : Vintage Books, 2001. - xv+361 s.
39 065F 2.1
GOTT, J. Richard: Cestování časem v Einsteinově vesmíru : fyzikální možnosti cestování časem [Orig: Time travel in Einstein's Universe] / přeložil Martin Žofka.
Praha : Argo, Dokořán, 2002. - 263 s.
39 086Gravitation : following the Prague inspiration : a volume in celebration of the 60th birthday of Jiří Bičák / eds. Oldřich Semerák, J. Podolský, M. Žofka.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2002. - xxi+323 s.
39 119LANDAU, Lev D. - RUMER, Jurij B.: Co to je teorie relativity [Orig: Čto takoje těorija otnositělnosti] / přeložil Petr Glogar. - 2. vyd.
Praha : Albatros, 1972. - 79 s.
39 171F 2.2
GOLDSTEIN, Herbert - POOLE, Charles - SAFKO, John: Classical mechanics. - 3rd ed.
San Francisco : Addison Wesley, 2002. - xviii+638 s.
38 948ANDRLE, Pavel: Základy nebeské mechaniky.
Praha : Academia, 1971. - 305 s.
39 084GREINER, Walter: Classical mechanics : systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics [Orig: Mechanik : Teil 2] / foreword by D. Allan Bromley.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xx+542 s.
(Classical theoretical physics)
39 136F 2.3
JACKSON, John David: Classical electrodynamics. - 3rd ed.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1999. - xxi+808 s.
38 891F 2.4
ALBERT, David Z.: Quantum mechanics and experience.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1994. - x+206 s.
38 897POPPER, Karl R.: Quantum theory and the schism in physics.
London : Routledge, 2000. - xviii+229 s.
39 066F 2.4.2
D'ESPAGNAT, Bernard: Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics. - 2nd ed.
Reading, Mass. : Perseus Books, 1999. - xlv+301 s.
(Advanced book classics)
39 153F 2.4.4
DITTRICH, Walter - REUTER, Martin: Classical and quantum dynamics : from classical paths to path integrals. - 3rd. ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - x+385 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
39 138GREINER, Walter: Quantum mechanics : an introduction [Orig: Theoretische Physik. Bd 4 : Quantenmechanik Teil 1, Eine Einführung] / with a foreward by D. A. Bromley. - 4th ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xxi+485 s.
(Theoretical physics : Vol. 1)
39 139SCHWABL, Franz: Advanced quantum mechanics [Orig: Quantenmechanik für Fortgeschrittene].
Berlin : Springer, 1999. - xv+405 s.
39 141F 2.5
MA, Shang-Keng: Statistical mechanics.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1993. - xxv+548 s.
38 883RAMMER, Jorgen: Quantum transport theory.
Reading, Mass. : Perseus Books, 1998. - xvii+510 s.
(Frontiers in physics : Vol. 99)
38 949MARTIN, Philippe A. - ROTHEN, Francois: Many-body problems and quantum field theory : an introduction.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xiii+441 s.
(Texts and monographs in physics)
38 957TANAKA, Tomoyasu: Methods of statistical physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xv+293 s.
38 964PAPON, P. - LEBLOND, J. - MEIJER, P.H.E.: The physics of phase transitions : concepts and applications.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xvii+397 s.
39 041Field theories in condensed matter physics / ed. Sumathi Rao.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2002. - xiv+408 s.
(Series in condensed matter physics)
39 050BUNDE, Armin - KROPP, Jürgen - SCHELLNHUBER, Hans J.: The science of disasters : climate disruptions, heart attacks, and market crashes.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xx+453 s.
39 051ZINN-JUSTIN, Jean: Quantum field theory and critical phenomena. - 4th ed.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2002. - xx+1054 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 113)
39 054REIF, Federick: Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics.
Auckland : McGraw-Hill, 1985. - x+651 s.
(McGraw-Hill series in fundamentals of physics : an undergraduate textbook program)
39 064HUANG, Kerson: Introduction to statistical physics.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2001. - xiv+288 s.
39 072KADANOFF, Leo P.: Statistical physics : statics, dynamics and renormalization.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - xiii+483 s.
39 114Economics with heterogeneous interacting agents / eds. Alan Kirman, Jean B. Zimmermann.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - ix+343 s.
(Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : Vol. 503)
39 118WEISS, Ulrich: Quantum dissipative systems. - 2nd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - xvi+448 s.
(Series in modern condensed matter physics : Vol. 10)
39 121BAIERLEIN, Ralph: Thermal physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xiii+442 s.
39 122TSANG, Tung: Statistical mechnaics.
Princeton : Rinton Press, 2002. - x+390 s.
39 1562.5.2
LANDAU, David P. - BINDER, Kurt: A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xiii+384 s.
39 133TANAKA, Tomoyasu: Methods of statistical physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xv+293 s.
39 135F 2.5.3
FRADKIN, Eduardo: Field theories of condensed matter systems.
Boulder, Co. : Westview Press, 1991. - xvi+350 s.
(Frontiers in physics : Vol. 82)
39 154F 2.5.4
PETHICK, Christopher J. - SMITH, Henrik: Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xii+402 s.
39 134F 3.1
Algebraic methods in physics : a symposium for the 60th birthdays of Jiří Patera and Pavel Winternitz / eds. Yvan Saint-Aubin, Luc Vinet.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xix+259 s.
(CRM series in mathematical physics)
38 958GRIBOV, Vladimir N. - NYIRI, Julia: Quantum electrodynamics : Gribov lectures on theoretical physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. -
(Cambridge monographs on particle physics, nuclear physics, and cosmology : Vol. 13)
38 965CAO, Tian Yu: Conceptual developments of 20th century field theories.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xx+434 s.
38 967Elastic and diffractive scattering / eds. V. Kundrát, P. Závada.
Prague : Institute of Physics AS CR, 2002. - xiv+399 s.+obr. příl.
38 969Proceedings of the Lund international conference on elementary particles [5. roč.] / ed. G. von Dardel.
Lund : Berlingska Boktryckeriet, 1969. - 452 s.
38 974European conference on particle physics : proceedings. Vol. 1 [9. roč.]. / eds. L. Jenik, I. Montvay.
Budapest : Central Research Institute for Physics, [1977]. - 678 s.
38 975European conference on particle physics : proceedings. Vol. 2 [9. roč.]. / eds. L. Jenik, I. Montvay.
Budapest : Central Research Institute for Physics, [1977]. - s. 681-1332
38 976International conference on high-energy physics : proceedings. Vol. 1 : sessions 1 to 3 [10. roč.].
Geneva : CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), 1979. - x+470 s.
38 977International conference on high-energy physics : proceedings. Vol. 2 : session 4 to 8 [10. roč.].
Geneva : CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Reseach), 1979. - v+ s. 473-990
38 978Proceedings of the 22nd intenational conference on high energy physics. Vol. 1 / eds. A. Meyer, E. Wieczorek.
[Berlin] : Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, 1984. - 381 s.
38 979Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on high energy physics. Vol. 2 / eds. A. Meyer, E. Wieczorek.
[Berlin] : Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, 1984. - 376 s.
38 980Proceedings of the 24th international conference on high energy physics / eds. R. Kotthaus, J. H. Kühn.
Berlin : Springer, 1989. - xx+1615 s.
38 981MAKEENKO, Yuri: Methods of contemporary gauge theory.
Cambridge : Cambridge Unversity Press, 2002. - xii+417 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
39 043CLOSE, Frank - MARTEN, Michael - SUTTON, Christine: The particle odyssey : a journey to the heart of the matter.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - vii+240 s.
39 059AKHIEZER, A. I. - PELETMINSKY, S. V.: Fields and fundamental interactions.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - ix+575 s.
39 070PESKIN, Michael E. - SCHROEDER, Daniel V.: An introduction to quantum field theory.
Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 1995. - xxii+842 s.
([Frontiers in physics; Vol. 94])
39 106SMIT, Jan: Introduction to quantum field on a lattice : "a robust mate".
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xii+271 s.
39 107FRANCESCO, Philippe Di - MATHIEU, Pierre - SÉNÉCHAL, David: Conformal field theory.
New York : Springer, 1996. - xxi+890 s.
(Graduate texts in contemporary physics)
39 143GREINER, Walter - MÜLLER, Berndt: Gauge theory of weak interactions [Orig: Eichtheorie der schwachen Wechselwirkung] / with foreword by D. A. Bromley. - 3rd rev. ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xvi+402 s.
39 145QUIGG, Chris: Gauge theories of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions.
Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1997. - xv+334 s.
(Advanced Book Program)
39 155F 3.3
WILSON, Edmund J. N.: An introduction to particle accelerators.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xiv+252 s.
39 060LUTZ, Gerhard: Semiconductor radiation detectors : device physics.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+353 s.
39 096F 4.2
MILLS, D. L.: Nonlinear optics : basic concepts
Berlin : Springer, 1998. - xi+263 s.
39 151F 4.4
LOUDON, Rodney: The quantum theory of light. - 3rd ed.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. - ix+438 s.
39 166F 5.2
DIVER, Declan A.: A plasma formulary for physics, technology and astrophysics.
Berlin : Wiley-VCH, 2001. - xvi+204 s.
38 912CHEN, Francis F.: Úvod do fyziky plazmatu [Orig: Introduction to plasma physics] / přeložil Karel Rohlena.
Praha : Academia, 1984. - 328 s.
39 085F 5.3
Best practice guidelines / eds. Michael Casey, Torsten Wintergerste. - Version 1.0
B.m. : European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2000. - 94 s.
39 127The handbook of fluid dynamics / ed. Richard W. Johnson.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1998. - přeruš. str.
39 109POPE, Stephen B.: Turbulent flows.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xxxiv+771 s.
39 157F 6.1
BORCHARDT-OTT, Walter: Kristallographie : eine Einführung für Naturwissenschaftler. - 5.,vol. überarb. und erw. Aufl.
Berlin : Springer, 1997. - xvi+347 s.
38 884SCHWARZENBACH, Dieter: Crystallography.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1996. - ix+241 s.
38 885International tables for crystallography. Brief teaching edition of Vol. A. Space-group symmetry / ed. Theo Hahn. - 5th revised ed.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - vii+164 s.
38 996OSWALD, Patrick - PIERANSKI, Pawel: Les cristaux liquides : concepts et propriétés physiques illustrés par des expériences. Tome 1.
Paris : Gordon and Breach, 2000. - xvii+522 s.
39 062OSWALD, Patrick - PIERANSKI, Pawel: Les cristaux liquides : concepts et propriétés physiques illustrés par des expériences. Tome 2.
Paris : Gordon and Breach, 2002. - xiii+686 s.
39 063COLLINGS, Peter J. - HIRD, Michael: Introduction to liquid crystals : chemistry and physics.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2001. - xi+298 s.
(The liquid crystal book series)
39 074F 6.1.2
KLEMAN, Maurice - LAVRENTOVICH, Oleg D.: Soft matter physics : an introduction / foreword by J. Friedel.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xxv+637 s.
(Partially ordered systems)
39 137F 6.1.3
Fullerenes. Vol. 12. The exciting world of nanocages and nanotubes / eds. Prashant V. Kamat, Dirk Guldi, Karl M. Kadish.
Pennington : The Electrochemical Society, 2002. - xvi+837 s.
39 113F 6.2
Mesoscopic dynamics of fracture : computational materials design / eds. Hiroshi Kitagawa, Inoue Aihara, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe.
Berlin : Springer, 1998. - ix+253 s.
(Advances in materials research : Vol. 1)
39 149F 6.3
SAINDRENAN, Guy - GALL, René Le - CHRISTIEN, Frédéric: Endommagement interfacial des métaux : ségrégation interfaciale et conséquences.
Paris : Ellipses Édition Marketing S. A., 2002. - 254 s.
39 022PITTERI, Mario - ZANZOTTO, G.: Continuum models for phase transitions and twinning in crystals.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2002. - 385 s.
(Applied mathematics : Vol. 19)
39 033SEDLÁČEK, Vladimír: Zotavení a rekrystalizace.
Praha : Academia, 1985. - 280 s.+20 s. příl.
39 083Phase diagrams of binary actinide alloys / eds. M. E. Kassner, D. E. Peterson.
Materials Park, OH : ASM International, 1995. - xiv+489 s.
(Monograph series on alloy phase diagrams : Vol. 11)
39 077F 6.4
SKOČOVSKÝ, Petr: Náuka o materiáli pre odbory strojnícke.
Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2001. - 379 s.
38 973Nanoparticles and nanostructured films : preparation, characterization and applications / ed. Janos H. Fendler.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 1998. - xx+468 s.
39 046Characterization of nanophase materials / ed. Zhong L. Wang.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2001. - xvii+406 s.
39 047F 7.1
MAHAN, Gerald D.: Many-particle physics. - 2nd ed.
New York : Plenum Press, 1990. - xiv+1032 s.
(Physics of solids and liquids)
38 892Strong Coulomb correlations in electronic structure calculations : beyond the local density approximation / ed. Vladimir I. Anisimov.
Australia : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2000. - xiv+317 s.
(Advances in condensed matter science : Vol. 1)
38 956TAYLOR, Philip L. - HEINONEN, Olle: A quantum approach to condensed matter physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - x+414 s.
38 963NEMOSHKALENKO, V. V. - ANTONOV, V. N.: Computational methods in solid state physics.
Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1998. - x+254 s.
39 029DRAGOMAN, Daniela - DRAGOMAN, Mircea: Optical characterization of solids.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xv+451 s.
39 039PHILLIPS, Philip: Advanced solid state physics.
Boulder, CO : Westview Press, 2003. - xiii+386 s.
39 044SINGLETON, John: Band theory and electronic properties of solids.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xvi+222 s.
(Oxford master series in condensed matter physics)
39 055FOX, Mark: Optical properties of solids.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xii+305 s.
(Oxford master series in condensed matter physics)
39 056BLUNDELL, Stephen: Magnetism in condensed matter.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xii+238 s.
(Oxford master series in condensed matter physics)
39 057JONES, Richard A. L.: Soft condensed matter.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - x+195 s.
(Oxford master series in condensed matter physics)
39 058ROGALSKI, Mircea S. - PALMER, Stuart B.: Solid state physics.
Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach, 2000. - x+467 s.
39 071GRÜNER, George: Density waves in solids.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Publishing, 1994. - xxi+259 s.
(Frontiers in physics : Vol. 89)
39 104LÉVY, Laurent-Patrick: Magnetism and superconductivity [Orig: Magnétisme et supraconductivité].
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xii+467 s.
(Text and monographs in physics)
39 150GONIS, A.: Theoretical materials science : tracing the electronic origins of materials behavior.
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2000. - xiv+1025 s.
39 078F 7.4
TINKHAM, Michael: Introduction to superconductivity. - 2nd ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996. - xxi+454 s.
(International series in pure and applied physics)
39 030MINEEV, V. P. - SAMOKHIN, K. V.: Introduction to unconventional superconductivity [Orig: Vvedenije v teoriju neobyčnoj sverchprovodimosti].
Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach, 1999. - viii+191 s.
39 067F 7.7
MNYUKH, Yuri: Fundamentals of solid-state phase transitions, ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity.
B.m. : 1st Books Library, 2001. - xlix+324 s.
38 959WADHAWAN, Vinod K.: Introduction to ferroic materials.
Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach, 2000. - xxiv+740 s.
39 068UCHINO, Kenji: Piezoelectric actuators and ultrasonic motors.
Boston : Kluwer, 1997. - viii+349 s.
(Electronic materials : science and technology)
39 159Low dielectric constant materials for IC applications / eds. Paul S. Ho, Jihperng Leu, Wei W. Lee.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xix+309 s.
(Springer series in advanced microelectronics : Vol. 9)
39 160Piezoelectric materials in devices : extended reviews on current and emerging piezoelectric materials, technology, and applications / ed. Nava Setter.
Lausanne : N. Setter, 2002. - 518 s.
39 161F 7.9
HOLMES-SIEDLE, Andrew G. - ADAMS, Len: Handbook of radiation effects. - 2nd ed.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xxv+614 s.
39 165F 8.1
X-ray micro- and nano-focusing: applications and techniques II / ed. Ian McNulty.
Bellingham, WA : SPIE, 2001. - vii+144 s.
(SPIE proceedings series : Vol. 4499)
38 705X-ray mirrors, crystals, and multilayers / eds. Andreas K. Freund, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Ali M. Khounsary.
Bellingham, WA : SPIE, 2001. - x+204 s.
(SPIE proceedings series : Vol. 4501)
38 707Optics for four-generation X-ray sources / eds. Roman O. Tatchyn, Andreas K. Freund, Tadashi Matsushita.
Bellingham : SPIE, 2001. - vii+196 s.
(SPIE proceedings series : Vol. 4500)
38 706F 8.2
Ultraviolet spectroscopy and UV lasers / eds. Prabhakar Misra, Mark A. Dubinskii.
New York : Marcel Dekker, 2002. - xv+569 s.
38 972DEMTRÖDER, Wolfgang: Laser spectroscopy : basic concepts and instrumentation. - 3rd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xx+987 s.
39 147THORNE, Anne - LITZÉN, Ulf - JOHANSSON, Sveneric: Spectrophysics : principles and applications.
Berlin : Springer, 1999. - xiv+433 s.
39 164F 9.1
CHAISSON, Eric J.: Cosmic evolution : the rise of complexity in nature.
Cambridge : Harvard Univerity Press, 2001. - xii+274 s.
38 896NARLIKAR, Jayant V.: An introduction to cosmology. - 3rd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xvii+541 s.
38 961REES, Martin: New perspectives in astrophysical cosmology. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - viii+158 s.
38 962KLECZEK, Josip: Velká encyklopedie vesmíru.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 582 s.
38 988SCHLICKEISER, Reinhard: Cosmic ray astrophysics.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xv+519 s.
(Astronomy and astrophysics library)
39 020RICH, James: Fundamentals of cosmology.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+302 s.
39 019LIDDLE, Andrew R. - LYTH, David H.: Cosmological inflation and large-scale structure.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiii+400 s.
39 023REES, Martin J.: Our cosmic habitat.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001. - xvii+205 s.
39 098KRAUSS, Lawrence: Quintessence : the mystery of missing mass in the Universe.
New York : Basic Books, 2000. - xiii+356 s.
39 105REES, Martin: Náš neobyčejný vesmír [Orig: Our cosmic habitat] / přeložil Aleš Drobek.
Praha : Dokořán, 2002. - 199 s.
39 110ČEMAN, Róbert - PITTICH, Eduard: Vesmír. Díl 1. Sluneční soustava.
Bratislava : MAPA Slovakia, 2002. - 383 s.
39 111M 1.1
DUMMETT, Michael A. E.: Frege : philosophy of mathematics.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1991. - xiii+331 s.
38 895JONES, Gareth A. - JONES, J. Mary: Elementary number theory.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xiv+301 s.
(Springer undergraduate mathematics series)
39 018WOLFRAM, Stephen: A new kind of science.
Champaign, IL : Wolfram Media, 2002. - xiv+1197 s.
39 035BARABÁSI, Albert-László: Linked : the new science of networks.
Cambridge, MA : Perseus Publishing, 2002. - 280 s.
39 036M 1.5
FRANKEL, Theodore: The geometry of physics : an introduction. - Revised ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xxiv+666 s.
38 966VOPĚNKA, Petr: Meditace o základech vědy.
Praha : Práh, 2001. - 202 s.
39 017M 1.6
SCHWARZ, Albert S.: Topology for physicists.
Berlin : Springer, 1996. - xi+296 s.
(Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften : Bd. 308)
39 144M 2.0
ARFKEN, George B. - WEBER, Hans J.: Mathematical methods for physicists. - 5th ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xiv+1112 s.
38 970RILEY, Ken F. - HOBSON, Michael P. - BENCE, Stephen J.: Mathematical methods for physics and engineering : a comprehensive guide. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xxiii+1232 s.
39 042KRAINOV, Vladimir P.: Selected mathematical methods in theoretical physics.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - x+199 s.
39 069M 3.2
COLES, Stuart: An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values.
London : Springer, 2001. - xiv+208 s.
(Springer series in statistics)
39 116SIVIA, D. S.: Data Analysis : a Bayesian tutorial.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2002. - xi+189 s.
39 126M 4.2
Bonn : MITP Verlag, 2002. - 608 s.
38 994KNUTH, Donald E.: The art of computer programming. Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms. - 3rd ed.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 1997. - xix+650 s.
39 079KNUTH, Donald E.: The art of computer programming. Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms. - 3rd ed.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 1998. - xiii+762 s.
39 080KNUTH, Donald E.: The art of computer programming. Vol. 3. Sorting and searching. - 2nd ed.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 1998. - xiii+780 s.
39 081CHEEK, Matthew: Tru64 UNIX system administrators's guide.
Boston : Digital Press, 2002. - xiii+470 s.
39 089HANCOCK, Steven M.: Tru64 UNIX file system : administration handbook.
Boston : Digital Press, 2000. - xxvii+533 s.
39 088STROUSTRUP, Bjarne: The C++ programming language. - 3rd. ed.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 1997. - x+1020 s.
39 152GRAY, John W.: Mastering Mathematica : programming methods and applications. - 2nd ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 1997. - xx+629 s.+CD
39 132HARMAN, Thomas L. - DABNEY, James B. - RICHERT, Norman J.: Advanced engineering mathematics with MATLAB. - 2nd ed.
Pacific Grove, CA : Brooks/Cole, 2000. - xxxiv+750 s.
39 131M 5.4
RÉNYI, Alfred: Dialogy o matematice [Orig: Dialógusok a matematikárol, Levelek a valószínüségröl] / přeložil Jan Králík.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 1980. - 201s.
39 082PE
Integrable hierarchies and modern physical theories / eds. Henrik Aratyn, Alexander S. Sorin.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - x+435 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 18)
38 886Vibronic interactions: Jahn-Teller effect in crysrals and molecules / eds. Michael D. Kaplan, George O. Zimmerman.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xii+386 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 39)
38 887Magnetic storage systems beyond 2000 / ed. George C. Hadjipanayis.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xii+613 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 41)
38 888Cosmic radiations: from astronomy to particle physics / eds. Giorgio Giacomelli, Maurizio Spurio, Jamal E. Derkaoui.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xi+354 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry)
38 889An introduction to the geometry and topology of fluid flows / ed. Renzo L. Ricca.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - ix+347 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 47)
38 890Phase transitions in the early universe : theory and observations / eds. Héctor J. de Vega, Isaak M. Khalatnikov, Norma G. Sanchez.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Press, 2001. - xiii+593 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 40)
38 903Astrophysical sources of high energy particles and radiation / eds. Maurice M. Shapiro, Todor Stanev, John P. Wefel.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Press, 2001. - xi+379 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 44)
38 904Electrostatic effects in soft matter and biophysics / eds. Christian Holm, Patric Kékicheff, Rudolf Podgornik.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Press, 2001. - xvi+509 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 46)
38 905Annual review of materials science. Vol. 29 / ed. Elton N. Kaufmann et al.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1999. - xii+613+C14 s.
(Annual review of materials science : Vol. 29)
38 918Annual review of materials science. Vol. 30 / ed. Elton N. Kaufmann et al.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2000. - xv+739 s.
(Annual review of materials science : Vol. 30)
38 919Annual review of materials science. Vol. 31 / ed. Samuel I. Stupp et al.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2001. - xiii+428 s.
(Annual review of material science : Vol. 31)
38 920Annual review of nuclear and partical science. Vol. 50 / eds. Chris Quigg, Vira Lüth, Peter Paul.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2000. - xxxvii+762 s.
(Annual review of nuclear and partical science : Vol. 50)
38 921Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Vol. 51 / eds. Chris Quigg, Vera Lüth, Peter Paul.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2001. - ix+501 s.
(Annual review of nuclear and particle science : Vol. 51)
38 922Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 50 / eds. Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, Stephen R. Leone.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1999. - x+650 s.
38 923Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 51 / eds. Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, Stephen R. Leone.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2000. - x+868 s.
38 924Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 52 / eds. Stephen R. Leone, Paul Alivisatos, Ann E. McDermott.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2001. - xii+941 s.
38 925Recent advances in metrology and fundamental constants / eds. T. J. Quinn, S. Leschiutta, P. Tavella.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2001. - xxii+827 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 146)
38 950Defects in liquid crystals : computer simulations, theory and experiments / ed. Oleg D. Lavrentovich et al.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers. - xv+344 s.
(NATO science series. Serie II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 43)
38 951Nonlinearity and disorder : theory and applications / eds. Fatkhulla Abdullaev, Ole Bang, Mads Peter Sorensen.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xxviii+445 s.
(NATO science series. Serie II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 45)
38 952Electron-photon interaction in dense media / ed. Helmut Wiedemann.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - ix+405 s.
(NATO science series. Serie II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 49)
38 953Vortices in unconventional superconductors and superfluids / eds. R. P. Huebener, N. Schopohl, G. E. Volovik.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xvii+359 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 132)
38 954YOSHIOKA, Daijiro: The quantum Hall effect.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xii+207 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 133)
38 955Fundamental physics of ferroelectrics 2001 / ed. Henry Krakauer.
New York : American Institute of Physics, 2001. - vii+240 s.
(AIP conference proceedings : Vol. 582)
38 971Kondo effect and dephasing in low-dimensional metallic systems / eds. Venkat Chandrasakhar, Chris Van Haesendonck, Alfred .
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2001. - xxii+265 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 50)
38 989Chemical physics of thin film deposition processes for micro- and nano- technologies / ed. Yves Pauleau.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xiii+363 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 55)
38 990Molecular low dimensional and nanostructured materials for advanced applications / eds. A. Graja, B. R. Buˆka, F. Kajzar.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - x+342 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 59)
38 991Advances in the interplay between quantum and gravity physics / eds. Peter G. Bergmann, Venzo de Sabbata.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - viii+554 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 60)
38 992New trends in intercalation compounds for energy storage / eds. C. Julien, J. P. Pereira-Ramos, A. Momchilov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xiii+654 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 61)
38 993New trends in superconductivity / eds. James F. Annett, Sergei Kruchinin.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - xx+435 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 67)
39 024Atomic aspects of epitaxial growth / eds. Miroslav Kotrla et al..
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - xii+604 s.
(NATO ASI series: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 65)
39 025Non-locality and modality / eds. Tomasz Placek, Jeremy Butterfield.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - x+352 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 64)
39 026Strength from weakness : structural consequences of weak interactions in molecules, supermolecules, and crystals / eds. Aldo Domenicano, István Hargittai.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - xiv+417 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 68)
39 027Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 53 / eds. Stephen R. Leone, Paul Alivisatos, Ann E. McDermott.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2002. - x+633 s.
39 028Progress in transmission electron microscopy. Vol. 1. Concepts and techniques / eds. Xiao-Feng Zhang, Ze Zhang.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xvi+365 s.
(Springer series in surface science : Vol. 38)
39 031Progress in transmission electron microscopy. Vol. 2. Applications in materials science / eds. Xiao-Feng Zhang, Ze Zhang.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xiv+307 s.
(Springer series in surface science : Vol. 39)
39 032Atomic clusters and nanoparticles [Orig: Agrégats atomiques et nanoparticules] / eds. C. Guet, P. Hobza, F. Spiegelman, F. David.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xxxv+584 s.
(École d'été de physique théorique : Vol. 73)
39 037New trends in turbulence [Orig: Turbulence: nouveaux aspects] / eds. M. Lesieur, A. Yaglom, F. David.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xxxvii+554 s.
(École d'été de physique théorique : Vol. 74)
39 038Heavy flavour physics : theory and experimental results in heavy quark physics and CP violations / eds. C. Davies, S. M. Playfer.
Bristol : SUSSP Publications/Institute of Physics Publishing, 2002. - xi+303 s.
(SUSSP proceedings : Vol. 55)
39 049Frontiers of multifunctional nanosystems / eds. Eugenia Buzaneva, Peter Scharff.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - xi+485 s.
(NATO science series. Serie II : mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 57)
39 061Hydrogen materials science and chemistry of metal hydrides / ed. Michael D. Hampton et al.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xi+483 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 71)
39 090Strongly correlated fermions and bosons in low-dimensional disordered systems / ed. Igor V. Lerner et al.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - x+398 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II : mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 72)
39 091Statistical field theories / eds. Andrea Cappelli, Giuseppe Mussardo.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - x+351 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II : mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 73)
39 092Asymptotic combinatorics with application to mathematical physics / eds. Vadim Malyshev, Anatoly Vershik.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xv+327 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II : mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 77)
39 093Hvězdářská ročenka 2003. Ročník 79 / red. Pavel Příhoda a kol.
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy, Astronomický ústav AV ČR, 2002. - 251 s.
39 112Optical properties of nanostructured random media / ed. Vladimir M. Shalaev.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xiv+450 s.
(Topics in applied physics : Vol. 82)
39 123Spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures I / eds. Burkard Hillebrands, Kamel Ounadjela.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xvi+336 s.
(Topics in applied physics : Vol. 83)
39 124Physics of neutron star interiors / eds. David Blaschke, Norman K. Glendenning, Armen Sedrakian.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+509 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 578)
39 125Confinement, topology and other non-perturbative aspects of QCD / eds. Jeff Greensite, Štefan Olejník.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - vii+326 s.
(NATO ASI series. Serie II : mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 83)
39 128SIRDESHMUKH, Dinker B. - SIRDESHMUKH, L. - SUBHADRA, K. G.: Alkali halides : a handbook of physical properties.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xix+284 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 49)
39 129GREENBERG, Jacob H.: Thermodynamics basis of crystal growth : P-T-X phase equilibrium and non-stoichiometry.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - viii+249 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 44)
39 130Time in quantum mechanics / eds. J. G. Muga, R. Sala Mayato, I. L. Egusquiza.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xii+419 s.
(Lecture notes in physics: monographs : Vol. m 72)
39 140HUEBENER, Rudolf P.: Magnetic flux structures in superconductors : extended reprint of a classic text. - 2nd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xiv+311 s.
(Springer series in solid state sciences : Vol. 6)
39 148STAHL, Achim: Physics with tau leptons.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - viii+316 s.
(Springer tracts in modern pyhsics : Vol. 160)
39 146MOHN, Peter: Magnetism in the solid state : an introduction.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xi+215 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 134)
39 162DAGOTTO, Elbio: Nanoscale phase separation and colossal magnetoresistance : the physics of manganites and related compounds / with contributions by G. Alvarez et al.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xviii+456 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 136)
39 163Čtrnáctá konference českých a slovenských fyziků : sborník příspěvků. Díl 1 / red. Pavel Baroch, Milan Kubásek, Štěpán Potocký.
Plzeň : Západočeská universita, 2002. - 328 s.
39 172Čtrnáctá konference českých a slovenských fyziků : sborník příspěvků. Díl 2 / red. Pavel Baroch, Milan Kubásek, Štěpán Potocký.
Plzeň : Západočeská universita, 2002. - 330-685 s.
39 173Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Vol. 49 / eds. Chris Quigg, Vera Lüth, Peter Paul.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1999. - ix+700 s.
(Annual review of nuclear and particle science : Vol. 49)
39 174