Mathematical Logic and Applications

A PhD position in Prague can funded via a EU network "Mathematical Logic and Applications (MALOA)".

Below is some information - it is preliminary at this stage because while the network funding has been approved the corresponding bureaucracy is not completed and before that is done the position cannot be officially advertised.

All official information on MALOA is and will be in future available at its web page.
At this moment there is also a brief information about the network available at Dugald Macpherson's web page.

Charles University in Prague is one of several universities taking part in the network. The participating professors in Prague are besides myself also Petr Hajek, Tomas Jech, Antonin Kucera, Pavel Pudlak, Petr Stepanek, Vitezslav Svejdar, Jan Trlifaj and Jindrich Zapletal.

The potential PhD student has to be admitted for the PhD study by the Charles University. See for details of the admission procedure.
In particular, Charles University has April 30, 2009 as its deadline for applications for students wishing to start this Fall. At the time of the application it is important to have a consent from a potential thesis advisor.