A Classification of Generalised State Space Reduction Methods for Linear Multivariable Systems
A. C. Pugh, N.P. Karampetakis and A.I.G. Vardulakis
Two algorithms which reduce a general polynomial matrix model of a linear multivariable system $\Sigma$ to an equivalent model in generalised state space (g.s.s.) form are proposed. The nature of this equivalence is established.
author = {Pugh, A. C. and Karampetakis, N.P. and Vardulakis, A.I.G.},
title = {A Classification of Generalised State Space Reduction Methods for Linear Multivariable Systems},
journal = {Kybernetika},
volume = {31},
year = {1995},
number = {6},
pages = {547-557}
publisher = {{\'U}TIA, AV {\v C}R, Prague },
last update 2009-02-04
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