» Projects » Grant List » Flow of viscoelastic liquids through fixed and fluidized beds of particles

Flow of viscoelastic liquids through fixed and fluidized beds of particles

  • Identification: GA104/03/0544 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 2003 - 2005
  • Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Ivan Machač CSc. (Faculty of Chemical Technology, University Pardubice)
  • Co-investigator: Doc. RNDr. Petr Štern CSc.

Subject of research

The effects will be investigated of rheological properties of viscoelastic liquids, and hydrodynamic and geometrical characteristics of the system on the flow through fixed and fluidized beds of solid particles. On the basis of measurements of thepressure drop of rheologically well defined model fluids of different measure of pseudoplasticity and elasticity in the flow through beds of spherical and non-spherical particles, the limiting value of Deborah number, at which the excess of pressure dropbecomes to be evident, will be determined. Suitable ways for the expression of the liquid characteristic time and the Deborah function, determining the relative increase of the pressure drop, will also be searched out. From the form of expansion curvesand video records of fluidization of corresponding systems particle-liquid, the influence will be evaluated of rheological properties of the liquid on the bed structure. Criteria for the determination of the measure of bed inhomogeneities will be found

Research Goal

The influence of the rheological behaviour of viscoelastic liquids on the flow in fixed and fluidized beds has been studied. An extensive set of experimental data for evaluation of the influence of the liquid rheology and the bed geometry on the basic ch