Overlapping Controllers for Uncertain Delay Continuous-Time Systems
Lubomír Bakule and Josep M. Rossell
Keywords: decentralized control; large-scale complex systems; overlapping decompositions; continuous-time systems; uncertainty; delay; LMI;
AMS: 93A14; 93A15; 93B51; 93B52; 93C41;
author = {Bakule, Lubom\'{\i}r and Rossell, Josep M. },
title = {Overlapping Controllers for Uncertain Delay Continuous-Time Systems},
journal = {Kybernetika},
volume = {44},
year = {2008},
number = {1},
pages = {17-34}
publisher = {{\'U}TIA, AV {\v C}R, Prague },
last update 2009-02-04
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